are you sick, Husband?

in #fiction6 years ago

I threw my body rough. Maroon dress is still attached to my sweaty body. Really disappointing. The pain is insolent. Very piercing heartburn.

Basic do not know yourself. I hate all the drama of life in this wretched family. Very classy and immoral. The imagery is united. Cihh, stale.

All I love will be destroyed. The cat who became my first friend had to die by the car. Football gift from sister must end because of mother scissors. The hair that I intentionally extend also ends because of my mother's scissors.

Many. Many things I love. But yes, it's all over because of mother. Shoes, teddy bears, miniature doraemon, and many more. If I mention one-on-one, it is not quite a book as thick as wikipedia.

It's up to you to lock me up at home like a bird in a cage. But one bu. Do not take something I love. Please very much.

"Be patient yes dek" he is my sister. I used to call him mas.
"Adek hate all this mas" mas hand stroked my hair.
"Just dear mother"
"That's the name of dear mas? Adek does not ask her to be what she wants. But mas, adek wants you to understand us. Love us like a loving mother. Adek sometimes envy same mother temen adek understanding "

If the robber wants his son not to be a robber then the mother does not. He wants his son to be a robber. And I hate so what do you want. The despicable work among the most abject. All the work would be despicable if we had to. Even if it is a noble job.

Mas tau feels the deck "
"Mas just know. Do not feel the taste. He's a dog mas "
"After all he gave birth to us deck. Without him we will not be in this world "
"Thank God, if we are not born in the world. We do not need to feel the name of suffering "

He once insulted me son of a demon. He does not think what ya? I am a demon child. And she's my mother. Means he is the devil. I'm just his son. What a stupid brain he said he graduated from S2.

I was once insulted by a son of lawlessness. At that time I insulted Indonesian literature that did not allow the word ungodly mother. So I just change the cursed mother bin nauzubillah. Not because a child who opposes his mother is called a son of lawlessness. The child has the right to defend his pride. And the cursed mother should not insult her son ungodly. Even if his son fought back.

Completely my life. Money does not have, dear people do not have, always insulted and humiliated. Only the red stripe that runs along the pavilion is my friend. Also do not forget the skirt skirt * k. I'm not willing to eat the ill-gotten money that my mother gave me. Although it is tempting to use.

"If only God could grant the adek prayer. Adek will ask not to be born mas "

God yes? I forgot the name. I believe in God. I believe in everything related to God. But I hate God, because every prayer that I recite on Sunday in the Church is never once permitted. And from then on I hate pleading with God.

I once prayed to God to take my father. Until now my father did not come home. I pray that mom can be a good mother. In fact the mother gets worse. I pray that mas will not go home in a state of battered. In fact mas go home with more severe circumstances. I pray for you to die. Until now he's just sane.

All I expected was to come up with the opposite. God intends to test me what kills me?
"Are you tired?"
"Very mas. Adek is tired. The peak tonight mas. Adek really wants to leave right now "

My mother is a g * rmo. Or you can call him a pimp. If only this story is the same as the movie that my neighbors often see. Which tells the life of the mop to please his son. Then I would be proud to say she was my mother.
Too bad. My story is very different. Here. Exactly tonight. He was willing to sell his son's just for a moneybag. She was a very uneducated barbarian mother. Back something I love aka keper * wanan snatched because of mother.

"Let's go. If we stay here. Mas sure, there will be police bring mas to prison "
"Mas kills the man"

Ah, I did not realize that the handsome face of the mas should look horrible. Bruises here and there adorn. There was a splash of blood in a turquoise blue T-shirt. And also a tear in my left arm that I believe for a sharp weapon.

You're late coming to save your brother mas. When he arrives, the agenda is done. I do not know what happened inside that room. This body is already walking home. Come home in a state of destruction.

Kuelus jaw mas bruise purplish color. I know it hurts. Mas just pretends to smile.
"It hurts ya mas?"
"Heartache that can not protect you"

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