Private War

in #fiction7 years ago (edited)

# 5: Case Closed


The Big Man was ushered into the presence of the Project Director. The PD was an old man...and tired. He’d been with the project since that day decades ago when word had come from Germany about an astonishing find that some of the forward liberators had discovered. At first the PD had expected it to be some new horror such as the extermination camps of Buchenwald, Auschwitz, Sobibor or Treblinka......or possibly something more to do with Josef Mengele.

Turns out it was something like Mengele.....only more horrible.

Hitler had a Super-soldier program… it was impossible of course. The Nazi’s had nowhere close to the technology needed. No one did. Even so, impossible or no, to all appearances it had been successful. The little monsters just weren’t old enough to be useful yet.

The Project Director had acquired Hitler’s SuperSoldier Program. Lock, Stock and hundreds of babies. He had been ordered to find out as much as possible about the whole thing and for GODS sake keep it secret.

He’d tried his best and his best was damn good. He was a supremely competent individual. He’d been horrified at some of the things he’d discovered. The babies were all badly scared, as if they’d had plastic surgery. Perhaps birth defects had been repaired.

Many of them were sick and dieing...If something wasn’t done they would have died also. The directors staff did their best to keep some of the babies alive. They were really in over their heads and didn’t really have a clue what they were doing. Somehow they managed to keep several score alive.
He came to regret that success, better that they had all died.

As the children grew they became terrifying. Not just their scared faces but their abilities. They were uncanny. They WERE super in a sense. They were more intelligent, stronger and more sensitive than normal children their age. They were sensitive in all it’s meanings. They could hear, smell, and see better than normal humans...and they were empathic. The empathy was what was killing them....driving them insane. The guards and every other adult human they met hated and feared them. The children could sense that. They needed love and received none and many died from the lack.

The PM and his staff struggled on and nurtured a score of the scared young men, oddly enough all the babies were male, into their teens. Then their orders were changed. The SuperKids were to be employed in the field, as covert operatives. Assassins.

The super kids were hugely successful. So much so that their handlers were terrified of them...even more so.

Thus..they were thus used...and used up. More deaths. They died.

Finally there was only the one left....and then he died in Viet Nam.

Case Closed.

The PM looked at the Big Man with some expectation.
“You are sure?”

The Big Man nodded his head…
”Yessir...the body was literally blown apart in combat. The medics scooped it up into a body bag and then, since there was no next of kin, they cremated it.”

“I see”
... said the PM. Then turning to his intercom he summoned a runner. When the runner arrived he pointed toward a cart laden with burn bags.
“Take this to the incinerator and personally watch as they are burned..” he told the runner...”
Call me when complete.”

“Yessir” said the runner and left pushing his load.

“Please go on with your report” said the PD...

The Big Man did....going into detail about how he had run down this piece of information and that piece of data....until shortly he was interrupted by the intercom.

“They’ve all been burned”
said the runner over the intercom.

“’s over.Every bit of information regarding that hellish experiment has been destroyed. Some things are just not meant for man to know.”

He turned toward his liquor cabinet to get a bottle of whiskey. “Would you care for a drink to celebrate the Occasion?”

“No tHank you sir”
Said the Big Man...feeling uneasy...

“Wrong Answer”
..said the PM turning with a very large pistol in his hands.


He shot the Big Man dead center...twice ...then walked over and put another bullet thru the corpse’s head for good measure.


“At least the poisoned drink would have been less messy”
..he turned as the door burst open and his secretary ran in...

“Sir...are you OK?”
asked the secretary
..she said upon seeing the dead body and the gun.

“Quite all right my dear”
... he shot her also...

“Now I can finally relax”
he said..putting the end of the gun barrel into his mouth and pulling the trigger…
..blowing most of the top of his head off.

Next Episode
# 6: Another Day at the Office.…
Previous Episode
# 4: “Is this the operative?“…
First Episode
# 1: Pain…


I surf the net, find the GOOD stuff.
and write posts about it
So you don't have to.
I also write
and comment on the news

Sometimes it's hard to tell fiction from the news.


Nice surprise! kind of. sort of.

Hey I really enjoyed reading your story. Did you write it yourself? Its great ^_^ Please compile it all one day to an amazon book :]

Great post and very informative. @everittdmickey Have learnt a lot from it.

Great post and very informative. @everittdmickey Have learnt a lot from it.

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