The Creek | Art Prompt Writing Contest #4

in #fiction7 years ago

Richard quickly removed the kettle before it’s sharp whistle blasted through the house. Placing two earl grey teabags in the thermos, along with a big dollop of honey, he poured in the hot water. He made two peanut butter and raspberry jam sandwiches, her favorite. Walking through the house he was as quiet as possibly. He looked into the room as she laid there sleeping softly. Creeping up to the bed he looked at her little features. Reluctant to break her peace he placed his arm on her shoulder.

“Suzy, wake up sweetie,” he whispered.

The little girl let out a grumble and turned over. Richard pushed down on her shoulder.

“Wake up, wake up, wake up,” he said as he began to rock her.

Suzy’s bleary face was irritated for a second but then it melted into a giggle. She looked out the window. The sun was only beginning to rise, casting morning shadows across the room.

"But daddy, it’s so early,” Suzy said rubbing her eyes.

“Got something special to show you.”

Richard helped Suzy get dressed quietly. Grabbing the thermos and sandwiches he threw them in a knapsack. Slowly he shut the door behind them. They walked down the dirt path, knapsack slung over Richards wide frame, holding Suzy’s little hand. Dew was sprinkled over the grass, sunlight reflecting off every drop. They walked for a while, crossing the little bridge at the bottom of the hill. Looking back up at the farmhouse and barn Richard sighed. This was his favorite place to visit as a kid; his mother grew up here. So many adventures. He wanted to share that with Suzy. They walked up the creek. Richard stopped and dropped the knapsack on the ground. The sun was peaking through the trees. Richard poured the hot sweet tea into the thermos mug and handed it to Suzy. She grasped it with both hands and drank. They sat in the wet grass not caring. He had his arm around her.

“This was my favorite spot when I was your age. Used to swim and fish in this creek all summer.”

He smiled down at the little girl as she looked around.

“How come we never come here daddy? I like it here.”

“Just some bad memories...” Richard began then stopped.

He thought back to that summer day. It had started as good as any. Tommy had come by the house on his bike asking to play. They peddled down to the best fishing spot. They caught 2 trout that morning. By noon it was getting hot so they went for a dip. The creek was much bigger back in those days. Richard, always competitive, challenged Tommy to a race. Who could swim faster and further.

“Tommy my friend, we, he...” Richard tried to explain.

Looking at Suzy he thought of those innocent days. An innocent day shattered. Tommy had a bum leg, that’s what they used to call it. Richard had swam much farther than him. When he looked back Tommy was gone. When he finally surfaced, it was too late.

“It’s nothing honey. I just wanted to show you this place,” Richard said. He took the corner of his jacket and wiped at his cheek. He squeezed her and poured some more tea.  


My entry to The Art Prompt Writing Contest #4 by @gmuxx. 


Really enjoyed this. It's definitely relatable as my friends and I used to swim in his pond all the time. We never had any "close calls", but it could happen to anyone. Hoping my son doesn't have to deal with anything like this either.

My barber as a kid drowned. Somehow his grandson fell out of the boat and he jumped in to save him. Shutters, I'm going to go home and give me son a big hug now. Thanks for sharing the story.

Thanks for sharing that. Glad you enjoyed it and that it struck a chord.

I really enjoyed this, enjoyed is probably the wrong word, if you know what I mean... Anyway I'll stop rambling :-)

Great stuff.

@gniksivart summed it up perfectly, I'm also going home to hug my son!

Excellent post and I wish steemit had a sticky or pin option because this is one of those Particular posts.

Your post up is impressive. Followed @cizzo

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