Ride The Lightning - Episode # 32steemCreated with Sketch.

in #fiction7 years ago

Back in the Truck

Back in the Truck

Eventually we returned to Trog. I settled in but suddenly I was indecisive. I was resting in my easy chair conjugating my next move….what to do. When I came out here a while ago I thought it was real simple. I’d do a pre trip…fire it up..and go.

That was before the hunger.

Now I was sitting in my easy chair trying to ignore hunger pangs while I was thinking about options.

How many days had we been laid up? It couldn’t have been as long as it seemed because it seemed like it was just two days short of forever. The amazing thing was that I didn’t hurt…FINALLY no headache. I’d had a headache since just after that fight when Chris had died. None of the places that I’d been stabbed, sliced, shot, bruised or had broken bones hurt either. In fact they were all healing amazingly well.

Fast too.

Bubba had been shot up pretty bad too. Not as bad as me… but bad. He apparently didn’t hurt either since he was alternately licking and gnawing on my hand.

“Now quit that.” I told him “ That smarts. Don’t eat me I’m too tough.”

“We just got up from breakfast a little while ago. I had a double portion of Huevos Rancheros and you had Tuna. A LOT of tuna if I recall. Yet... I’m still hungry, REALLY hungry actually. Apparently so are you. Should I go back and get some food, and coffee? Or should I just make something here in the truck before we leave?”

Bubba sat back, tilted it’s head sideways a bit...and looked at me….like he thought I was crazy.

Strange looking cat. He had a forehead. I’d never noticed that in Parlor Panthers before. It must be a new genetic engineering modification.

Me and Bubba had just gotten settled… in Trog. The upside was that if I went back inside I’d get to see those lovely, mostly topless young ladies… The downside was…that’s I’d get to see those lovely, mostly topless young ladies. The ones with the long shapely legs, flat bellies…and...and…did I mention they were mostly topless?

Boobs have a primary and a secondary purpose. Their secondary purpose it to feed babies. Their primary purpose is to make men stoopid and ACT like babies.

There might be a lesson there.

Nope…can’t risk it. I’m stoopid enough without any help. We really needed to go. We had a long ways to go…about seventeen thousand miles yet actually…maybe less maybe more…Time to get moving.

To Be Continued

I hope you are enjoying this

If you are just now discovering this story and want to read it from the start
it begins here
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Other Books
that I have written.
Follow me @everittdmickey
So Come on Down!
Sit a spell.
I got the Coffee on.

All Images and GIFs are hot-linked to the sites where google found them.
I assume that they are posted on the internet to be looked at.
If the owners don’t want them to be looked at
they shouldn’t put them on display.
There’s an old saying:
Bare it and we’ll all share it
So we are.
They can take them down any time.
I’m just providing links...I didn’t copy the images.
The Badges are graciously provided by @elyaque


Great post, I upvoted it, Plz up-vote me to help fight collusive whales and flaggers, They flagged @captainamerica, enough is enough

Great job. Upvoted-

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