The Yggdrasil Highway Saga

in #fiction7 years ago (edited)

#26: Should We Help Them


"Should we help him. Should we go over there with him? " Sgt. Hobbs anxiously asked First Sergeant Halsey.

"Noooo....I don't think we should. That's a highly intelligent man there with a great deal of experience at this type of thing. I’ve talked to him a bit and he’s been to Africa, China and India. I’m not really sure in what capacity. I don’t think this is his first rodeo. He knows exactly what he's doing. If he'd have wanted our help he'd have asked for it. Let's just sit back and be prepared to provide backup should he need it."
The First Sergeant said while checking his Colt to see that it was loaded. The other sergeant nodded and checked his weapon also.

Suddenly they both jumped at the sound of gunshots. There were two shots although the deeper sound of the Texan’s .44 overlaid the higher pitched sound of the other shot so closely that it was almost indistinguishable Startled the two men hurried over to investigate.

The Texan and his entourage had been approaching the Trolls when it happened. The Rhino’s were a bit uneasy and were milling around a bit. They were nervous and uncertain. The chained Trolls were trying to keep them under control. The huge gorilla like humanoids were either concentrating on their harness animals or had turned and were watching the approaching human.

No one was watching behind them. That was a mistake. Not ALL of the Demons were dead. One survivor, on his warbird charged silently out of the darkness. The bird ran quietly up behind the unsuspecting Trolls. The mounted Orc used it’s height advantage to carefully take aim with an evil looking handgun.

From point blank range, no more than a few feet, the Orc emptied his weapon. The machine pistol fired the full clip in a few seconds. The back of the unsuspecting Trolls head was only a yard or so away….and...the shooter missed. The Butcher Bird did not. The birds’ hatchet-like beak chopped into the Trolls skull. The Troll collapsed instantly. The body fell out of the chariot but was held by the leg chain. Almost at that same instant the Texan’s revolver spoke...several gunshots rang out. The SwineRat did a backflip off it’s saddle and hit the ground like a wet rug. The bird, missing it’s head, collapsed on top of it.

The nervous Trolls were even more nervous now but they were still chained to their Battle Carts. They watched the two humans and the bears, approach.

“Get ‘er done Smith” muttered the Texan. He had both hand cannons unholstered now and waved one toward a battle buggy.

The BlackSmith climbed into the buggy, the Troll inside it backed away, stretching the chain.

“Make it fast Smith” said the Texan looking on “You can make it pretty later...right now just make it snappy”.

And Smith the smith did. Two blows, maybe three, and the Trolls chain was cut. They moved on to the next wagon, and the next. There were a lot more wagons than Lamar had first thought.

Eventually the BlackSmith cut the last chain. The Big man walked over to Lamar panting slightly.

“Good job, Smith” Lamar muttered…”you’re dismissed if you want to be.”

“I’ll just hang around for a bit if you don’t mind” said the big Smith equally quietly.

Lamar nodded “ Thank you, I can use the back up”.

...then he waved a pistol in the air over his head and shouted. He didn't say anything since he had no idea what to say nor did he understand Troll speech. He merely shouted. The Trolls took that as a command. They climbed out their battle carts and picketed the Rinos. They then assembled in a loose formation in front of the Captain.

They were big brutes. The smaller ones were probably seven foot tall and weighed over five hundred pounds. They didn't look very bright either. Lamar muttered to himself "Now why don’t I just shoot the damn things?"

But he didn’t shoot them. He now had dozens of Trolls to worry about on top of everything else.

Next Episode
#27: Scouts returned
Previous Episode
#25: You Won't Like Me When I'm Angry…
First Episode
# 1 : In the beginning…


I write
I have other books on Amazon.
Sometimes I also comment on the news

Sometimes it's hard to tell fiction from the news.


you are right.great post

great story :) waiting for other parts <3

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