Technically Incorrect.

in #fiction8 years ago (edited)


"I'm never going back. No I won't go back"

It almost seemed as though those words were the fuel my spirit needed to keep pushing on. 

My breath was starting to lose me. My eyes were already retreating but my spirit kept pushing. 

It was totally black ahead of me. I had no idea where I was. I could hear sounds from around but couldn't see anything.

I had been running for a while and couldn't find my way out. I could not imagine stopping; it wasn't an option at all. I had to keep trying. 

I tried until my legs could no longer carry me, then I hit the floor.

Next thing, it was as though I was floating. I wasn't breathing heavily, there was no pain. This place was nowhere like where I was before. It was different but quite similar. It was very bright all around but I still couldn't see anything. 

Then I started to feel my hands dangle. "Where am I?" 

I began to hear those noises again. They were far away at first, then drew closer with time. I wished so hard that I could have a clue as to what was going on. 

I tried moving my body but only my hands moved. I could not see anything apart from the bright light, no matter how hard I tried. 

"Will she be okay?" a voice had said. I could finally start to make sense of the chattering my ears have been endlessly bombarded with all along. 

That was good news. At least they speak my language. This however brought more pain than joy to me. The questions began to pour in. 

"Where am I?" 

"Why are they asking if I'll be okay?" 

"What happened to me?" 

These questions kept bugging my mind till the lights came on again and I began to notice strange shapes floating around. It was all blurry but I could see one of these floating shapes come very close to me. 

"You'll be alright, Kathy" the voice said as it moved slowly away from me and back to the others. 

"Who is Kathy?" 

"You'll be just fine, Kathy" the voice replied and touched my head. I thought it just left to be with the others some seconds ago, or was there another one? 

I should have been overly scared but instead I felt some sort of calm. 

"I must be Kathy" I thought to myself and believed his every word. 

"I was very excited to wake up this morning. It was indeed a confusing and stressful dream." 

Aaron and May exchanged glances. Tears began to roll down May's eyes. 

"It wasn't a dream my dear" Aaron whispered. 

It wasn't a dream? I mused. 

"No it wasn't" May reiterated as she tried to wipe the tears off her face. 

I was confused. What do they mean? Why are they crying? 

I tried to readjust myself and sit up a little more but I couldn't. 

"May, why can't I sit up?" I waited for an answer but none was coming. 

"May..." I was going to repeat my question when I looked up and couldn't find either one of them. 

The room looked different too. It was a glass house overlooking a lawn that led down to the lake. 

There was a dog running in circles, trying its best to get a hold of the toy bone that was being dangled in front of him by two kids. They looked happy. It was a beautiful scenery until they all stopped. 

"Mummy. Mummy" the kids seemed to scream in unison as they made for the room where I was laying. I wanted to cover my head with the duvet but there was no duvet. I was not on any bed either. It was a classic style rocking chair. Must have belonged to someone's grandfather. 

"Mummy" the kids were now in the room. Apart from the fact that they looked so cute, I had no idea who they were. 

How was I supposed to respond? Do I have kids now? When did this happen? Where am I? 

These many questions in my head and the kids didn't seem to notice, at least that's what I thought, until I felt someone pull my hand. 

"Mummy why are you not saying anything?" 

"Hey, what did I tell you about troubling your mom?" a voice said from the doorway. 

Your mom? I'm a mom? They are my kids? 

"Daddy, mummy isn't talking to us. What's wrong with her?" 

Oh now this is getting interesting. I'm married to this Greek god looking man and we have two kids? 

"Eleanor is awake. Go play with her" 

"Okay daddy" the girls said as they skipped out of the room. 

A wave of sadness swept through my entire being. These kids had looked very excited to see me and I couldn't match their enthusiasm. I didn't act like mummy should have acted. 

"Don't feel bad dear, you'll get better with time." 

I was very certain I had heard that voice before. It was way too familiar. 

"I have questions..." 

"I know you do, and you'll definitely have the time to ask them all but not now." 

This was the same voice that put me to sleep the other time. It was the same voice I was telling May and Aaron about. It was the same voice because it was beginning to make me feel the same way I felt then. 

The lights went out and from then on, I began to long for the darkness as it became my way of escape from the chaos I've found myself in lately.

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"Thanks 😊
Doing all I can to prepare for the big one 😃" he said.

Haha. Coming from you, I feel on top of the world. I'm sure there are ways you could rewrite it but this comment means a whole lot to me.
@smalltalk I see what you did there. I can't be that calm when I get this type of remarks.

Great start!! Wow, nice, I am already engaged, wondering what happened here. Heading to the next one ;)

I'm happy you like it. Reborn got me hooked from the first post about it.
I'm only just starting out so your words mean a lot 😊

You are a writer my friend, if this is you just starting out then I am super excited about your future!

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