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RE: A walk in the forest: A 50-word short story

in #fiction6 years ago

Ok. Both times happened in north Georgia, on the same mountain. Part of the Appalachiant trail.

#1. I was camping in a tent with a friend. We woke to hear the bear outside. Two. Figured it was momma and baby. Long story short: we waited till they left. By the end, I'd gone through the stages of grief.

#2. Walking up trail. Think I see a monkey in the tree. "The f?" I realize its a baby bear as it falls to the ground. Then I hear the momma. I see the shape walking down the trail, my direction, from behind a hill. I sprinted to my car.

So I guess, both times, I got lucky. They were black bears, which are less aggressive than the other bear types native to the U.S.


How terrifying! Thanks for sharing your stories. It does really sound like you got lucky. There really aren’t that many bear attacks, I believe. Sometimes people make the mistake of keeping food too close by or in their tent. Mainly you don’t want to get between a mama bear and her cubs. I did trail work in the Tetons once and we walked along the trails banging tin pans to scare them off, and we never had any encounters.

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