Private War

in #fiction7 years ago (edited)

# 16: Hank Was A Radical


Hank was a radical. He always had been. To make things worse he was also a genius...and a polymath. Unfortunately he “didn't play well with others”,. Even when he was young he chafed under the yoke of authority, real or imagined.

Especially when he was young.

Even though Hank WAS a radical, life’s fortunes and circumstances had forced him to deal with government and their organizations. Hank was convinced that government was insane. Fortunately for him he got to kill people. That helped him to relieve the stress. Nothing says “fuck you” quite like a nine millimeter between the eyes. He got to do that a lot when he was younger. Supposedly it had been for a good cause.

Now he was getting older, more brittle, more cynical if that were possible ....and very, very tired of the BullShit. So he tried to stay out of fights. These days he expressed himself in a different fashion. He had a new “job” with a new outfit and he expected to have a lot of fun.

It was nice not to have to worry about money. He’d spent his early years in the military before circumstances had allowed him to vanish. After that he’d always been short on money.

Until he won the lottery. Funny that. He’d never ever bought a lottery ticket and yet he’d wound up winning a really, REALLY large lottery. Hundreds of millions of dollars.

There was an organization that was even more underground and secret than the government agency that had designed him. The organization was ancient. Really, REALLY ancient. Like so old that the Catholic Church was considered an upstart.

The operative that had recruited Hank and he had had a nice little drunk one night in an undisclosed location. The operative had explained the DEAL to him. Hank was fairly intelligent for all that he was a cynical curmudgeon. …and he was angry. Not really angry at the world, just a fairly good portion of it.

Mostly angry at governments.

It had begun when he was young, when a government agency had more or less built him. It wasn't Hank's fault that the government agency wasn't American. He was a designer soldier. Nothing changed when was liberated as an infant from the bad guys.

Next Episode
#17:Meet the New Boss...just like the Old Boss.…
Previous Episode
# 15: Talking To Cats
First Episode
# 1: Pain…


I write
I have other books on Amazon.
Sometimes I also comment on the news

Sometimes it's hard to tell fiction from the news.


Winning the lottery without buying a ticket... funny how that can happen 😉

yep, definitely getting the juices flowing...

thanx for your work waiting the next part <3

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