Random Creature Blurb : Soul Eater

in #fiction8 years ago

This myth originated from African mythology, notably the Hausa people of Nigeria.  The soul Eater is the classical form of a cannibalistic myth.  Some traditional religions, from that of the ancient Egyptians contain figures whose names have been translated into English as "soul eater." These mythological figures, however, are spiritual and not human beings, and so are distinctly different from Hausa and comparable beliefs. 

The soul Eater is a mythological creature that supposedly exists between this world and another. He has the power to yank the victim's soul from their body. They drag their victim's soul into their "nest" in the other world and keeps their soul in distress. Their body in this world withers and dies. Soul eaters can be killed by drawing a sigil on the house while the same sigil is drawn on the same wall in the house in the different dimension. 

 Another belief about soul eaters is that they are men who were cursed by witches and have to eat the souls of humans to live their lives. After the soul eater devours a victim's soul, the victim disappears as dust. 

That was just a quick blurb over the mythology of Soul Eaters. If you would like more knowledge look up some of my references on this subject. Have an awesome day guys!!

For more knowledge:



  1.  Stewart, Pamela J., and Andrew Strathern. Witchcraft, Sorcery, Rumors and Gossip. Cambridge, Cambridge University Press, 2004; p. 73.
  2. Schmoll, Pamela G. "Black Stomachs, Beautiful Stones: Soul-Eating among Hausa in Niger." In: Modernity and Its Malcontents: Ritual and Power in Postcolonial Africa. Edited by Jean Comaroff. Chicago, University of Chicago Press, 1993; pp. 193-220.
  3. Regis, Helen A. Fulbe Voices: Marriage, Islam, and Medicine in Northern Cameroon. Boulder, CO, Westview Press, 2003; p. 120
  4.  Galvan, Dennis Charles. The State Must Be Our Master of Fire: How Peasants Craft Culturally Sustainable Development in Senegal. Berkeley, University of California Press, 2004; p. 58.
  5.  Stewart and Strathern, p. 74.

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