Challenge #01460-C365: The Slippery Slope

in #fiction8 years ago


Trying to sell a specifically weapons design team as a pro-peaceful exploration move is sort of the zen apex of the art of budgetary committees, no matter how necessary self-defence is out on the frontier for Federation starships. -- RecklessPrudence

"Point of Order," said Admiral Joubert. The rest of the budgetary committee moaned in anticipation. "These so-called science vessels you're proposing look more like warships. The Federation has never stood for this sort of thing."

"It's called being prepared, Joubert," growled Admiral Paredes. "Science involves investigation. Investigation means finding things out there that may shoot first and ask questions later!"

"That doesn't mean we have to be prepared to do the same," snapped Joubert. "We are a peaceful organisation. We should be investing in peace."

"The Borg," said Admiral Ware. "Romulans, Klingons, Cardassians..."

"Oh my," muttered Admiral Paredes. "All these and more are infringing on our territories. The Xindi, The Suliban, The Dominion... we have enemies on all sides."

"That," said Admiral Joubert, "is a certain sign that we should guard our territories and work towards peace with the peoples who have grievances against us. We were once a peacekeeping force. Why must we go out and seek war?"

"Because so many are making war against us."

"That seems to me that we're doing something terribly wrong, right now. If we've offended so many, we need to investigate why. Not build... science vessels with more phasers and torpedoes than analysis equipment or long-range scanners."

"So you agree that these are science vessels," said Admiral Paredes.

"In name only," objected Joubert. "These are Trojan Horses built for no other purpose than more war!"

The rest of the board ignored her. "All in favour of the new, peaceful science exploration vessels?"

Joubert was the only one to vote 'nae'.

[Image © Can Stock Photo / 3000ad Can Stock Photo / 3000ad]

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