The Yggdrasil Highway Saga

#17: Horny Bull
He should have paid less attention to the critters and more attention to what Jeb was doing. To be fair though it wasn’t really Jeb’s fault. It was nature. Jeb was, after all, an intact BULL Buffalo. He’d been with Lamar since the dire wolves had chased him through that portal years ago, when he was a baby. Lamar had found him immediately afterwards. He’d grown up with Lamar. Alone. All those years of celibacy.
To put it bluntly Jeb was horny in more ways than one.
Just over yonder were cows.
HIS kind of cows. Pulling wagons...just like he was.
Jeb just naturally decided to wander over and be friendly.
What happened wasn’t EXACTLY a wagon wreck...but it could have been. Things got hairy there for a minute while the lady buffalo told Jeb, in no uncertain terms, to mind his manners. In the tussle Lamar got pitched.
It was STILL his own fault. If he hadn’t been gawking at that almost nekid gurl who’d swooped down in front of him riding that griffin he’d have seen it coming and compensated. Lamar was horny too.
Tough !
...she was just a baby. Still, if he’d not been distracted he might not have fallen out of the saddle. Being afoot during a stampede was not good.
Next Episode
#18: Gonna Get SQUOOSHED…
Previous Episode
#16:A New World…
First Episode
# 1 : In the beginning…
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