Terra Pacifica: Chapter 2 - Impact

in #fiction7 years ago


Summary of the Chapter 1 - Revelation

Mia, a college student in her early twenties who lives under the care of Nathan, a wealthy businessman whom she has known as her grandfather all of her life. Mia receives a phone call from Martha, their house caretaker, urging her to come home immediately. That day Mia's world turns upside down with the revelations of the man who she knew as her grandfather is not her grandfather at all. She learns her parents, who she thought died in a car accident when she was a baby, are alive and well. Her parents, who are scientists were recruited by an organization called Council of Pacific. In fact Nathan was the one who recruited them. Nathan told her about a mysterious place called Terra Pacifica, which is a parallel world that can be crossed to through a portal in the Pacific Ocean. Nathan reveals all of the secrets that day. Mia is shocked, confused, and feels betrayed by all of her loved ones. Nathan reveals the truth to Mia because he has reasons to believe Mia's life is in danger. They need to get Mia to Terra Pacifica right away. Nathan's right-hand man Berter who is also Martha's husband makes the travel arrangements and they start driving to Mexico.

Chapter 2 - Impact

Berter turns back from the driver's seat looking at sleeping Mia in the back seat next to Nathan who is plunged deep into his thoughts. Suddenly, another vehicle smashes into his car and hits the front passenger side. Berter's head hits the steering wheel and knocks him out. Mia wakes up after the sudden impact and is confused of what is happening. Loud noise buzzing in her ears, she turns to her side and looks at Nathan. He is unconsciously leaning against the door, his face covered in blood. Three men in masks rush to Berter's car, open the back passenger door and start pulling Mia out. As men in mask pull Mia her out of the car she screams "Let go of me! Berter! Help! Help Berter!”

One of the men cover her mouth with duct tape, while other two carry her to their van waiting on the side of the road. Once they reached their vehicle they blindfolded her, tied her legs and hands with a zip-tie and threw her in the back of the van. One of the men orders the driver “Go, go, go, drive.” Driver shifts the gear, pressed on gas pedal, van starts to accelerating. As they take of, back window of the van shatters in pieces. “Gun shots, get down, get down” yells one of the abductors.

“Mia, I will get you back”

She recognizes the voice Berter fading away. At that moment just the thought of Berter being alive calms her down, bits of hope start reappearing in her mind.
She hears one of the men sitting next to hear clicking on a laptop keyboard, and says “three more minutes, device will be synced, get ready for switch boys.”

“Almost there boss” responds the drivers.

After few minutes driver pulls over. Two men grab Mia and move her to another van that was awaiting for them. “Good job guys! Did everything go as planned?” asks the other driver and the van started slowly moving.

“His bodyguard regained consciousness and shot at us as we took off. But everything went fine.” responds one of abductors.

“Device synced with her nanites ok. It is working alright. We should be good for few hours.” adds the second abductor.

After about twenty minutes of driving they arrive at their destination. They bring Mia inside the house and drop her on the bed in one of the rooms. They untie her legs, hands and remove the blindfold and the duct tape. They close the door and walk away. Mia jumps out of the bed and tries to open door. It is locked. She bangs the door with all of her force. “Let me go!” she screams. She leans against the door, and slowly slides down and sits of the floor. Her head tilted down, covered with her hands, she tries to think. She tries to force her thoughts to make sense of her situation and how she could get out of it. She slowly looks up and looks around the room. Room looks clean. There is a small bed in the corner with some blankets and clothes on top. She looks at the window, which is fenced from the inside. By the window there is small table and a chair. There was nothing else in the room. She stand up and walks to the window and looks out. There is a view to the backyard full of trees.

She hears steps and sound of keys unlocking the door. She moves to the corner by the side of the window. Door opens and a short bald man walks in.

*“Hi Mia.” he starts. He raises his hands. "Don’t be scared. You have nothing to worry about. Please accept my apologies for inconvenience my men caused you.”

“INCONVENIENCE? They killed my grandpa.”

“Calm down, calm down. Nathan is alive and well. He didn’t tell you that he is not your grandfather yet?” he takes slow steps towards her.

“Who are you? What do you want from me?”

He stops. “I will answer all of your questions. Well, most. First I need you to calm down. I promise nobody will hurt you and I promise you Nathat is ok.”

He turns around and starts walking back towards the door. “Come with me.”

Mia pauses for few seconds to gather herself, then follows the short bald man. They walk into the dining room. Bald man points her to the chair. “Have a seat.”

“How rude of me. I didn’t introduce myself. My name is Hanz. I am one of the old colleagues of your parents…and Nathan. I have known your parents for a long time.” he pauses and stares at Mia “I see you are not surprised. Which means you already know that your parents alive. Old man finally told you the truth. What else did he tell you? Did you he tell you about Terra Pacifica?”

