Challenge #01908-E084: Pearls and Male Chauvinist...steemCreated with Sketch.

in #fiction6 years ago


Reading Sir Terry Prachett's works and having it just passed of as 'light reading' at University. -- Anon Guest

She opened the book to read it and relax while she had her lunch and a coffee. Unfortunately, it was also dudebro o'clock, and a man-child had to come and comment on her material.

"You're reading that? I thought you were intelligent..."

Sue put the book by Sir Pterry down and glared at him. She had never met this man before, didn't know his name, and would be glad to never know that this man-child existed. "Have we met?"

He was still operating off his script. "Nobody reads childish light fiction. Not since the Harry Potter series bombed when that bitch decided to try and cash in on some sequels like the moron that she is. She didn't even write the originals. What was she thinking?"

Wow. She had never heard such a huge pile of horseshit loaded with fishhooks in her life. So she did what he never expected. Agree with him. "Wow. That was so smart. I mean. It's like, too smart? I know when I'm overwhelmed by such radiant intelligence, so a gentleman of your obvious wit should probably converse with his equals. Which I'm clearly not. I mean. You'd obviously be frustrated by me in like, less than a week, so you're just... y'know... better off elsewhere."

The clear and evident sarcasm sailed merrily over his head and he went to chat up one of the baristas.

Another one covertly came over to her table, "How did you get rid of Mr Barnacle so quickly?" she asked. Her name tag said she was Tracy.

Sue smiled. "I'm actually writing a dissertation on how Sir Terry Pratchett's books can prepare a willing mind to think sideways. But... not in as many words. Literary Preparation for Lateral Thinking: an Analysis of Discworld in an Educational Frame is the more... egg-head-y version."

Tracy giggled. "I like it. How would you make sure that people like that," she pointed out Mr Barnacle and an angry soccer-mom type, "act a little nicer?"

"Off the top of my head? A nice little cross-stitch sampler that reads, Nice manners gets a free cookie. And give the option of a free cookie to the friendly customers. Unfriendly ones get a Goofus and Galant tract about whatever they did."

"Those don't exist," said Tracy. "It's a nice daydream, though."

"They do, and I can hook you up. I know some folks on the indie scene who are doing them for other service jobs. They could fit in a Good Customer tract for coffee shops, no prob." Sue showed the website.

Tracy cooed and took a seat, looking and giggling at some of the samples. "I need to know... are you reading that one for fun or analysis?"

"A little of both," Sue showed off the cover to Feet of Clay. "This one's about the dichotomy between desiring leadership and needing freedom. With a side-order of the pressure that results from expectations set too high. And it's framed as a murder mystery."

Mr Barnacle, having struck out at numerous tables, finally got his coffee. "Enjoy your little book club. Ladies." He paused at the door. "I am never financing this establishment again."

All the staff present rolled their eyes as if to say, Please, God, let him mean it this time?

Tracy said, "Okay, I've got to look busy in a minute, but... do you want to go see a movie with me, sometime? Hang out somewhere? Visit a museum, maybe?"

Sue said, "I would take a walk in the park and feeding the squirrels," she smiled. Already planning to give Tracy her number. "I think we could have a lot to talk about."

[Image (c) Can Stock Photo / photocreo]

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