Ride The Lightning - Episode # 48steemCreated with Sketch.

in #fiction7 years ago

Execution Arena

A trail of gasoline led out of the cage. They set it afire, the burning fire approached the cage.

They must have decided that I won’t tell them anything. The unseen voice told me they’d scheduled a public execution. There would be Video of the event to the world. I had been taken to an outside arena. Cameras were evident. I had been suspended by chains attached to my arms. I was inside a metal cage soaked with gasoline. No originality. This method of torture/execution has been overplayed.

A trail of gasoline led out of the cage. They set it afire, the burning fire approached the cage.

Author’s Note
clik on the video for MUSIC

Maverick appeared out of nowhere holding two canisters, one in each foot. He dropped them, one after the other. One exploded into fire extinguishing foam, the other into smoke. The cage that I was in was completely obscured and can’t be seen by anyone from five feet away.

The smoke doesn’t interfere with Maverick. He swooped toward a headless horse robot that had just entered the execution arena. The owl retrieved a couple of diamond sabers, then he and Bubba began to slice and dice.

The headless horse robot was also armed, very heavily. It sliced open the cage as if it had been made of pasta, then extracted me. it’s headless neck split open…and I climbed inside into an armored life support suit…a doc box. Medical intervention immediately began. I began to feel a LOT better. The centaur is a full body, heavily armed and armored prosthetic that Gretchen had grown from spare parts.

Then we, the owl and the pussycat and the centaur, proceed to kill everything that in sight.

After everyone has had a good time Gretchen said “ I’ve activated the self destruct on the truck’s reactor. I thought you might like to know”

“Um...yeah. I think that’s pertinent information.” I said “what say we leave?

So we did.

To Be Continued

I hope you are enjoying this

If you are just now discovering this story and want to read it from the start
it begins here
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Other Books
that I have written.
Follow me @everittdmickey
So Come on Down!
Sit a spell.
I got the Coffee on.

All Images and GIFs are hot-linked to the sites where google found them.
I assume that they are posted on the internet to be looked at.
If the owners don’t want them to be looked at
they shouldn’t put them on display.
There’s an old saying:
Bare it and we’ll all share it
So we are.
They can take them down any time.
I’m just providing links...I didn’t copy the images.
The Badges are graciously provided by @elyaque

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