The flower child - A short story - Part 2

in #fiction6 years ago (edited)


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Moira lay still on the sidewalk. The child's parents came running to assist her because they were extremely grateful for what she has done and saw what happened.  Moira was unconscious and had to somehow hit her head against the sidewalk when she landed. There was a crowd of people around her and they tried to make her as comfortable as they could until the paramedics arrived. 

The paramedics treated her condition as serious, and within minutes she was loaded in the ambulance and transported to the hospital nearby. 

She was pushed into the emergency room and after a quick examination, immediately taken to the radiology department. Once the doctor looked at the x-rays, it was determined that she had a broken pelvis bone and a spinal fracture. 

After three long and stressful hours in theater, Moira was pushed into intensive care. She finally woke up in the middle of the night, and was in so much pain she wanted to scream. She remembered vaguely what happened but with the anesthetic and the pain medication she was totally confused and dozed off again after the nurse gave her an injection for pain. 

Moira looked pale and frail laying in the hospital bed. Her boss was still confused about what happened and wanted to find out directly from Moira. Moira smiled slightly when she woke up and saw him sitting next to her bed. 

"Hi Tom...thanks for coming...."

Tom brought her flowers and put them in the vase next to her bed. Moira and Tom had been working very closely together in the last few years, and sometimes he hoped that they could be more than friends, but it never looked as if she was really interested. He was terribly worried about her.  It was a mission to get into intensive care, but he lied to them and told them that he was a family member and she had no other living family members. 

Moira drifted in and out of sleep and the whole incident really took a toll on her. Tom sat holding her hand for a few minutes, but decided to come back later because he could not have a proper conversation with her. He spoke to the nurse and she assured him that Moira would be okay and he told her that he would come back later that evening. 

He drove off thinking about the pathetic little figure and he wished that he had tried harder to make her more permanent in his life. 

Moira felt much better after the anesthesia started to wear off. She was still in a lot of pain, but her body had adjusted.  The doctor came to see her that afternoon and she was glad to hear that she would be making a full recovery.  

Tom came back that evening and was extremely glad to see her looking more awake.  She was also glad to see him, and they were able to discuss the projects she was busy with and he told her that he would personally take over her projects. They had the same view about everything and she felt more relaxed now that she knew that Tom was going to complete what she started. She was going to be out of action for at least six months, and he told her not to worry about anything.

Over the next few days more of her work friends came to visit when she was moved into the general ward, and Cecilia, one of the woman she worked most closest with, suggested that she move in with Moira for a few days to look after her. She was having issues with her boyfriend in any case and she needed to get away.  There was no one else, so Moira agreed.  

Even though she was surrounded by friends and she was supposed to feel safe, she kept on feeling as if she was in the wrong place. All she could think of was to be free and her mind drifted towards the park.  She missed her bench, the laughter of the kids, and the trees.... and she longed to feel the sun on her face. 

She knew she had commitments, but she also knew that she would not be able to go back to work. Even though she was not someone to make hasty decisions, she felt as if this accident was a blessing in she would have time to figure out exactly what she wanted to do with her life. 

-To be continued-




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Great story .
I was waiting for this . thank god she is no better .
Good write

Ah such a sweet and realistic story @giantbear! It is so difficult when life throws us a curve-ball and our daily routine and even life as we know it changes drastically in just one moment!

It was a relieved that Moira is alive.
I hope that everything will be fine for her in the coming days.

... and I didn't have to wait for long :) Interesting story, especially the blessing in disguise-part. I have a friend who was in a horrible car accident, which literally crushed his face and left him with a patch over a blind eye. He has said several times his life has been a lot better after the accident than it was before, and, even though I guess he'd like to have been without, he doesn't see the accident as all bad. He's a marvellous person, though. That level of positivism would be extremely difficult for most of us.
Off to the next part :)

I'm so relieve knowing Moira is okay at the end... phew...

I'm loving it.

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