The imaginary friend- Chapter 5

in #fiction6 years ago


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David was happy to see her. He seemed to be in a pretty good mood and he was excited about the picnic when she told him. He asked her if he could invite a friend and she said yes.  She stood at the gate, while he fetched his new friend Billy, and a minute later David appeared with Billy and his mom. 

The mom introduced herself to Claudia and Claudia invited Sandy to come with to the park. She happily accepted and she held the gate open for all of them to exit the school grounds. The boys hurried along while Claudia and Sandy chatted.  

Sandy told her that she was also a single mom and they moved there the year before. They seemed to get along great and Claudia was glad to have met someone around her own age. It was a bonus that the boys got along so great.  

They took a seat on the bench in the park while the two boys played with a ball that Billy brought to school. Sandy was a child psychologist and they had an interesting chat about their jobs and they had so much in common. 

Claudia invited them to dinner that night and Sandy accepted. Billy and David were overjoyed that they were going to spend more time together and Claudia overheard David say that he was glad that Billy was going to meet his other friend Damian.

They greeted each other and David and Claudia went to the store to get the ingredients for dinner. She was in the mood for lasagna and she did not have everything at home. She even bought a bottle of wine and some ice-cream for the boys. 

At home David hung his jacket and schoolbag and then went straight to his room. She started with dinner and poured herself a glass of wine. She switched on the music again and when she turned around David was standing there right behind her. 

"What's wrong baby?" she asked surprised, and he told her that Damian was not there.  

"Perhaps Damian had something else to do..." she tried to convince him but she could see that he was upset. 

"Come on, do you want to help mommy with dinner?"

David nodded and took a seat at the table. She handed him the bread and asked him to brush the butter and garlic mixture on to the bread. He seemed to enjoy that and when he was finished he helped her wash the dishes. 

Halfway through it she heard that annoying thumping sound again, and David hurried off to his room. She let him be, and finished the dishes herself. 

She finished cleaning the kitchen and after setting the table, she decided to take a quick shower. She was just about to take her shirt off when she hear David crying loudly. She rushed to his room and found him sitting on the floor holding his knee. There was a terrible bruise on his knee and he looked angry. 

"Oh baby what happened?"

"Damian kicked me. He said I'm not allowed to have other friends."

She had a very eerie feeling about this but she was adamant when she said: 

"Damian is not the one to decide whether you may have other friends or not. If this is the type of friend that he is, then perhaps he is not such a good friend at all."

She kissed his knee and told him to clean up his room before their dinner guests arrived. She told him to leave the door open so that she could check on him. 

She went to finish her shower and when she got out, she heard his bedroom door being slammed.  He was not a difficult child overall and she wondered what was going on with him. Perhaps the move was really affecting him more than she thought, and she was glad that she met Sandy that afternoon. Perhaps it wouldn't be such a bad idea to hear her opinion. 

She quickly dressed and three minutes later while she was still drying her hair, the doorbell rang.  She heard David's door open and she heard him open the front door.  She felt relaxed and happy when she walked out to meet her new friend. 

Sandy brought a bottle of wine and a salad, and she walked with her to the kitchen to put the salad in the fridge. Claudia poured them each a glass of wine, and they took a seat in her new living room while the boys went straight to the bedroom to play. 

"Don't close that door you hear me David!" she shouted after them. 

"What is that all about?" Sandy asked,sounding worried. 

"I'll tell you in a minute. More wine?"     

- To be continued -

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It was so nice reading your fiction story I am excited for the continuation.

Enomadora of your stories @giantbear. God bless you...

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