Ride The Lightning

in #fiction7 years ago (edited)

Part 55: We’ll have a Bar-B-Que.


“Well how bout ya’ll all come on down and we’ll have a Bar-B-Que. Bring the whole flock. Bubba and Maverick there killed a whole bunch of horn-bunnies. I can show you my ASS.” I told her.

She was a bit startled just as I had expected, I should be ashamed of myself. Nope, I’m not. I couldn’t resist. She raised an eyebrow and looked at me.

“My Artificial Stupid System. The ASS in my truck. She’s cybernetic.” I explained grinning. “Gretchen already has them cleaned and ready to go.”

She smiled…”Your ASS is named Gretchen?”

“Yup..” I said. “Gretchen is a pretty smart truck.

“I see..Mr...ummm. I don’t believe I caught your name? Usually when a gentleman offers to show me his ass we’ve been more formally introduced” she continued. She was almost giggling. I love that pick up line. It works sometimes. Of course most of the time I get slapped silly. Nothing ventured nothing gained.

Win some lose some.

“Oh..how thoughtless of me. My name is Austyn Allen.” I told her.

“I believe that I shall accept your offer Mr. Allen. My name is Emelda Boudreaux. A cookout sounds delightful. I am looking forward to seeing your ass.” she said.

I offered her my arm she took it. Arm in arm we slowly strolled back to where Gretchen was parked. We made quite a procession. Bubba was in the lead. He was practically strutting. His tail was stuck straight up into the air. Maverick, the little guy, couldn’t fly due to his wing but he was perched on Bubba’s head with HIS head held high and His feathers were all fluffed up. Two of Gretchen’s drones were flanking us at about shoulder height, flying real slow. Owls were circling overhead doing a rosette pattern with our little procession as the vertex. We sauntered across the RV lot, across the Restaurant Grounds and then down the drive to the back of the Truck lot, where the Big Rigs were parked.

Gretchen is the biggest of the big.

“Oh my” Emelda said. “I didn’t realize that you rode the Lightning.”

Yes Ma’am.” I modestly told her “I do”.

Things just kind of progressed after that. Emelda didn’t even blink when Gretchen’s tentacles served dinner. Gretchen out did herself, she really put on a show. There was even quiet background music.

She used her tentacles to seat us formally . She moved the chairs properly and everything. One tentacle came swooping in with a shop rag draped over it and holding a large bottle of Shiner Bock. It removed the cap and presented it to me.

I sniffed it.

“Very good” Gretchen, the vintage is acceptable.” The tentacle poured. It filled our coffee cups from the bottle.

Emelda was giggling. “Snark is your middle name is it?”

How did she ever know?

We had a nice meal...a nice chat and then when we had finished eating she smiled at me. She began to unbutton her blouse.

“You have a very nice ASS Austyn. Would you like to see mine?” she smiled at me.

Oh yeah! Like I said..sometimes I get slapped..but sometimes I DON’T.

It was a marvelous night.

The next morning, after we dressed and had breakfast, we retraced our steps back to her Motor Home.

“Well little guy” I spoke to the little owl as if he could understand me...which he probably could. Cyber-animals are pretty smart. “I hope your wing get’s better. Gretchen says that it will be soon. It’s been a hoot. Don’t go punching above your weight again without backup.”

I turned to Emelda. “Ma’am...I had a marvelous time. You are one amazing lady”

She tipped her head acknowledging her just due. “The food, and the drink was wonderful Mr. Allen. You are an absolute beast in bed too. I’m amazed that I can even walk this morning. I like that. However, you are mistaken. Maverick has elected to stay with you. He and the panther have formed a bond.”

“That’s great.” I said “You’re right about Bubba..he’s really taken a shine to the little guy.”

I didn’t mention any payment and neither did she. Cyber Animals are not slaves. They are not owned. They pick their own companions. They are only technically property. More properly they are wards. The reality is that we, the so called “masters” are in fact their servants.

Suites me.

“I hope we meet again.” I told her.

“You have my number.” she said “Why don’t you give me a call some time?”

With that...The Owl and the PussyCat, a flight of drones and well worn old trucker…. sauntered back to Gretchen.

Minutes later we pulled out of the parking lot.

To Be Continued
The Next Episode is
Part 56: Smart Sand…
The Previous episode was
Part 54: Then she said “Uh Oh!”…
the first episode was
Part 1 : Winter Storm


I write
I have other books on Amazon.
Sometimes I also comment on the news

Sometimes it's hard to tell fiction from the news.


You should write books

A nice little bit of R&R for him. And bubba has a new friend.

Dear sir
Nice writing skill .thanks.

supper bro.....your post is always the best.....

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