Laxis and his slaves ...

in #fiction7 years ago

Once upon a time there was a dark overlord named Laxis - he was fat and stupid and ugly and very very mean.

And every day Laxis would complain, "why is there no gold?", "what have my slaves been doing all day?", "why are we so poor?".

He, Laxis, would complain and then he would beat his slaves.

He, Laxis, would complain and then he would starve his slaves.

He, Laxis, would complain and then he would raise their "slave taxes" despite the fact that the slaves had little or no money.

He, Laxis, would complain and then he would send storms and flames and many crappy punishments his slave's direction.

Laxis really enjoyed torturing his slaves AND he enjoyed complaining about how little work they did.

Until one day a spirit of the nearby woods came and said, "Laxis, dude, a terrible storm is coming.. You have a few weeks to prepare... You need to build a bunker or something and it will take all the work of your slaves to do this... But... Honestly... I think you are screwed...". And then that strange spirit disappeared, in a blink of an eye, and Laxis went back to the beatings.

And because of this, the day came, the storm arrived, a great flood washed over the land, and Laxis found himself on the roof of his mansion, yelling and screaming, complaining and bemoaning the general laziness of his slaves - Laxis drowned when the water rushed over the roof.

And because of this, the spirits of the nearby wood joined forces and built some makeshift rafts for the slaves of Laxis.

And because of this, the slaves lived. After the flood, the slaves found the body of Laxis - but instead of burning him in protest or desecrating his remains, they decided to give Laxis a proper burial, out of respect. It seems the slaves had a very low self-image.

And because of this, the slaves rebuilt the great mansion, sowed the crops, harvested the bounty and continued to toil, as before, as if nothing had changed. With Laxis gone, and with the slaves left to be simple and FREE, the land of Laxis was more productive in 1 season than any 10 seasons combined!

Until finally, after many months passed, a relative of Laxis, on a great white horse came and took over the holdings of his dead cousin. The relative (cousin) was named Braxis and YES he was an even bigger "male genitalia" than his cousin was.

Braxis beat the slaves for sowing the fields.

Braxis yelled at the slaves for "showing initiative".

Braxis punished and pummelled and proudly wacked each slave, 100 times, upon the head - as noble douches were want to do in those lands.

And ever since that day, the slaves of Laxis became the slaves of Braxis. The slaves were sad and miserable and no longer acting out in productive or meaningful ways. The lands went fallow. The nearby wood was burned. A desert began to surround Braxis - and yet he sat there, smiling, at the horrible realm he had created.

You see - Laxis was a weakling fool, Braxis was no better. At any time these slaves could stand up, demonstrate their liberty and build a better world as equals - but this never happened. Why? Because eventually a person gets used to being a slave and no amount of freedom or equality or prosperity can change that.

It's called the slave-mentality for a reason mother fucker.

The End!

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