The hospital room- PART 3 - An original short story by Giantbear

in #fiction7 years ago


Sarah felt extremely anxious, she could feel the cold sweat running down her face. She lay there gasping for air as she kept an eye on the creatures coming closer. She closed her eyes and wiggled her arms to try and loosen them but she could not move an inch. One of the creatures moved in behind her bed and slowly pushed the bed towards the middle of the room.  The room was as cold as ice but Sarah felt like her whole body was on fire.  

She had to get out of there. She had to fight for herself but she had no idea how to save herself.  The creature pushed her bed right next to the other bed in the middle of the room and then moved away. 

The other three creatures moved closer around the bed and encircled her as if they were going to transfer her to the other bed. She was so scared that she just closed her eyes and decided to take whatever was coming her way. 

Suddenly the lights flickered a few times and the room went pitch-dark. It became quiet around her and all she could hear was the creatures moving towards the door. She heard the sliding door open, and within seconds she was alone in the room.  

The lights went on and off a few times and she realized that there were some kind of electricity problem. She had to take this opportunity to get herself out of there. She struggled and struggled and was able to loosen her one arm. She loosened the other and pushed herself upright. She loosened the clasps from her legs and was able to climb of the bed onto the ice cold floor.  

She shivered and felt a little off balance, but nothing was going to keep her here.  She struggled to find her way in the dark and moved towards the wall.  She struggled forth and finally reached the door. Her eyes started to get used to the dark and she saw a button next to the door. She pushed it with the hope that the door would open, but instead she heard an alarm go off. The sound was totally overwhelming and she hid under a table just for in-case someone came back. 

She knew that someone would come and if she had the chance she would be able to get out of the room when the creatures came back in. 

She was right. She heard the door open and as soon as they came in she quickly escaped the room. She moved down the corridor as fast as she could, but she felt a clench in her throat and within seconds she couldn't breath.  She fell down and gasped for air and she was relieved when something picked her up and carried her back towards the white room.  

She had to get some oxygen....she had no oxygen and she had nowhere to go.... 


a good word in writing a sad story, I like to read stories that the instinct of thinking so sharp in writing is very animating

I can feel Sarah's terror. I need to know how she escapes. She is resourceful...Sorry to hear you are not well. Hope you get better soon.

Your story touch my wil get well soon.

You have a good writing knowledge, coz your words can make someone cry , and your article gets directly connected to emotion, which is a good sign, looking your awesome post, that's y i have followed you..

Ooh, I've just read all three chapters in one go - very tense!

You think? Gosh I was in hospital the whole week and was discharged yesterday. I had a totally septic kidney. Very traumatic experience. I need help changing my diet. Any suggestions from your side. If you could post some ideas on Skype I would really appreciate it Deb.

Did you write it while you were in hospital? No wonder it's tense with all that going on. Did they give you any ideas how it could have happened? Were there kidney stones? Can they tell what type? Send me some answers in Skype, plus what your typical diet was before. I'll make a diary note to have a look at the end of my day.

very fond of the sarah who again sick and dihos again the evil beings. hopefully sarah quickly healed and farthest from the evil mahkluh it, your post is very impressive and touched, I am proud of you who can make this beautiful post.
Good luck @giantbear

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