It's For Love # 90 (Bilingual)steemCreated with Sketch.

in #fiction6 years ago

“Ayo makan!” Hoshi melambaikan tangannya dari kejauhan. Di sebelahnya nampak meja makan, yang semalam tidak ada.

“Wow!” seru Mama Hoshi, ketika melihat hidangan yang tersedia di atas meja. Bubur menado lengkap. Beberapa toping diletakkan terpisah. Mereka berempat duduk mengelilingi meja bundar.

“Makan yang banyak ya, Ra,” Hoshi mengambilkan semangkuk bubur, kemudian memberikannya pada Afra.

Wajah Afra terasa panas. “Aku bisa ambil sendiri, Hosh.”

“Mau tambah topping?” Hoshi tidak mempedulikan kata-kata Afra.

“Sudah, sudah, cukup.” Afra menutup mulut mangkuk dengan kedua tangannya. Kebahagiaan memenuhi seluruh syaraf Afra. Inikah yang dirasakan Papa saat Mama masih ada?

Hoshi memberikan seikat mawar putih, yang baru saja dipetiknya sendiri.

“Terimakasih.” Afra tidak berani mengangkat kepalanya. Wajahnya pasti seperti kepiting rebus sekarang.

Mama Hoshi beradu pandang dengan suaminya. Suasana makan pagi ini sangat berbeda. “Adakah sesuatu yang kami lewatkan?” tanyanya lirih.

Afra mengangkat kepalanya perlahan. Menoleh ke arah Hoshi yang sedang menatapnya sembari tersenyum. Dia menahan nafas. Wajah Hoshi saat ini, pasti akan selalu terkenang selama sisa hidupnya.

Hoshi melihat Papa Mamanya bergantian. “Kapan Papa Mama mau kami menikah?”

Mata Mama Hoshi terbelalak. Dia bangkit, memeluk Afra sangat erat. “Ya Allah! Ya Allah! Benarkah?” Merasa Afra mengangguk, tanpa sadar airmatanya berlinang. “Ya Allah! Alhamdulillah … Alhamdulillah!”

Tangan Mama Hoshi yang satunya lagi direntangkan. Dengan air mata berlinang, dia tersenyum ke arah Hoshi. Hoshi bangkit dari duduknya, memeluk Mamanya.

“Syukurlah … syukurlah Hosh … perjuangan kamu tidak sia-sia … Alhamdulillah … Alhamdulillah.”

Mata Hoshi terpejam saat memeluk erat Mamanya. “Terimakasih untuk doa-doa Mama selama ini.”

Mama Hoshi menangis tersedu-sedu.

Afra dan Hoshi melepaskan pelukan mereka.

“Ibu,” Afra menghapus airmata yang mengalir di pipi Mama Hoshi. Dia tersenyum. Hatinya dipenuhi perasaan hangat luar biasa. Mendapatkan Mama Hoshi sebagai ibu mertua, jadi hadiah paling luar biasa selama hidupnya. “Sudah … jangan menangis lagi.”

“Kamu sendiri nangis,” Mama Hoshi menghapus airmata di pipi Afra. Dia memeluk Afra. “Kau adalah hadiah terindah dalam hidup kami.”

Hoshi memeluk Papanya. “Selamat Hosh.”

“Terimakasih, Pa.”

“Ayo, kita lanjutkan makannya,” ujar Papa Hoshi. “Kalau sudah dingin, tidak enak nanti.”

“Di mana rencananya kalian mau ngadain resepsinya?” tanya Mama Hoshi.

“Belum kepikiran,” sahut Hoshi. “Ma! Tolong simpan berita ini sampai besok. Hoshi mau ketemu keluarga Dokter Andri dulu.”

Kepala Mama Hoshi mengangguk-angguk dengan pandangan menerawang.

“Ma!” ujar Hoshi lembut dengan nada sedikit ditekan.

“Tentu saja, Hosh! Mama tahu. Sebelum ada surat resmi, anggap itu tidak ada,” desah Mama Hoshi jengkel. Rencana-rencananya harus menunggu sampai besok.


"Let's eat!" Hoshi waved his hand from a distance. Next to it was the dining table, which was not there last night.

"Wow!" Hoshi’s mother exclaimed, as she noticed the dish available on the table. Menado’s porridge complete. Some topings are placed separately. The four of them sat around the round table.

"Eat a lot, Ra," Hoshi picked up a bowl of porridge, then gave it to Afra.

Afra's face felt hot. "I can take my own, Hosh."

"Want more toppings?" Hoshi ignored Afra's words.

"Right, that's enough." Afra covered the mouth of the bowl with both hands. Happiness filled all of Afra's nerves. Is this what her father feels when her mother is still around?

Hoshi gave her a bunch of white roses, which he had just picked himself.

"Thank you." Afra did not dare raise her head. Her face must be like a boiled crab now.

Hoshi’s mother looked at her husband. Breakfast atmosphere is very different. "Is there something we miss?" She asked softly.

Afra lifted her head slowly. Looking over at Hoshi who was looking at her with a smile. She held her breath. Hoshi's face now, will always be remembered for the rest of her life.

Hoshi saw his parents. "When do you want us to get married?"

Hoshi's mother eyes widened. She got up, embraced Afra very tightly. "Ya Allah! Ya Allah! Really?"
Afra nodded, unconsciously tearful tears. "Ya Allah! Alhamdulillah ... Alhamdulillah! "

Hoshi's mother other hand was stretched out. With tears in her eyes, she smiled at Hoshi.

Hoshi rose from his seat, hugging his mother.

"Thank goodness ... thank goodness, Hosh ... your struggle is not in vain ... Alhamdulillah ... Alhamdulillah."
Hoshi's eyes closed as he embraced his mother. "Thanks for your prayers all this time."
Hoshi’s mother burst into tears.

Afra and Hoshi let go of her hugs.

"Ma’am," Afra wiped the tears flowing down Hoshi's mother cheeks. She smiled. Her heart was filled with incredible warm feelings. Getting Hoshi’s mother as a mother-in-law, must have been the most extraordinary gift for her life. "Please ... do not cry anymore."

"You're crying yourself," Hoshi’s mother wiped the tears on Afra's cheeks. She hugged Afra. "You are the most beautiful gift in our lives."

Hoshi hugged his father. "Congrats, Hosh."

"Thank you, Dad."

"Let's continue to eat," said Hoshi’s father. "When it's cold, it's not good."

"Where are you going to do the party?"

"No idea," Hoshi replied. "Mom! Please keep this news until tomorrow. I want to see Dr. Andri's family first. "
Hoshi's mother head nodded with a dreamy look.

"Mom!" Hoshi said gently with a slightly pressed tone.

"Of course, Hosh! I know. Before any official letter, assume it does not exist," Hoshi’s mother sighed irritably. Her plans have to wait until tomorrow.

Bandung Barat, Jumat 20 April 2018
Warm Regards

Cici SW

Source: 1, 2


Thank you @anaviteko :)
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Hey, just wanted to let you know I gave you an upvote because I appreciate your content! =D See you around

Love the pictures, Teh! Pretty! 😊

Secantik aku ya Teh @alaikaabdullah hehehehe
Terima kasih ya :)

Saya dapat undangan gak ya di pernikahan Afra dan Hoshi....hehehehe

Sudah masuk di daftar undangan Bang @tusroni. VVIP ya hehehehe

Waaah...siap berangkat nih ke acara nikahnya....hehehehe

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