Challenge #01764-D303: The Human EnigmasteemCreated with Sketch.

in #fiction7 years ago


An energy type weapon is designed to subdue the target without killing it : the wounds are small but painful, the beam cauterizes the wound and it's fairly quiet. It's a civilised weapon.
A powder propelled type weapon is designed to kill the target and scare its opponent : the wound can be huge, it bleed a lot, the sound is horrifying. It's a human weapon. -- Anon Guest

The argument against humanity joining Galactic Society went like this: Have you seen their weaponry?

When it came to weapons of mass destruction, the humans were in a perpetual arms race with their mortal enemy - other humans. They got incredibly good at making weaponry that would terrify any sane mind. But humans were not, according to Galactic Standards, sane.

These were a people who would ban a child's sweet because of the toy inside and its inherent dangers, yet continue to leave automatic firearms lying around a home, or in the hands of anyone with an agenda. Who would rather let kindergarteners die en masse than regulate their horrifying guns. And that should have been the end of that. It wasn't.

Humans were unpredictable. One group could be as hostile as the Vorax, whilst another had turned all their weapons into instruments of peace and kindness. Where one group sought to build an empire, another group went into the stars to share everything they had in the spirit of peace and kindness.

The Edge Territories knew about the human ability to pack-bond and what it could mean to a crew. How a human could go to extremes to help their pack. How a human, however strange, could pull a miracle out of their butts and save the day. How even the presence of a human could make the Vorax keep their distance. Humans were useful. Humans were good luck. Humans were fiercely protective when they weren't merely fierce. You just had to get to know them. They were just big softies. Really.

The debate went on for years. The humans should not be trusted because... just look at what they did to their own kind. The humans were beneficial because... just look at what they did for strangers. When they had no motivation to be kind or considerate, they did it anyway. When they had no motivation to be cruel, they could wreak the worst attrocities in known history.

They were hot and cold, but never tepid. They were cool and they were terrifying, and they were occasionally chill, but they were never boring. They had wild ideas and thought things through sensibly, but never the same human at the same time.

But it was a tea lady named Harry who helped a stranger during a crash that paved the way for humans to join the Galactic Alliance. It unlocked the secret. The ones who have the least give the most. The ones with the utmost to lose lay it all down for others. In a disaster, they are reliable. Unless they think they have all the counters, in which case they are not. But, for the most part, humans are willing to accept anyone as one of their pack.

And once you are part of a human's pack, you have their devotion for the remaining days you share. Like it or not.

[Image (c) Can Stock Photo / focalpoint]

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