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RE: Claw (freewrite)

in #fiction5 years ago

Thank you :) again, some thoughts that were floating around my head, I'm really glad they made such an impression. It means a lot, so thank you for the upvote and resteem.

And yes, it was here, in the sense I probably would've never written as much as I have if it wasn't for the Freewrite House and @mariannewest and all the lovely people in the community.

Yes, it really is high praise, it's a sick story and I don't blame you for running away from it, so the fact you like it despite that really means something. And I'm glad. :)


Truly, it's the highest form of praise, for me to read and admire a story so dark.
Then again, consider "Lolita" - we cannot resist! Or "Silence of the Lambs" - or "Dexter" - or "Breaking Bad" - we do love villains. What am I saying???

That's how I see it :) There's something very compelling about bad guys, about evil. Lolita is one of my favorite books to this day - it's horrible, but it's real and Nabokov just wrote so was impossible not to like it in a way. Did you know Lolita was inspired by a real story, by the way?

I'd be surprised if Lolita hadn't been inspired by a real story. I hope Silence of the Lambs is pure fiction, but it seems all fiction has its origins in a story that happened in real life, somewhere, to somebody... I love the Willa Cather quote,
'There are only two or three human stories, and they go on repeating themselves as fiercely as if they had never happened before.'

Hadn't heard that one, it truly is a great quote. And true as hell, it seems there's always a new way to tell an old story, doesn't it?

I don't know about Silence of the Lambs, though even if that particular story is fake, surely it's inspired by real people, so...

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