It's For Love # 91 (Bilingual)

in #fiction6 years ago

“Terimakasih banyak, Bu … keluarga Dokter Andri keluarga saya satu-satunya. Saya ingin mereka mendengar berita ini, langsung dari saya.”

“Tentu, Tentu,” Dahinya sedikit mengernyit, “Afra, mulai sekarang panggil Mama ya!”

Tawa terdengar di sekeliling meja. Ponsel Afra berdering. “Maaf,” Afra berdiri, begitu melihat nomor di layar.

“Ada apa?” tanya Hoshi, saat Afra kembali duduk.

“Minggu depan aku disuruh masuk kerja lagi.”

“Alhamdulillah! Alhamdulillah! Syukurlah!” ujar Mama Hoshi riang.

Mata Hoshi tidak bisa lepas dari wajah bahagia Afra. Mata bidadarinya bersinar seperti bintang. “Ma, jangan terlalu lama persiapannya!” ujar Hoshi lirih.

“Teman-teman Mama kalau nikahkan anaknya butuh waktu satu tahun.Paling cepat enam bulan persiapannya.”

“Enam bulan!” seru Hoshi Kaget. “Aku kan bukan militer, Ma. Minta bantuin Yo, Ma. Sama dia seminggu juga bisa selesai persiapannya.”

Alis Mama Hoshi bertaut. “Hosh, engga apa-apa minta bantuan Yo?” tanya Mama Hoshi pelan di telinga Hoshi.

“Dia sudah ngasih aku kado pernikahan, Ma … tiket sama hotel… malah sudah selesai nyusun daftar tamu aku sama Mama Papa,” Hoshi balas berbisik pada Mamanya.

“Dia bisa menebak kamu yang jadi juaranya?” seru Mama Hoshi keras, lupa mengecilkan suaranya.

“Bukan juara,” sela Papa Hoshi. “Tapi siapa yang Allah pilihkan untuk Afra.”

“Ya … ya … itu maksudnya ….” Dia tersenyum bangga ke arah suaminya. Pndangannya kembali mengarah ke Hoshi dan Afra.

“Kalau engga kalian nikah dulu saja, resepsinya belakangan.”

“Love you, Mom.” Hoshi tersenyum lebar pada Mamanya. Dia mencium pipi Mamanya sekilas.

Suara klakson menyadarkan Afra dari lamunannya. Dia tersenyum melihat Hoshi melambaikan tangan di dalam mobil. Mengangkat plakat dengan tanda hati berwarna merah.

“Aku mau jemput Bu Dokter dulu sama Rafka pagi-pagi,” ujar Afra, ketika orangtua Hoshi sudah kembali ke rumah. Hanya ada mereka berdua di meja bundar itu.

“Kenapa sama Rafka?” tanya Hoshi dengan wajah merengut.

Afra menahan tawa dalam hati. Hoshi SMA nya sudah kembali. “Itukan orangtuanya Rafka.”

“Kan jemputnya bisa bareng aku aja.” Hoshi menyapukan kelopak mawar yang diberikannya pada Afra ke punggung tangan Afra.

“Hosh! Aku engga mau mereka kaget …. Kamu engga cemburu kan?” tanya Afra dengan nada menggoda.

“Sama Rafka?” Hoshi cepat mengangkat kepala. Lagi-lagi wajah cantik bidadarinya, membuatnya lupa bernafas. Membayangkan ada laki-laki lain di dekat Afra, membuat alis Hoshi bertaut. Dia menarik nafas panjang. Meredakan posesif yang menggila. “Tentu saja engga … bertahun-tahun dia deket sama kamu … kamu bilang ya, ke aku.”

Afra menepuk lengan Hoshi perlahan. “Kumat lagi narsisnya!... itu karena dia engga deketin aku sungguh-sungguh….”

“Afra!” seru Hoshi dengan mata mendelik.

Afra tertawa melihat wajah Hoshi yang tiba-tiba jadi aneh. Hoshi keluar dari mobil dengan wajah ketakutan.
Suara lembut Mandy Moore terdengar di telinga Afra

So I lay my head back down
And I lift my hands and pray
To be only yours
To be only yours

Rafka yang sengaja menunggu Afra di pinggir jalan, melihat Hoshi keluar dari mobil dengan wajah ketakutan. Dia melihat arah pandangan Hoshi. Truk besar melaju cepat tanpa kendali ke arah Afra.

“Afra awas!” teriak Rafka panik. Dia kembali menyeberang, mendorong tubuh Afra. Tubuhnya terjatuh ke jalan raya, dengan kaki menjulur ke depan. Truk oleng yang mengangkut besi melindas kakinya.

Suara benturan keras, meningkahi suara lalu lintas

“Rafka!” teriak Bu Dokter dari seberang.

