The attic - Chapter 5

in #fiction7 years ago (edited)

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Moira woke up the next morning with the sun shining straight in her eyes.  She forgot to close the curtains the previous night and the sunlight disturbed her sleep. It was just after five in the morning and she was very annoyed with herself for not being able to sleep later.  

She turned around for a minute and thought about the events of the previous night.  They had such a lovely time catching up last night. She was glad to be back. It might not be the same without her grandparents here, but she would make the best of it.  It is what they would've wanted.  

Moira jumped out of bed and took a quick shower. She tied her hair in a ponytail and put on a pair of shorts and an old T-shirt she brought with her to sleep in.  She looked like a teenager when she waltzed into the kitchen.  She made herself a cup of coffee and took her cigarettes to go smoke outside on the porch, but then decided against it.  

She hasn't smoked much since she came back.  It was totally different when she was in New York. She used to sit outside on the balcony smoking while she waited for Alex to come home. He was always late, and he always had a long story about working late.  She should've realized sooner that he was cheating on her but she believed him every time.  The last year has been an uphill battle, and she probably would have kept on going if "Cindy" didn't phone. 

Alex just came home and he was still in the shower when his phone rang. She thought it was work, and answered the phone.  She will never forget that conversation. Turned out that "Cindy" thought she was Alex's sister. She didn't say anything to Alex when he got out of the shower, and when he went out to spend his evening with "Cindy" she started packing her stuff. Her friend Julie came to pick her up, and she spent the night at her place.  She took the first bus out the next morning and this is how she landed up back here.

She was still sitting there thinking about her life, and what she was going to do.  She would have to find a job, or perhaps she must start her own restaurant.  There weren't many places around here, so she might make a killing.  For now, she had enough to support herself for a few months, and with the money that her grandfather left her, she would be able to renovate the house properly.  It was going to take a few months to get this place back into shape, but she was not in a hurry to go anywhere.  She finished her coffee, and was just about to go fetch some more, when she heard the sound of Billy's truck in the driveway.

Moira stood waiting on the porch, and a minute later Billy appeared from behind the garage. 

"You're up bright and early" Billy said. "I thought I'd surprise you this morning, but it seems like you jumped the gun already." Billy held out a cup of coffee, and a doughnut to her. 

Moira laughed.  "It will take a lot more than that to bribe me Billy.  Let me help you upstairs."

She pushed the wheelchair up the stairs, and took a seat next to him.  

"Are you ready to start working?"

"I'm as ready as I can ever be.  Please can you fetch the harness in the truck for me.  I'm not good with ladders at this stage."

Moira fetched the contraption in the car, and handed it to Billy. She made them a fresh flask of coffee to take upstairs, and then armed with all the cleaning products and the coffee, she headed towards the attic.  

She was surprised to find Billy already peaking from upstairs.  She laughed when he started sneezing and as soon as she got upstairs she handed him a dust mask to put on.  

"Here.... I learned the hard way."

"Goodness me, this place hasn't been cleaned for some time. No wonder you are so eager to start cleaning."

" It's so much I have no idea where to start. I'm glad you came to help me, otherwise I would've been stuck here for days."

They quickly discussed the way forward and started off with the stuff that she wanted to throw away. Two hours later they have gone through quite a lot of stuff.  Mostly to throw away.  She was keeping all the clothes to donate to charity, and found a box full of old records that she wanted to keep. She would have time to work through all this at a later stage when everything is done.  

After a few more hours, you could definitely see the change. They've nearly finished cleaning on the one side, and there was a stack of clothes piled up in the middle of the attic. 

"I think we have done enough for the day, don't you think?"  Moira said and offered to make him lunch.  It was just after one o clock and both of them were dead hungry.  

"I came here just for your food, the cleaning is a bonus." Billy said jokingly. 

" You go downstairs and start lunch while I wrap things up here."  Moira took the half empty flask and climbed downstairs.  This time her foot did not slip.  

She was still busy making the sandwiches when Billy came into the kitchen.  He smiled at her and switched on the music.  

"I thought we could listen to our tape while we eat."  

Old memories flooded back while they ate, and halfway through lunch they had forgotten about eating and were both singing out loud. They were totally off tune, but they did not care. In fact, Billy felt more alive than he felt in years.  

" I really missed this Moira" Billy said with a very serious look on his face.  

" I did too" Moira said and to avoid any more serious talk she said: "Can we go swimming?"

"I haven't been to the river in years. It brought back too many memories....and it was difficult for me to get around."

"Oh silly Billy, we'll make a plan.  Nothing is too difficult to overcome."

Moira jumped up to put on her bathing suit and when she came out, she found him outside staring at the broken window of the attic.  

"You need to have that fixed. I'll send someone over tomorrow. Anyone could get in through that window."

"We can worry about that tomorrow. Come on you old serious grumpy.  You know just how to spoil a mood. Let's go and have some fun."

As they drove off and they were both totally unaware of the danger lurking inside the house, someone was staring back at them through the broken window. 

He had to get out early this morning when they were on their way up to the attic, and he only came back now when he heard the truck starting. The garage was not as comfortable as the attic.  He would need to find a new place to hide, but he had no idea where. This abandoned old house was the perfect place to hide, but now he was not so sure. 

He had been lucky so far and he has not been caught, but if they found him, he would be taken back and he couldn't face that place again. Vincent made sure that they were gone, and then climbed downstairs to go and get something to eat.  He was hungry and he hasn't eaten in days. 

-To be continued-

Chapter 1 -

Chapter 2 -

Chapter 3 -

Chapter 4 -


well post:)
I always follow you. Your post always good.thanks:)

really creative..... i like a straight story

You have truly amazing talent for writing. Carry on.

It's a good post, you wrote a good story too. I love it

Good Piece

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