Private War

in #fiction7 years ago (edited)

# 14: Torquemada’s Chippendale


“Hmmmmmmmm” Hank said . “We might just have something here Tex”. Tex didn't say anything. Cats rarely spoke. Even so Tex was unconscious. He’d just been prepped in order to undergo a “minor” surgical procedure…brain surgery actually. Tex was now wired into an apparatus. Wired and intubated It was actually kinda hard to see cat for all the machinery.

The procedure WAS minor…so far…they hadn't got to the ‘good” part yet. Considering the tools and techniques that Hank had at his disposal just about anything up to and possibly including an organ transplant might be considered minor. This was research though, never knew what might happen.

Hank wasn’t worried. Tex was possibly his best friend and he’d never do anything to Tex that he wouldn’t do to himself. In fact, he HAD done the exact same thing, to himself, just moments before he’d done it to Tex. It was merely an injection. However that which had been injected could be termed “exotic”.

Hank settled back into his chair, and began to attach various tubes, wires, patches and other things to himself. It was a Strange Chair. It looked a lot like something Torquemada might have used. Or a mad dentist. Or a mad dentist on crystal meth’s gift to a cosmetology class. In fact Hank thought of it as Torquemada’s Chippendale. The chair had all the proper gadgets, gizmos, electronics, high pressure air, low pressure vacuum, water, drains, tubes, inputs and out goes and what ever else might be needed. It was even computerized.

Actually it was HIGHLY computerized. It was also modular. If it didn't have it…whatever “it” was, then additions could be made. Maybe that was the reason the chair looked so bizarre. Tex’s was the same only cat sized and more coffin like.

Hank was comfortable in the chair. He should be. He had spent many, many hours in it. H e set about business. Using the appropriate mechanisms, biofeedback, mild sedatives, hypnotics and other arcane procedures he put himself into a deep trance and entered a virtual reality. Virtual Reality was his workshop so to speak. He got a LOT of work done here. This time it just so happened that he was working on his and Tex’s brains. Mentally he was apart from his body and buffered by extensive cybernetics. Hank examined the specific areas of interest in his and Tex’s brains and, using the previously injected micro and nano-bots, he performed extensive parallel exploratory brain surgery and surgical modifications upon himself. He was stealing from the cat.

Some of the modifications were very intricate, much was almost at the molecular level, all in all it was very complex, and immensely interesting. He kept at it for days. This was made possible by the fact that the plumbing of both his and Tex’s “chairs” nourished and took care of hygienic needs for the both of them. The trance he was in altered his mental state. In other words he didn't need to sleep and fatigue was handled more effectively than when he was “conscious”.

Point of fact. Hank would rather be in virtual reality than plain reality. It was much more interesting.

Time passed.

He must have done something right , or at least nothing seriously wrong, because eventually they both woke up. Neither one of them died.

Next Episode
# 15: Talking To Cats
Previous Episode
# 13: On an Oil Platform in the Texas Gulf.
First Episode
# 1: Pain…


I write
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Sometimes I also comment on the news

Sometimes it's hard to tell fiction from the news.


upvoting an following all your works boss <3

Interesting. Can we have more?

certainly...stay tuned.

now I have an excuse to do nothing for 3 coffee's!

i pray for paeace allover

use a prayer rug...hard on the knees otherwise.

Cool bro!! first @bobbylee stamped a full 100% upvote to this post. And then .... Chachachachan!!

¡Whoa! Sheessh mate! You did it. You've got the always desired & succulent upvote of his Majesty @blocktrades at 30% of his VP hahaha.

Daamn! now buddy, please, whisper to me here in a low voice in my ear.. ¿What the heck was your secret weapon to lure him to cast that quite juicy reward? ;)

¿Did you find out that his name is also Tex? or ¿Is it because he is also an ol'fart cat lover? :)

Teel me, tell me!!

By the way, I enjoyed this episode of the tale big time. :)

Good post! I'm going to follow you to see more post like this and for support us!

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