Challenge #01479-D018: To Meet Like Minds

in #fiction8 years ago


“Movies were meant to stay on the screen, flat and large and colorful, gathering you up into their sweep of story, carrying you rollicking along to the end, then releasing you back into your unchanged life. But this movie misbehaved. It leaked out of the theater, poured off the screen, affected a lot of people so deeply that they required endless talismans and artifacts to stay connected to it.”
– Carrie Fisher, The Princess Diarist -- RecklessPrudence

Some stories, they say, are timeless. This is why you find people retelling them so very, very often. Some, once done, can never be done again. Something lacks in the retelling. Something is off in the new version. Something... lacks. The original movie of Harvey, for example, had been re-made in colour, but the remake lacked the appeal of the black and white version.

Some, once told, are never told again. See, Arsenic and Old Lace. Please see Arsenic and Old Lace, you may thank me for it later.

And then... there are the stories that are so powerful that they are not only preserved in their original format, but they change lives in the process of the viewing. Something within, some fragile key element never to be altered, warps minds and souls to its favour and changes the living for the rest of their existence.

A little girl sees someone like her in a fictional position of authority and runs to tell her family all about it. She grows up and changes worlds for more little girls like her. A young man afraid to say who he really is finds a mirror in a man who does not, in fact, exist. But he has the strength to live on, and do what he can against the ignorance he faces. A small child in the middle of nowhere sees a universe, and wishes there could be more of it, and understands the message behind the face paint and the glittery costumes. Worlds start to form inside a young mind. And another generation of stories is born.

But stories always come with a 'The End' attached to them. All stories end. And when there are so many who do not wish it to do so, they begin... generating. They expand on the little vision they saw. They extrapolate, they fabricate, they make talismans and keepsakes, and bear little signs that say to others, This is where my heart is. This is who I am, so that others can recognise them.

Because in the vast sea of cogniscents, there is nothing more rewarding than meeting someone who knows where your heart and mind like to holiday.

[Image (c) Can Stock Photo / Paha_L]

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nice post!!

That's a good call on "Arsenic and Old Lace".
I also urge anyone who hasn't seen it to seek it out.
It's well worth watching again and again.
Absolute classic!

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