Blast From the Past: Challenge #01152-C056: Oh, Francoeur...(1)

in #fiction7 years ago

Francoeur & company, 2 open ended prompts for double story day

  1. Blood
  2. Trombone

Everyone knew that fleas drank blood. The ex-chief Maynott certainly screamed it so often and so loudly that he had been moved to a quiet asylum in the country, and wasn't allowed to go near sharp things any more.

The first time someone cut themselves in Franceour's presence, there was an unearthly hush throughout the room that spread as fast as people realised what was happening.

Every set of eyes in the room oscillated between Raoul and his injury and the motionless giant flea. Except for Francoeur, because he was staring solidly at the wound.

Someone screamed, but quickly fell silent when they realised that nothing worth screaming at had happened.

Raoul, ever unaware of danger, finished muttering, "Augh... look at that..." and then noticed that one of the stars had gone... peculiar. "You okay, big guy?"

And then Francoeur fainted dead away.

Paris learned one important lesson, that night. This flea does not drink blood.


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