It's For Love # 82 (Bilingual)

in #fiction6 years ago

Jantung Afra berdebar-debar.

Hoshi bangkit. “Kau suka kamarmu?”

“Hosh, terlalu berlebihan menyediakan kamar untukku. Aku hanya kerja delapan jam sehari,” ujar Afra.

“Ada banyak kamar kosong. Aku mau kau merasa nyaman, saat menjadi dokter pribadi Papa … kalau ada waktu luang, kau bisa istirahat di kamar. Atau lakukan apa pun yang kau mau … selain jaga Papa, kau kan juga menyusun serial komik kedokteranmu.”

Afra menyembunyikan tangan di balik punggung. “Papamu sudah berangsur pulih, tenagaku sudah tidak dibutuhkan lagi di sini.”

“Kau menyukai Mamaku, bukan?” Hoshi berjalan mendekati Afra.

Afra mengangguk sambil tersenyum. Jarak antara dirinya dan Hoshi semakin dekat.

“Mereka juga sangat menyukaimu … Ra … aku lama sekali meninggalkan mereka … aku tidak pernah menyenangkan mereka … sekarang aku mampu memenuhi kebutuhan mereka. Aku ingin Papa dan Mama ada di tangan yang tepat …. Sedikit mengobati rasa bersalahku.”

Afra menarik nafas panjang. Hoshi nampak sangat menarik mengenakan setelan kaos pas badan dan celana khaki dengan warna senada.

Hoshi berdiri di depan Afra. Tersenyum lembut. Dengan nada rendah dia bertanya, “Ada lagi yang kau butuhkan?”

Afra memandang Hoshi sesaat. Anak manja itu sudah menjadi laki-laki dewasa Sekarang. Hoshi tidak membutuhkannya lagi, seperti dulu.

“Tidak.” Afra menarik nafas panjang. Berupaya meredakan rasa kecewa yang begitu menggigit.

“Kau tahu kami sangat membutuhkanmu, bukan?” tanya Hoshi lembut.

Kedua alis Afra naik tinggi. Sekarang dia bisa membaca pikiran orang? Dan … kami … bukan aku ….

“Aku tahu … lanjutkan istirahatmu,” Afra langsung meninggalkan Hoshi. Entah kenapa, hatinya merasa hampa.

I don’t deserve this
You look perfect tonight

Dia tidak ingin Hoshi tahu dia merasa kecewa. Langkah kaki membawanya ke teras belakang. Kedua orangtua Hoshi sedang istirahat di kamar. Hasil kontrol Papa Hoshi sangat baik. Hanya ditambahkan beberapa obat, dan melakukan beberapa terapi fisik tambahan.

Dia memilih treadmil outdoor, dari beberapa outdoor gym. Halaman belakang rumah Hoshi terbagi menjadi beberapa bagian. Area olahraga, tempat dia berada sekarang. Di tambah lapangan basket, dan panahan. Area untuk tanam menanam, Dan Area untuk bersosialisasi.

Kakinya bergerak otomatis di atas treadmill. Sementara pikirannya menerawang. Telpon Santi membuatnya merasa bingung. Hoshikah yang membayar biaya pengobatan anak Santi dan Arif?
Apa kabar Arif? Dia ingin bertemu Arif, tapi nada tinggi suara Santi menahannya berkunjung.

“Apa yang sedang kau pikirkan?” Tiba-tiba Hoshi duduk di ayunan kayu di sebelah kanannya.

Afra tersenyum. Bukan Hoshi, kalau tidak selalu memberinya kejutan. Ah … dia rindu masa-masa SMA mereka. Dia memasang wajah profesional. “Tidak ada,” sahutnya tenang.

“Ayolah! Kau bukan orang yang pandai berbohong,” desak Hoshi. Matanya tidak lepas dari wajah Afra.

“Kau punya indra keenam, ya?” Afra mengarahkan pandangannya ke langit. Menghindari pandangan menyelidik Hoshi. Laki-laki itu bisa menembus topeng ketenangannya. Ini tidak bagus, pikir Afra.

“Kalau kau tidak mau mengatakannya, ayo kita panen untuk reuni besok,” Hoshi menyodorkan keranjang kosong ke arah Afra.


Her heart was pounding.

Hoshi got up. "Do you like your room?"

"Hosh, it's too much to provide a room for me. I only work eight hours a day," Afra said.

"There are many empty rooms. I want you to feel comfortable, when you become my father’s personal doctor... If you have free time, you can rest in the room. Or do whatever you want ... beside taking care of my farher, you're also putting together your medical comic series. "

Afra hides her hands behind her back. "Your father has gradually recovered, my energy is no longer needed here."

"You like my mom, don’t you?" Hoshi walked over to Afra.

Afra nodded with a smile. The distance between her and Hoshi drew closer.

"They also like you very much ... Ra ... I left them so long ... I never had fun with them ... now I'm able to provide their needs. I want both of them in the right hands .... Slightly treating my guilt. "

Afra took a deep breath. Hoshi looks very attractive wearing a suit and body suit khaki pants with matching color.

Hoshi stood in front of Afra. Smile softly. In a low voice he asked, "Is there anything else you need?"

Afra looked at Hoshi for a moment. The spoiled child has become a man now. Hoshi does not need her anymore, as it used to be.

"No." Afra took a deep breath. Attempting to ease the bitterness of disappointment.

"You know we really need you, do not you?" Hoshi asked softly.

Both of Afra's eyebrows rose high. Now he can read people's minds? And ... we're ... not me ....

"I know ... continue your rest," Afra immediately left Hoshi. For some reason, her heart felt empty.
I do not deserve this

You look perfect tonight
She did not want Hoshi to know she was disappointed. Footsteps take her to the back porch. Hoshi's parents are resting

in their room. Hoshi's father’s control results are very good. Just added some medication, and did some additional physical therapy.

she chose an outdoor treadmill, from several outdoor gyms. Hoshi's backyard is divided into sections. Sports area, where she is now. In addition to the basketball court, and archery. Areas for planting, Dan Area to socialize.

Her feet move automatically on the treadmill. While her mind was dreamy. The Santi phone made her feel confused. Did Hoshi who pay the cost of treatment of Santi’s child and Arif?
How is Arif now? She wants to meet Arif, but the high notes of Santi's voice keep her visiting.

"What are you thinking about?" Suddenly Hoshi sat on the wooden swing on his right.

Afra smiled. Not Hoshi, if not always give her a surprise. Ah ... she missed their high school years. She put on a professional face. "Nothing," she said calmly.

"Come on! You're not a good liar," Hoshi urged. His eyes did not escape Afra's face.

"You have a sixth sense, do not you?" Afra directs her gaze to the sky. Avoid Hoshi's probing look. That man can penetrate the mask of her composure. This is not good, Afra thought.

"If you do not want to say something, let's harvest for the reunion tomorrow," Hoshi handed the empty basket to Afra.

Bandung Barat, Selasa 10 April 2018
Warm Regards

Cici SW

Source: 1, 2

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