It's For Love # 71 (Bilingual)

in #fiction7 years ago


Ketika Afra membuka mata, Hoshi orang yang pertama kalinya dilihatnya.

“Di mana ini, Hosh?” Mata Afra memperhatikan sekeliling.

“Kamarku … tenang saja,” ujar Hoshi, ketika melihat Afra akan bangun.

“Aku harus pulang!” Afra menyibakkan selimut yang menutupi tubuhnya.

“Afra, di sini ada perawat yang menjagamu mu selama 24 jam.” Tangan Hoshi menunjuk pada seorang suster yang berdiri di kaki ranjang Hoshi.

“Aku sudah tidak apa-apa!” kilah Afra.

“Istirahatlah! Aku akan keluar sekarang juga,” Hohi langsung melangkahkan kaki ke arah pintu.

“Afra,” panggil Mama Hoshi lembut.

Afra menoleh ke sisi lain ranjang Hoshi. Wajahnya terasa panas. Dia tidak melihat Mama Hoshi sebelumnya.

“Istirahat dulu sebentar di sini … Hoshi sudah menghubungi asprimu … dia sedang dalam perjalanan kemari.”

Afra menundukkan kepalanya. Wajahnya pasti merah padam.

“Tolong keluar dulu, Sus!” kata Mama Hoshi pada suster yang berdiri di sebelah Afra.

Perlahan suster itu menutup pintu kamar Hoshi.

“Kau pasti sangat tertekan belakangan ini.” Mama Hoshi memperbaiki letak selimut Afra.

“Ibu—“ Tangan Afra memegang tangan Mama Hoshi.

“Tidak apa-apa,” Mama Hoshi menepuk punggung tangan Afra lembut. “Kau telah memberikan banyak sekali pada kami.”

“Saya tidak melakukan apa-apa,” sergah Afra perlahan.

Mama Hoshi tersenyum lebar. “Kau baik sekali ya Afra … aku akan memarahi Hoshi dan Malvin seumur hidupku, jika salah satu dari mereka tidak ada yang kau pilih sebagai suami.”

“Ibu!” Mata Afra terbelalak memandang Mama Hoshi. Ya Allah, pantas saja Hoshi sangat naïf saat SMA … dia dibesarkan seorang ibu periang yang sangat baik hati.

“Kenapa kau seperti terkejut sekali,” Mama Hoshi menaikkan alisnya dengan jenaka.

Afra tersenyum. Sifat Hoshi sama persis seperti sifat Mamanya. Keceriaan mereka menular.

“Ibu sudah melihat foto yang di upload di internet?”

Mama Hoshi mengangguk. Kedua sudut bibirnya naik sedikit. Sama seperti Hoshi, saat anak itu akan berbuat jahil padanya.

“Tidak … punya pertanyaan apa-apa melihat foto-foto itu?” tanya Afra penasaran. Ibu dan anak ini, menjadi misteri baginya. Dia tidak bisa membaca pikiran keduanya.

“Aku tidak pernah melihat Malvin tersenyum seperti itu sebelumnya … selama ini dia sangat praktis dan serius … seperti Papanya … syukurlah dia bisa mencair seperti itu.”

“Tidak terlintaskah di pikiran Ibu, aku mempermainkan keduanya?” desak Afra.

Mama Hoshi tertawa kecil. “Aku kenal anak-anakku … tidak akan pernah ada orang yang bisa mempermainkan mereka … kalaupun ada yang pernah mencoba, mereka berdua pasti akan menghabisinya.”

Melihat wajah Afra berubah, Mama Hoshi cepat-cepat berkata, “Menghabisinya bukan dalam artian membunuh orang itu … maksudku, mereka berdua pasti memberi pelajaran pada siapa pun yang berani mempermainkan mereka … Afra, tahukah kamu? walaupun Hoshi tidak dinas di militer, tapi Malvin tidak pernah bisa mengalahkannya, saat mereka sparing berbagai bela diri. Itu membuat Malvin kadang kala sangat jengkel pada Hoshi.”

“Benarkah?” Alis Afra naik sedikit. Saat membanting Malvin, dia bisa menebak kekuatan Malvin. Seandainya Malvin tidak menganggap remeh dirinya, belum tentu dia bisa membanting kolonel itu. Sekuat apa Hoshi?

Mama Hoshi mengangguk serius. “Aku selalu berpikir kenapa? Kami berdua, maksudnya aku dan Papa mereka sering kali mendiskusikan hal ini, penilaian akhirnya, karena Hoshi menjalani hidupnya lebih rileks dibanding Malvin … mungkinkah itu yang terjadi menurutmu?”

“Bisa jadi … seperti tai chi?” tanya Afra dengan nada bersekongkol.

“Jet Lee,” Mata Mama Hoshi bersinar. “Kau suka melihat film silat?”

Afra mengangguk perlahan. Mama Hoshi lucu. Pantas saja Hoshi selalu membuatnya tertawa. Tanpa sadar dia tersenyum.

“Kenapa tersenyum seperti itu?” Mama Hoshi memandang wajah Afra.