“I am not telling you anything until you tell me what you want from me.”

“Fair enough. I don’t want anything from you. At least not yet…I just want to offer you my friendship.”

“Is that how you make friends with everybody. But smashing their car and abducting?”

“I apologize you had to go through that. Trust me, if we had any less intrusive ways of getting to you, we would.” He pours some water into a glass and puts it in front of Mia.

“You must be thirsty. Have a drink. If you are hungry, they will make something. Just say the word.”

“I want to go. Let me leave.”

“Yes of course. You are free to go. But first don’t know want to know how I know about you, your parents, Nathan. You are here so that I can tell you the truth. Not the half truth you heard from Nathan, not the brainwashing you will hear in Terra Pacifica. I am giving you the opportunity to see other side, I am offering you my friendship, if or when you need it.” he pours more water for himself and takes a sip.

“Have you heard of Council of Pacific? If Nathan didn’t tell you yet, you will know about when you get to Terra Pacifica. As a matter of fact you are part of. Your parent are and you became part of it because of your parents. They call themselves peacemaker, they say they are serving the greater good. Reality it is the quite opposite. When you get there, you will see with your own eyes. Technological advancements, innovations, inventions and discoveries have been made there can easily stop wars, diseases, hunger and suffering here. They use it for power and control. I was part of it. I know it first hand. They will tell you we are the rebellions, a fraction that is fighting for power. But are just liberators who are trying to stop the tyranny of the Council.”

“I get it, you are the liberator. Can I go now.”

“What is your hurry? You don’t even have to go anywhere. Nathan’s men will come here. You see, you were injected nanites. Probably when you were a little. These nanites keep you healthier than most people on Earth. Also they serve for tracking purposes. They send out signals at a certain frequency by which they can locate you. My men synced your nanites with our device. So, right now your frequency is being broadcasted on that device. They left it in the van and my man is driving around trying to hide your current location. But it won’t last long, just few hours.”

“Did you just kidnap me to tell all this?”

“Yes and more. I understand you are confused right now. But one day you will questions things. When that happens I won’t be near you. That is why we had resort to these extreme measures, so that I could talk to you. I hope one day, when you see things clearly, you will remember this day. When that happens you will want to talk to me, you will want to be on a good side of history. You won’t be able to talk to me, but we will be able to communicate. Mia when that time comes, when you have to choose which side you are on, you can rest assured you are not alone. But if you take your parents footsteps, that is ok too. You can choose your own destiny. I am here to show you the alternative.”

He stands up and walks out to the living room. After chatting to one of his man he brought a video player. He sat it on the table in front of Mia.

“We are leaving now. Watch this short video. It will show you all the evil doings of CP and it also has instructions of how you can contact me if you need to in the future. Memorize them. Video will self destruct after you finish watching it. Remember, you will face many choices. Trust yourself, trust your heart.”

“Oh and there is some food in the refrigerator if you are hungry. They will find you soon after we leave. Good luck in Terra Pacifica. You will see many amazing thing there. I miss that place.”

Hanz and his men step out of the house, get into their car and drive away. Mia confirms they are gone, she goes back to the dining room and plays the video.
After couple hours Berter shows up at the house. Mia is so happy to see him. Berter tells her that Nathan is fine and is at the hospital.

To be continued
Next Chapter - Journey


And Mia is back :D

It has been months since I wrote part one. I am surprised you remembered :)
I was thinking about on continuing her story. I just don't have the patience for drafts, edits, etc anymore.
I decided just to write when it feels like writing, and maybe edit and turn into something better in the future.
Thank you so much.

Of course I remember! :)
Yes, writing can indeed be laborious. I suppose that is why I can only manage posting once a week :D

Very interesting story. cant wait for the next part. Im really into sci fi novels and im thinking of writing one myself. Upvoted.

Thank you for your feedback. You should write. Visit Writers' Block discord when you get a chance. There are many fictioneers in there.

Thanks. Im new here so how do i get to this writers block discord?

I read the beginning, it looks good. I had to get my comment in here before someone just commenting did. I'll go back and finish the story now.

Thank you for reading and for your comment.

I love reading your story during my work break. Time well spend :)

Thank you for reading. Sorry for consuming your break time :)

Don't be, it is a very cool story :)

Very interesting story .I read the beginning, it looks good. excellent

Thank your for reading and your feedback.

I like your writing style :)

Thank you :)

Congratulations, you have a lot of creativity and imagination, I love fiction stories, I follow you!

Your fiction is really cool. Its an interesting read.

Well written, I enjoyed it and I hope to read the next chapter very soon.

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