Hoshi bergegas lari menghampiri keduanya.

Afra tertegun memandang tubuh Rafka yang terkapar di jalan raya. Naluri kedokterannya muncul lagi. Dengan tangan gemetar, dia memeriksa kondisi Rafka.

“Kita harus bawa Rafka ke rumah sakit khusus tulang,” kata Afra pada Hoshi.

Hoshi mengeluarkan ponselnya. Dia menelpon ambulance.

Afra melihat kaos Hoshi yang tersingkap saat jaketnya sedikit terbuka. Gambar hati berwarna merah, tercetak besar di bagian depan kaos yang mencetak tubuh Hoshi.


"Thank you so much, ma’am ... Doctor Andri’s family is the only one of my family. I want them to hear this news, right from me. "

"Sure, Sure," Her forehead slightly winced, "Afra, from now on call me Mom ok!"

Laughter was heard around the table. Afra's phone rang. "Sorry," Afra stood up, as soon as she saw the number on the screen.

"What is it?" Asked Hoshi, as Afra sat back.

"Next week I'll be sent back to the hospital."

"Alhamdulillah! Alhamdulillah! Thank goodness! " Hoshi’s mother said cheerfully.

Hoshi's eyes can not escape from Afra's happy face. Her e eyes shine like stars. "Mom, do not take a preparation too long!" Hoshi said softly.

"All my friends take praparation a year. At least six months of preparation."

"Six months!" Exclaimed Hoshi Shocked. "I'm not military, mom. Ask for Yo’s help, please. I believed she just need one week. "

Hoshi's mother eyebrows twitched. "Hosh, it’s ok to ask Yo for help?" She asked quietly in Hoshi's ear.

"She's giving me a wedding present ... hotel, tickets ... just finished my guest list and yours," Hoshi whispered back at her mother.

"She can guess you are the champion?" Hoshi’s mother shouted loudly, forgetting to shrink her voice.

"Not a champion," interrupted Hoshi’s father . "But who did Allah choose for Afra."

"Yes ... yes ... that is what I mean ..." She smiled proudly at her husband. Her look again leads to Hoshi and Afra.

"You can just marry first, then the reception hold later."

"Love you, Mom." Hoshi smiled broadly at his mother. He gave him a quick glance at her cheek.

The sound of his horn doused her from her reverie. She smiled as Hoshi waved in the car. Lifting the plaque with a red heart sign.

"I'm going to pick Rafka's parents early in the morning," Afra said, when Hoshi's parents had returned home. There was only the two of them at the round table.

"Why with Rafka?" Hoshi asked with a sullen face.

Afra held back laughter silently. Her high school Hoshi is back. "That's Rafka's parents."

"You can pick them up with me." Hoshi sweeps the rose petals he gives to Afra to the back of Afra's hand.

"Hosh! I do not want them to be surprised .... Didn’t you jealous?" Asked Afra in a seductive tone.

"To Rafka?" Hoshi raised his face. Again beautiful face of Afra, make him forget to breathe. Imagining there was another man near Afra, making Hoshi's eyebrows rised up. He took a deep breath. Relieves possessive craze. "Of course not ... All these years he's close to you ... you say yes, to me."

Afra patted Hoshi's arm slowly. "It's narcissistic again! ... it's because he did not tell me seriously ..."

"Afra!" Hoshi exclaimed with a glaring eye.

Afra laughed at Hoshi's suddenly strange face. Hoshi got out of the car with a frightened look.

Mandy Moore's soft voice was heard in Afra's ear

So I lay my head back down
And I lift my hands and pray
To be only yours
To be only yours

Rafka who accidentally waited for Afra by the side of the road, saw Hoshi get out of the car with a frightened face. He looked at Hoshi's direction. The big truck drove quickly out of control to Afra.

"Afra watch out!" Shouted Rafka frantically. He crossed again, pushing her body. His body fell to the highway, with his legs stretching forward. A truck carrying iron ran over his feet.

A loud banging noise, overcoming the sound of traffic

"Rafka!" Shouted Bu Doctor from across.

Hoshi ran to them.

Afra stunned at Rafka's body lying on the highway. Her medical instincts came up again. With trembling hands, he checks on Rafka's condition.

"We must take Rafka to a special hospital for bone," Afra told Hoshi.

Hoshi took out his cell phone. He called the ambulance.

Afra sees Hoshi's shirt unraveled as his jacket is slightly ajar. The picture of the heart is red, large on the front of the shirt that prints Hoshi's body.

Bandung Barat, Senin 23 April 2018
Warm Regards

Cici SW

Source:1. 2


Wah tambah keren aja nih teh :)

Terima kasih @gethachan :)

Masa teteh ku @cicisw :)

Wah, remuk donk kakinya Rafka? 😱

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