Steam Town: Part 2

in #fiction6 years ago

white dragon.jpg

Steam Town: Part 1

In the end, a dragon came to Steam Town. Like many others, the dragon saw the potential of Steam Town. She wanted to invest, but local thieves had somehow plundered her stores of treasure. Wealth is very important to a dragon, and our dragon Isabelle was no different. She felt naked without the gemstones that she had so meticulously collected over the years. She was determined to earn her place back into the world and thought Steem Town might be just the place to do it.

However, quite the opposite of Djinn, Isabelle was aligned to more of a chaotic good personality. The law meant nothing to her. She had a strong moral compass and she made her own laws. She would do anything to get back her wealth, as long as she didn't have to exploit the innocent in order to do it.

Isabelle began to bend the rules of Steam Town, not to game the system for personal benefit, but to cut the loopholes that were being used to exploit the government by others. Djinn was not the only one exploiting the system, he was simply the most prominent. Isabelle's disgust for Djinn and those like him had no limit. Their toxic greed was a parasite on a host with limitless potential.

Little by little, Isabelle chipped away at their power. She started at the voice of Djinn, which was still blaring at full volume. Djinn dominated the news because news was dominated by stake holders. Isabelle implemented her own system of disseminating information that allowed anyone in the town to choose the information they received.

She realized that the town could gain wealth from many more activities than simply farming crops. She tried to show them a new way of doing things. If the town wanted to use an honor system, people like Djinn would have to be held accountable.



Steem town

Now I'm wondering who Isabelle is... I could follow pretty much everything until now xD

I'm loving this though, keep going!

That's kinda the point. It's going to go completely off the rails into a completely fictional story as I proceed heh.

Ad part 3? part 1 was excellent also.

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