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RE: A Scottish Vampire Tale (Part 3) The Anger Of Hunger.

in #fiction7 years ago (edited)

Wow thats deep, the purebloods are racist
Its like a muslim saying to a non-muslim that
''you're a infidel and not a muslim, and so i must behead you''
Love your story, rated 9/10


Oh dear that wasn't the way I meant it to come across. I was trying to get in the head of a newly turned vampire and describe his struggle with adjusting to what he is and joining society again.

No i didn't meant the wrong way, that was just an example, your story is perfect, it's a balance between fiction and reality. It was just a bad example i gave to you, in harry potter there was the same thing about mudblood wizards and muggle born and half bloods

That is a better example :) As a pureblod vampire is just a vampire who is born vampire, not a human who has been turned. Well in my stories.

It looks great on how your story writing skill is on par with J.K Rowlings, the world of this story was set in 1914 and connected to scottish history, its educational and entertaining

I started writing these stories about 7 years ago.
Wanted to share them, so back in 2015 I started publishing them to amazon.
I am proud of them, but looking back now see the mistakes. However they make for a entertaining read.
So the 'Scottish Vampire' is really an extension of a well established world in my head.

I have been working on a story myself since 2015, it's completely based on reality, the good and the bad stuff that has been happening around us, but im too scared to share it online as i have not yet published that story as a book on amazon or any other platform

I understand where you are coming from. My stories sat on my computer for years before I pick up the courage to share with anyone never mind sharing on the internet. Best advice, ask a friend or a relative to read it over and give you some feedback.

Ok sure, thanks for the advice but how did you published your book i mean what was the first thing you did after you completed the scripts of the story

That extremely kind. Thank you for that lovely compliment

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