in #fiction7 years ago

So yeah... Richard's call came in!
Hello beautiful, it's richy, am I speaking to Nancy? Yes his Royal handsomeness; I replied.. almost struggling to flirt back since flirting was not my thing.... And it all started with that call, I got to know Richard got his heart broken severally hence his decision to be a player, after knowing this I found it difficult to hatch my plan so I decided to just be friends and not be another Jezebel in his life, ... After graduation I and Sam moved to a new apartment very close to the old one and our relationship was still moving forward ... meanwhile I and richy?we became close friends almost as close as siblings .... although our relationship was merely platonic I noticed I had began to give Sam less time, even if we lived together now, we only communicated when he and I got back home at night, ..yes the feelings were still there but I believed something was missing so I decided to truly forgive sam and give my relationship the best...
Things were amazing after this decision and 6months later Sam proposed.... I was overjoyed, I had two wonderful guys whom I love and cherish in my life and I felt fulfilled cause they were just exactly where I wanted them,,, or so I thought!

Baby, our wedding will be coming up in 3months time ,I need to travel to Abuja and have a talk with my dad, Sam said,... I'd be leaving tomorrow morning so I decided to let you know! Aaah! Sam? Tomorrow morning? And you're just telling me? Why now? You know how I hate sleeping alone! Baby, you'd be fine, he said, giving me a kiss on my forehead, I smiled ...okay love! Safe trip ahead!

The next day came and Sam left for Abuja, I was bored and lonely so I decided to call Richard come over so we could talk and maybe he would free me from boredom, yes! I know....worst decision ever
Richard came, we chatted, laughed, saw movies and slept off... I woke up hours later to find out it was 12:07am....oh my God! Richard!!! I shouted shaking him, in an attempt to wake him up... what's wrong baby? Richard? It's past 12am ,we slept are you going to get home? Can you go out this late? I found all these questions jumping out at almost the same time... Calm down Nancy, it's not a big deal , I'll just spend the night here, don't bother yourself,just go to the room and I'll sleep here in the living room,... Okay dear, I replied...if you're okay with that! And that was it! I left to take my bath,......

while I was in the bathroom I heard footsteps approaching, Richard? Do you want anything? I said...but I got no reply... A minute later, I saw a figure inside the bath with me I want you baby, it's always been you Richard said, almost kissing me,.. Richard! Stop it! What are you doing? Please Nancy, you're the only woman I know would never break my heart, I also know you have feelings for me, I promise never to hurt you, please! And with those words and his facial expressions I gave in to his desires... The night faded....

Sam is back from Abuja, Richard is back in his here having dreams of the night 2weeks ago, do I tell Sam? Our wedding is just 2months away, no! I can't and I won't!

Baby? I've decided that we stay apart for the next month because of the wedding, I just want to see you for the first time again on that day...Sam said; We talked about this and it was concluded that I went back home,..which I did the next day!
A month later I had missed my period,,, I had an irregular mensuration cycle so I wasn't bothered even when I felt tired and nauseous almost all the time It still didn't occur to me that I was pregnant because I thought it was just stress from the wedding preparations... anyway I didn't bother myself until that afternoon,,,

Nancy are you pregnant?... Haba mum! Why would you ask me that question naaa? Nancy answer me! No mum I said, almost shouting...Nancy are you sure? When last did you see your period...? Hmmn mum... I began to think back to all the signs, could it be that I was pregnant? My mom noticed and asked that we go to the hospital right away...we did! And the result was out in no time...yes! I was pregnant, my wedding was less than a month away and I was pregnant, for richard,,, yes I know it was he's as Sam and I decided to be celibate till our wedding....OH MY GOD! how could I be so careless? What would I do now? I can't tell Sam anything...I have to try and cover up for now!
I called Richard and told him, I don't know why but I felt he was happy about this because he didn't sound like he had any regrets! Anyway I hung up and decided to tell my mom everything... After hearing my confession she said I had to tell Sam, she said taking a big secret as this into a marriage would be wicked but I didn't listen! I couldn't loose Sam,,,!! After all I wasn't showing yet, I could abort the baby immediately after the wedding.... But, karma is a bitch

Weeks later, wedding bells could be heard, I was in my wedding gown ,in a car, on my way to my own wedding...having all these thoughts but nothing was going to stop me!

I got to the church, Sam wasn't there...wait this isn't happening right yeah? The groom is always the one to wait for his bride not the other way around... Sam is always never late...well I didn't bother.... Not until I waited for 3hours, then I received a call from Richard... Nancy am sorry,I told him everything a week ago and he said he had forgiven you and that I shouldn't let you know, only for him to call me a minute ago and told me that I could have you, that you were waiting at the alter
Please forgive me I couldn't let you kill our child, I love you!
I fainted and that was it!
Its been 2years since Sam left without a goodbye, am with Richard now ,he sweet, caring, responsible and we have a beautiful daughter... But I can't help feeling guilty , I broke Sam's heart!
I couldn't help but feel,,, he was CRUSHED and it was all me!


Hmm... This piece is nice and tragic too.
Good work dear

Thanks,am glad you liked it

i like the conclusion part, well done

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