It's For Love # 68 (Bilingual)

in #fiction7 years ago

Hoshi tersenyum, mengabaikan pertanyaan Afra. “Terimakasih, sudah menarikku keluar 11 tahun yang lalu.”

Afra mengalihkan pandangannya dari kilauan permata di atas, ke arah Hoshi. “Apa yang sudah aku lakukan untukmu? Aku tidak pernah melakukan apapun!”

Afra menyesali pilihannya menoleh ke arah Hoshi. Walaupun tidak pernah pacaran sampai usianya menginjak 28 tahun, tidak berarti dia tidak bisa menghargai ciptaan Allah. Profil Hoshi dari samping sangat menarik. Tubuhnya tiba-tiba terasa hangat. Rasa bahagia memenuhi setiap syarafnya. Satu tangannya menekan dada perlahan. Berharap bisa memperlambat denyut detak jantungnya.

Suara penyanyi wanita terdengar jelas ketika pintu ruang resepsi terbuka sedikit.

Bila nanti saatnya t'lah tiba

Ku ingin kau menjadi istriku

Berjalan bersamamu dalam terik dan hujan

Berlarian kesana-kemari dan tertawa

[Source]( )

Senyum Hoshi mengembang. Lagu lawas saat mereka kelas tiga SMA. Lagu pesanannya mengudara. Ajaib. Afra bersamanya. Keberuntungannya terus berlanjut. Dia memiringkan kepala ke arah Afra. Hoshi bernyanyi perlahan, mengikuti alunan musik. Matanya tidak dilepaskan dari mata Afra.

Mata Hoshi selalu seperti tersenyum bila bibirnya tersenyum. Tanpa sadar Afra ikut tersenyum. Melihat Hoshi tersenyum, selalu membuatnya ingin tersenyum. Entah kenapa, sejak pertama kali ia bertemu Hoshi, senyum Hoshi selalu menular padanya. Dadanya seperti mau meledak. Rasa aneh yang menyenangkan, membuai hatinya.

“Kamu melakukan semuanya,” sahut Hoshi lembut.

Afra menarik nafas panjang sangat perlahan. Berusaha meredakan jantungnya yang berpacu cepat. “Aku harus masuk … sudah lama aku di luar.”


Hoshi menemani langkah Afra yang seperti setengah berlari. Hatinya bernyanyi melihat kepanikan di mata dan wajah Afra.

Rem yang tiba-tiba diinjak Hoshi, membuyarkan lamunan Afra. Tangannya menggeser layar ke atas. Fotonya dan Rafka baru saja diambil hari ini. Dia tertegun melihat cara Rafka menatapnya, ketika dia sedang menundukkan kepala. Sibuk mengaduk kopi. Ya Allah, mungkinkah Rafka ….


Ponselnya berdering. Nada Bu Dokter. “Assalamualaikum, Bu.”

“Waalaikumsalam… Afra apa kabarmu?”

“Alhamdulillah baik, Bu… bagaimana kabar Ibu dan Pak Dokter?”

“Afra maaf, Ibu belum bisa ke sana sekarang.”

“Tidak apa-apa, Bu.”

“Keadaanmu sekarang bukannya tidak apa-apa, Afra! ... Pak Dokter sudah maksa Ibu untuk menemanimu … tapi tahu sendiri Pak Dokter … kalau tidak ada Ibu, pasti makan semaunya … maafin Ibu ya sayang, belum bisa ke sana sekarang.”

Mata Afra dikerjapkan, menahan airmata yang akan keluar. Ada orang yang mempercayainya, tanpa keraguan sedikitpun. Tidak semua orang di dunia ini jahat dan mudah sekali dipengaruhi. Dia sangat beruntung. Orang-orang terdekatnya adalah malaikat-malaikat yang menyamar jadi manusia. Afra memaksakan senyum di bibirnya.

“Tidak apa-apa Bu, sungguh … kalau saya kenapa-kenapa, saya akan lari ke Ibu.”

Mendengar suara Afra, Hoshi melirik Mamanya. Mata mereka bertatapan sejenak. Menyepakati satu hal tanpa kata. Andai Afra sendirian, dia pasti menangis.

