Wandering Spark - Part 12

in #fiction7 years ago


Varan, agreeing to work with the owner, naively believed that he would walk on the sea on horseback, and not catch shit with a net. Nila disappointed him skillfully and ruthlessly:

“Don’t dare to sit on them, you will scratch the scales and then you will pay. They start to sizzle at night sometimes, so it is necessary to speak out loud to them, to calm them down. The one that is green is called Zhurbina, and the one that is blacker is Kruchina“

"Why are their names sound so sad and strange?" Varan asked.

"Because we named them so," Nila snapped. "Here, look, Kruchina did a crap, take a net and show what you worth..."

The dark hair laid on Nila's shoulders. The gems on their pants flashed like drops of water under the sun. Eyes often blinked and blinked, although there was not much light in the grotto here; my eyes watered. The arrogant girl probably needed glasses with smoked glasses - but she, with the proud blood of the furnace, preferred tormenting, squinting and wiping her tears.

The serpents looked at Varan with regal disgust - as if it was Varan who shod in the clear water, and they, the noble creatures, now have to clean up.

"They don’t bite?"

"They only eat fish, but if you piss them off, they can even snap, just for science. Especially Kruchinf - she's mean. Do not come close to her tail - how it will hurt, and you will drown. She served on guard all her life, the guards on her Maleton traveled ... Smugglers beat, and a hundred people peretopilas. So, with a tail on the head - and hello. This is taught in the egg."

Varan bent low, holding on to the handrail, trying to catch a net of snake shit:

"The Maleton probably for a hundred years a hundred pirates is not typed."

"You do not get pirates on the shore because it's not yours to steal. And we have mines. We must have a regime."

Varan finally coped. Empty the net in the waste basket and tightly close the lid. He sat down on a stone ledge, dangled his feet in the glowing water:

"Did Zhurbina kill a lot of pirates? A thousand?"

"Zhurbina dragged the cart for the whole century," Nila said dryly. "In the mines. The stones carried her, the salt ... Now she's resting."

Emerald Zhurbina threw her neck high, led a horned head, barely audible hiss, as if confirming: deserved. Kruchina struck his tail so that the wave swept the whole grotto. Varan involuntarily moved away:


"If you don’t like them you would be sitting in your tavern."

"How do you know where I was working?"

"A huge secret... I have seen you. This tavern is a notable place."

Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
Part 5
Part 6
Part 7
Part 8
Part 9
Part 10
Part 11

Signat3 - копия.png

To be continued...

Thank you for reading!


It was so beautiful

I look forward to continuing

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