The Yggdrasil Highway Saga

in #fiction7 years ago (edited)

#24: Who's in Charge?


Gradually everyone came together into a group. It was an odd assemblage by any standards. Those humans who had survived a fall during the stampede were riding in Buffalo wagons. Those who had not fallen were riding in their own wagons or mounted on horses. Except for Sgt. Hobbs. Sgt. Hobbs was elsewhere. Due to his unique method of transportation he’d been assigned a mission. He was searching for more survivors. He and his Griffins could travel faster than anyone else except for lone Griffins. The language barrier precluded sending Griffins out alone way to tell them what to do. Hobbs could use sign language as needed.

He apparently hadn’t found any since he came swooping in like an avenging angel. Just as he approached the parked wagons the Griffins dropped his ropes and Sgt. Hobbs hit the dirt running. The Griffins found a place to land and watch. This should be fascinating. Hobbs slowed to a walk while releasing the dragging ropes. He looped the ropes into a coil and walked over to the group.

Sgt. Hobbs was covered in the blue blood of the Orcs, sweat and dirt. He was almost vibrating with suppressed energy and adrenalin. He tossed the coils of rope toward a supply wagon and then saluted First Sergeant Halsey

"Sgt Hobbs reporting , SIR! Nary anyone left alive back there, SIR! What the hell we gonna do NOW!....SIR?"

"At ease Sargent" said the senior NCO with a sad thin smile "Since when do you salute an NCO? You always were a smart ass. No surviving officers are there? “

Sgt. Hobbs shook his head mournfully. “Nope, couldn’t find a one. I’m gonna miss “em.”

“As will I, Sergant, As will we all” The First Sergeant said as he turned to the remaining officer. The big Black Texan was lazily sitting astride a huge bear. There was a small black furred boy with a long tail and pointed ears sitting on his shoulder. There was also an equally huge, if somewhat nervous, Buffalo Bull, snorting and stamping behind the bear. The bear ignored the Bull.

" As Sgt. Hobbs not so subtly is pointing out, sir, we seem to be short of officers. You appear to be the ranking man here, sir. "

The First Sergeant, though wounded, laboriously struggled to his feet, come to attention and saluted the Texan.
“Awaiting your orders Sir!”

The Texan stared at him for a moment. Then he carefully removed the little boy from his shoulder, set him on the bear’s head, and stood up. The Texas Captain, who happened to be black as coal was all business. He came to attention and returned the salute.

“At ease Sergeant,”
...then he grinned ironically and surveyed the gathered creatures...humans and otherwise.

His speculative gaze lingered for a moment on the forlorn cluster of Trolls sitting in chariots off to one side, then it moved on. The Texan grinned again and slowly appraised the humans more closely. He spoke in that slow Texas drawl yet loudly enough for all to hear.

" For all of you that don’t know me, which would be most everyone, I’m Captain Lamar Pedernales, late of the Tenth Cav, Company A, of Ft. Concho in Texas. We're up a creek without a paddle here folks. I’ve been a lot of places in my life and seen a lot of things that most of you would swear to be impossible, but nothing like this.“

“This is new to me. I’ve got no clue as to where we are. If we want to survive we need to keep our wits about us. I'll do what I can. I’ll assume command on one condition.”

“That condition is that everyone accepts it voluntarily. If anyone here doesn't want a Black Man to be in charge they can leave, now. Send me a letter from San Francisco telling me about the trip”

The gentle threat wasn’t lost on the men. They were in Dire Straits, possibly with Dire Wolfs nearby. They needed the most qualified person in charge,...regardless of skin color. The Calvary NCO’s seemed to think that that man was the Black Texan.

“No rush...take all the time you need. You've got ten minutes...No..make that an hour to make up your mind. Talk among yourselves...hold an election for all I care. I’ll tell you one thing up front though. I’ve had about enough of being called “nigger”. I won’t tolerate it. I’m warning you now. Don’t do it. It’s liable to make me angry. You won’t like me when I get angry.”

The big Texan then made a show of checking his watch.

“You’ve all got an hour to make up your minds. Smoke ‘em if you got ‘em. Can we get some coffee made?"

"First Sergeant Halsey a moment of your time?" the Texan asked quietly so that not everyone could hear. "I'm concerned about the Trolls. Have you any suggestions?"

The two men discussed the matter. What were they to do with the Sepoys?

Next Episode
#25: You Won't Like Me When I'm Angry…
Previous Episode
#23: Eventually the battle was over
First Episode
# 1 : In the beginning…


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Sometimes it's hard to tell fiction from the news.

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