“Ibu lucu … pantas saja Hoshi lucu.” Saat Hoshi bercerita tentang Mamanya, pernah terbersit dalam pikirannya, ingin bertemu dengan wanita yang sangat dikagumi Hoshi. Keinginannya dipenuhi Allah. Alhamdulillah. Ucapnya berulang kali dalam hati. Perasaannya mulai menjadi lebih ringan.

Mama Hoshi tertegun sejenak. “Kau benar-benar menganggap Hoshi lucu?” tanya wanita cantik itu dengan pandangan menyelidik.

Afra memiringkan kepalanya. “Ya, tentu saja … saya jarang sekali berbohong … kenapa Ibu memandangku seperti tidak percaya? ... tidak lihat foto saya di internet? Saya jarang sekali tertawa lepas seperti itu.”


Mama Hoshi mengangguk-angguk. “Begini … tadi aku bilang ada yang ingin aku bicarakan denganmu… karena sekarang kau tidak dinas, bagaimana kalau kau menjadi dokter pribadi Papa Hoshi untuk sementara.”

“Dokter pribadi?” alis Afra naik sedikit.



When Afra opened her eyes, the first person she saw was Hoshi.

"Where is this, Hosh?" Afra looked around.

"My room ... just calm down," Hoshi said, when he saw Afra wake up.

"I have to go home!" Afra pushed back the blanket covering her body.

"Afra, here's a nurse looking after you for 24 hours." Hoshi's hand pointed to a nurse standing at the foot of Hoshi's bed.

"I'm fine!" Afra said.

"Get some rest! I'm going out right now," Hohi immediately stepped toward the door.

"Afra," Mama Hoshi called softly.

Afra turned to the other side of Hoshi's bed. Her face was hot. She had not seen Hoshi’s mother before.

"Take a break here ... Hoshi has called your assistant ... she's on her way here."

Afra lowered her head. Her face must be red.

"Please come out first, Sus!" Hoshi’s mother said to the nurse standing next to Afra.

Slowly the nurse closed Hoshi's door.

"You must be very depressed lately." She fixed the Afra blanket.

"Ma’am-" Afra held her hand.

"It's okay," She patted the back of Afra's hands gently. "You have given us a lot."

"I did not do anything," Afra said slowly.

Hoshi’s mother smiled broadly. "You're so kind of Afra ... I'll scold Hoshi and Malvin for the rest of my life, if one of them don't become your husband."

"Ma’am!" Afra's eyes widened at Hoshi's mother. Ya Allah, Hoshi is just so naïve in high school ... he grew up with a very nice cheerful mother.

"Why are you so shocked," Hoshi’s mother raised her eyebrows wittyly.

Afra smiled. The nature of Hoshi is exactly the same as his mother’s. Their cheerfulness is contagious.

"Have you seen photos uploaded on the internet?"

Mama Hoshi nodded. Both corners of her lips rose slightly. Just like Hoshi, when the boy would prank after her.

"No ... Do you have any questions after looking at those pictures?" Afra asked curiously. This mother and son, a mystery to her. She can not read their minds.

"I've never seen Malvin smile like that before ... all this time he's very practical and serious ... like his dad ... I’am glad he's melting like that."

"Nothing in my mind, did I play with both of them?" Afra pressed.

She Hoshi chuckled. "I know my kids ... nobody can ever play a brand ... if anyone ever tries, they'll both finish him off."

Seeing Afra's face change, Hoshi’s mother quickly said, "It is not in the sense of killing the person ... I mean, they both must teach anyone who dares to play with them ... Afra, do you know? although Hoshi is not in the military, but Malvin can never defeat him, as they span the martial arts. It makes Malvin sometimes very annoyed at Hoshi. "

"Really?" Afra's eyebrows rose slightly. When he slammed Malvin, he could guess Malvin's strength. If Malvin had not taken him for granted, she could not have slammed the colonel. How strong is Hoshi?

Hoshi’s mother nodded seriously. "I always wonder why? I and my husband, both of us often discuss this, the final judgment, because of Hoshi living his life more relaxed than Malvin ... could that be what you think? "

"Could be ... like tai chi?" Afra asked in a conspiratorial tone.

"Jet Lee," Hoshi's mother eyes shone. "Do you like seeing martial art movies?"

Afra nodded slowly. Hoshi's mother is funny. No wonder Hoshi always made her laugh. Unconsciously she smiled.

"Why do you smile like that?" Hoshi’s mother looked at Afra's face.

"Funny ma’am ... it's just Hoshi funny." When Hoshi talks about his Mama, it never comes to mind, wants to meet the woman Hoshi greatly admired. Her wish granted. Alhamdulillah. Said repeatedly in the heart. Her feelings started to become lighter.

Hoshi’s mother was stunned for a moment. "You really think Hoshi is funny?" Asked the beautiful woman with a probing look.

Afra tilted her head. "Yes, of course ... I rarely lie ... why do you look at me like you do not believe me? ... do not you see my photos on the internet? I rarely laugh that way. "


Hoshi’s mother nodded. "Look ... I said I have something to talk to you about ... now that you're not in service, why do not you become Papa Hoshi's personal doctor for a while."

"Personal doctor?" Afra's eyebrows rose slightly.

Bandung Barat, 22 Maret 2018

Warm Regards

Cici SW

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