He is not my father - a story by giantbear

in #fiction7 years ago


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Johnny sat staring out the window. He hardly listened to the teacher talking in front of the class.  He was just so tired. All he could do was to try and keep his eyes open.    

He didn't sleep much and this morning he left without having breakfast. His mother and Frank were fighting the whole night. He could hear his mom's screams with every blow and there was just nothing he could do. He tried to sleep, but he was so scared that he just pulled the pillow over his head to try and block the sound. After one  his little sister climbed into bed with him and she kept him awake. 

Nobody heard when he went down to the garage. Frank's car was there, but also his dad's tools. This was where he felt closest to his own dad, and they used to work on his car together every night before they went to bed. He took the pliers in his hand and he wished that his own dad was there to help them.   

All he wanted was for his mom to leave Frank. If Frank could just disappear from their lives everything would be so much better. In the beginning when Frank moved in, things were not so bad. He even liked him at times, but ever since he started drinking so much everything changed.    

Johnny did not even hear the teacher calling him and the whole class laughed at him when he finally heard her shouting.  

"Johnny what is going on with you? You haven't listened to a word I said!" 

Johnny blushed and he felt quite embarrassed because everyone laughed at him. He felt angry at the teacher for shouting and he was angry at his classmates. He just wanted to get out of there. He grabbed his bag and he ran out of the class. He never heard the teacher calling him back. He just ran out the front door and he ran further and further away. 

When he finally stopped running he had no idea where he was. He was in a part of town where he had never been before. He slowed down and walked up an alley where he thought he would be safe. He just needed some rest and he had to think of a way to save his mother and his sister from that terrible man. He had to find a way to make Frank disappear from their lives forever.  

He found a hiding place behind a big rubbish bin and pulled his jacket over his head. He put his schoolbag behind his head to use as a pillow, and it wasn't long before he fell asleep. When he finally woke up it was nearly dark. It was cold and he was hungry. He checked his watch and saw that it was nearly six o clock. 

Frank comes home at five. He knew that he was going to be in so much trouble.   

He walked out the alley and eventually figured out where he was. He started walking home reluctantly but he knew that he had no choice in this matter. He had to face the consequences of his actions...If there was one thing that his own dad taught him before he died, was that you always have to face the consequences of your own actions....  

It was a long walk home, but about 45 minutes later he was walking down his street. It was nearly seven o clock when he finally reached home. There was a car in the driveway that he didn't know and he quickly went inside.

His mom was sitting at the dining room table with his sister on her lap. There was a man opposite her and he was asking her questions.  Johnny tried to slip past his mom to go upstairs to his room, but she called him in when she saw him.  "Where were you? I was worried sick. Come sit down."

Johnny sat down. The man introduced himself as detective Johnson.  

"Can I ask you a few questions too Johnny?"

Johnny felt like someone was tightening a rope around his neck and he just nodded. 

"When you left for school this morning did you see Frank's car in the driveway?"

Johnny nodded. His throat was so dry he couldn't say a word.  

"We have reason to believe that your father was in a car accident on the way to work this morning. The vehicle overturned and went over the hill."

"He is not my father." Johnny said with a hoarse voice, but he wanted to make that point clear. 

"We were able to retrieve the vehicle, but the damage was too severe. I'm sorry to tell you but Frank did not survive. We reckon the brakes were faulty and there was nothing anyone could have done to save him."

"May I be excused?" 

His mother nodded.  

"Shame it must have been such a shock to him." detective Johnson said.

No one heard when Johnny slipped down to the garage to go and put away his dad's tools. Tonight they will all sleep better. 


oh my goodness...so he worked on the car....on dear. That poor boy, he was just protecting his family. Now he'll carry that forever. Good write!

Thank you so much. I appreciate your comment.

A good fiction Miss... Thank for sharing

So, is Johnny a victim or criminal?

If you were a judge and such a case was assigned to you. You have to reach a verdict. What would it be? 😀

Hmmm difficult to say. In my mind Johnny would not be charged with anything... I would just take away all his tools..lol

He would also need psychological treatment to make sure he is not going to be a criminal.

WOW!! Pretty brilliant. So Johnny tempered with the brakes right? Little rascal. lol

I have not understood this story, I am guessing there is a continuation of this story where the truth of the truth will be revealed.

johnny will survive like other fictional stories, but it will be interesting if in add adventurous. I will wait for the next story

kindly follow back and upvote my posts please....

Well, i want to think Johnny has nothing to do like tampering on with the brakes. Yet, it's possible though. But then, what gives a light on the story is that they could already sleep together? lol. Nice one.

A lovely story. Thanks

awesome fiction my friends thanks for shearing with us.....

Once again goosebumps....

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