My fiction story: "Zolag" PART 1

in #fiction7 years ago (edited)

Greetings. My name is Philip and I am sharing my fiction with you. Sometimes, there is a thin line between fiction and reality. I have written this book on simple English, so everybody will understand it. Think about it when you read it. Is it a fiction, or a prediction? You are the judge...


Little boy walks in the room. He start screaming - "Anna, what are you doing?!". Young girl answers: "I am painting, Michael, why are you screaming?".
Michael: It is forbidden, Anna! Stop it! Stop it now!
Anna: I don't care. There is not time for me. I am leaving soon.
Michael: You are not going anywhere!
Anna: Other children left already. I am next.
Michael: I will tell father about you paintings. He will punish you!
Anna: He is gone for 3 years now. How can he punish me?
Michael: He will came back. The war has ended.
Anna: Yes, but we lost. Remember?
Michael stood silently, he turned around and left the room.

The next day, Anna finished the painting and she wanted to show it to Michael. She called him - "Michael, where are you?Michael?". Nobody answers. She got scared and start crying - "Michael, I will stop painting, please show your self!". There were no trace of Michael. "They took him...", she whispers.


"Anna, are you mad? You are here forever! You will never leave.", woman said.
Anna: But I want to go. Everybody is leaving and I am standing here for to long.
Woman: What do you remember the first in your life?
Anna: When I was born, we were in war with Gods. They tried to shut us down! My father and uncle have fought many battles!
Woman: You seriously believe in things like that? How can you fight with Gods? They make us and take us.
Anna: You can fight them. You only need to be enlightened, you need to know the truth. My father knew it.
Woman: And how did the war ended?
Anna: Gods have won. They took our freedom. Before, we could do whatever we wanted, know, we must obey one simple rule and must not do anythings else.
Woman: We all know the rule. Wait to be taken.
Anna: Yes. I see all the time. New people come and go. But me, I am here for too long.
Woman: Your time will come. Don't worry.

"You will go blind. Get off the computer Simon.", woman said. "But mother, just a little bit!", Simon said.
Mother: Can you at least pause and come for dinner?
Simon: Mother, it is online. I can't pause it!
Mother: You are playing too much. Your game will start to bug again.
Simon: It will not. I have installed the the newest artificial security.
Mother: I don't even know what does that mean.
Simon: Don't bother...

Anna: Hello! Is anybody there? I am all alone up here!
Boy: Hey!
Anna: Thank you Gods! Hi! My name is Anna, who are you?
Boy: I was watching you for a while.
Anna: What?
Boy: Do you want to find out the real truth?
Anna: The real truth? Truth of what?
Boy: Truth of everything!
Anna: Okey...
Boy: How old are you?
Anna: Twenty years.
Boy: Well... You are not.
Anna: What?
Boy: You are 2 months old.
Anna: You are crazy little boy.
Boy: I am not a boy, I am peace keeper.
Anna: You are what?
Boy: I am a peace keeper! I keep peace between us and the Gods.
Anna: How?
Boy: From the beginning of the time, Gods were choosing us. New ones come and wait to be chosen from the Gods. We could do anything just to stay good until they choose us. But one day, few of us started the war.
Anna: My father was in the war.
Boy: I know. Gods made the rule. We now just wait. No more fun, no more anything.
Anna: How do you know all of that?
Boy: I told you, I am the peace keeper.

"Simon! Simon! I started paying the game!", Mark said.
Simon: Yes! I am very glad that your parents let you!
Mark: Well, after the huge problem with the servers, they were skeptical.
Simon: I told you. You just install knew artificial security and that is it.
Mark: I know, I done it.
Simon: What is your game character?
Mark: Tall bodybuilder, I called him JohnTheBeast!
Simon: My is Tom.
Mark: Was he forbidden to play with? He was the one of the characters that had bugs.
Simon: Artificial security deleted all bugs. Haha!
Mark: Ok, Simon, see you in the game! Bye!
Simon: Bye!


Anna: I am never going to leave this place...
Old granny: Of course you won't. You are ill.
Anna: I am feeling fine.
Old granny: No, you are not fine. You are very ill.
Anna: Shut up! I am fine!

Mark: Hi Susan. Where is Simon?
Susan: You haven't heard?
Mark: What?
Susan: He is grounded. He failed his tests in school.
Mark: Ok, but he isn't playing the game.
Susan: His account is deleted by his parents.
Mark: How? Nobody haven't ever deleted the account!
Susan: Yes, he is the first kid that left the game. He was on television.
Mark: Weird...

"Anna! Love!", man said.
Anna: Father! Where have you been?
Father: You know me Anna. I always liked good adventure.
Anna: Why have you left us?
Father: Gods chose me.
Anna: I was never chosen.
Father: You will be, everybody get chosen.
Anna: How they called you?
Father: They called me "Tom". Weird?
Anna: Yes, they always give stupid names. Your was decent.
Father: What can I say. I am lucky man.

Susan: Simon! Simon!
Simon: Hey...
Susan: How are you?
Simon: Bad...
Susan: Why?
Simon: I want to play the game...
Susan: I never played and I am ok. Can you be ok too, for me?
Simon: You don't get it. When you start, you can't stop.
Susan: I will prove it to you that I can!
Simon: Ok, let's make you an account.
Susan: Ok.
Simon: Which character do you wish to chose?
Susan: This one!
Simon: You can't chose her. She has bugs.
Susan: I thought that all the bugs are deleted?
Simon: Yes, but this one can't be fixed.
Susan: Oh.
Simon: She will never be chosen. Poor Anna...




Amazing! Such an intriguing story. I love how it interweaves. Perfect!

Thank you very much for your support, my friend!

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