Challenge #01642-D181: ReformationsteemCreated with Sketch.

in #fiction7 years ago


(To a powerful Mage who, since the moment a cataclysmic war ended, has been attempting reforms of the - dangerous to the very fabric of the universe - way magic is taught and thought about, from some soldiers who were standing guard outside the Council chambers)
[Soldier]:"[Mage]," said one. "What the fuck?"
[Mage]: "I don't have to start another war," they said. "This is a good thing. I can go be happy somewhere else if it bothers you."
[Soldier]: "Uh," said the other.
[Soldier]: "Yes," said the first. "Please."
They left. -- RecklessPrudence

Urtax the Fearsome was talking to herself in the study again. "Schools. Yes. Must have schools. Teach 'em all how to read of course. Best learned early, that skill..." She hummed to herself. "Teach th' teachers how to recognise a blooming mage, of course. Progression. Yes. Can't have people learning death spells before twenty-one... Hum."

Urtax the Fearsome was, of course, the most powerful mage of the kingdom and, for a change, perfectly willing to let Artor the Brave rule instead of becoming the usual magical despot. As so many had before her. What she was doing now, instead of plotting to take over the throne, was plotting to reform magic.

"Harmless stuff for the unskilled, yes," she continued to mutter. "Levitation, transformation. Some helpful potions. Check and see if any have any scrying skills... Thaaat requires... hm! Crystal balls, tea, tarot and I-Ching. Best leave some of that for... uh... sixteen. Yes. Need to have an ego for scrying." Urtax fell to muttering, "Get 'em early," over and over again.

The guards posted outside her study were starting to shift nervously in their posts. They were there on orders from the King. First, to make sure no harm came to the mage, and second, to inform him of the second that it looked like Urtax was going for the the Magical Despot position that they had both so recently cleared. They didn't know what to do about Urtax muttering. Especially since it was muttering about things that could be potentially helpful.

"Ethics, ethics. Yes. Not everyone gets the ethics lessons I did. Hmf. Respect. Yes. Respect other's things. Respect your own things..." Urtax's muttering slowed as she wrote important points down. "Respect your... own... body. Respect... another's body... Respect all life. Yes. Teach 'em young. Get 'em to acknowledge other people as people. And then maybe we can stop murdering people because they bumped into you on the street." Urtax giggled.

Gox broke first. "Mage Urtax... What the fuck?"

"It's better this way. I don't have to start another war," Urtax was grinning at her work. "This is a good thing. Honest. If it bothers you, I can go be happy somewhere else."

Gox and Prass gave each other Looks that said, No, YOU tell her.

Prass finally surrendered and said, "We can't let you do that, Mage Urtax. We're under orders."

Urtax gathered her papers. "Fine. I'll take what I have so far to the King. He can accept, add, or veto as he so chooses. This is still a good idea."

As she started down the stairs, Gox said, "Do mages really kill people for bumping into them?"

"My tutor used to," said Urtax. "I don't. Hopefully, neither will the next generation."

[Image (c) Can Stock Photo / katalinks]

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