Suara helaan nafas Bu Dokter terdengar jelas di telinga Afra. “Kamu sendiri yang ngomong ya? Berarti kamu janji ini!”

“Ya, Bu,” sahut Afra lirih. Dia mengerti, Bu Dokter tahu. Dia tidak akan lari ke Bu Dokter, kalau sesuatu yang buruk benar-benar terjadi padanya.

“Nanti Ibu telpon lagi, Afra.” Tanpa menunggu jawaban Afra, sambungan itu terputus. Afra menutup ponselnya dengan tangan sedikit gemetar. Dia menarik nafas panjang perlahan, meredakan kegalauan hati. Saat ini Bu Dokter pasti sedang menangis.

Matanya terpejam. Melihat keluarga Dokter Andri menangis karena dirinya. Dadanya terasa sesak. Matanya melihat lalu lintas padat di jalur yang berlawanan arah dengannya. Dia benar-benar sangat beruntung. Menghabiskan tahun-tahun terakhir ini, dalam keluarga yang hangat dan sangat penuh cinta kasih. Afra mengusap matanya perlahan. Airmata yang terkumpul di ujung mata, habis terusap punggung telunjuknya.

Jarinya kembali mengusap layar ponsel Hoshi. Dia mengepalkan kedua tangannya menahan marah. Berita itu mengulas latar belakang keluarga Dokter Andri. Dia memijit-mijit pelipisnya yang terasa sakit.


Hoshi smiled, ignoring Afra's question. "Thank you for pulling me out 11 years ago."

Afra averted her eyes from the glitter of the gems above, toward Hoshi. "What did I do for you? I never did anything for you! "

Afra regrets her choice of turning to Hoshi. Although she never dated until she was 28, it does not mean she can not appreciate Allah's creation. Hoshi's profile from the side is very interesting. Her body suddenly felt warm. Happyness filled every nerve. She pressed her chest slowly. Expect to slow down her rapidly pulsating heartbeat.

The female singer's voice was audible as the reception door opened slightly.

Bila nanti saatnya t'lah tiba

Ku ingin kau menjadi istriku

Berjalan bersamamu dalam terik dan hujan

Berlarian kesana-kemari dan tertawa

[Source]( )

Hoshi's smile widened. Old song when they were in third grade senior year. His order song is on air. Owesome. Afra with him now. His luck continued. He tilted his head toward Afra. Hoshi sang slowly, following the music. His eyes were not released from Afra's eyes.

Hoshi's eyes always smile when his lips smile. Unknowingly, Afra smiled. Seeing Hoshi smiling, always made her want to smile. For some reason, since the first time he met Hoshi, Hoshi's smile always infected her. Her chest was about to explode. A funny strange feeling, lulling her heart.

"You did everything," Hoshi said softly.

Afra took a deep breath very slowly. Trying to calm her pounding heart. "I have to go in ... I've been outside for a long time."


Hoshi accompanied Afra's half-ran step. His heart sings to see the panic in Afra's eyes and face.

The brakes that Hoshi suddenly stepped on, interrupted Afra's reverie. Her hand shifts the screen up. Her photo and Rafka were just taken today. She was amazed at how Rafka looked at her, as she was bending her head. Busy stirring coffee. Ya Allah is it possible Rafka ....


The phone is ringing. Bu Doctor's Tone. "Assalamualaikum, ma'am."

"Waalaikumsalam ... Afra, how are you?"

"Alhamdulillah, ma’am ... how are you and Doctor?"

"Afra sorry, we have not been there yet."

"It's all right, ma’am."

"Your situation now is not okay, Afra! ... Doctor has forced me to accompany you ... but know yourself how about him ... if I am not around, he’ll eat everything ... sorry my dear, I can not get there to accompany you."

Afra blinked her eyes, holding back the tears that would come out. There are people who believe it, without any hesitation. Not everyone in this world is evil and easily influenced. She's very lucky. The closest people are angels disguised as human beings. She forced a smile on her lips. "It's okay ma’am, really ... if there is something wrong with me, I'm gonna run to you."

Hearing Afra's voice, Hoshi glanced at his mother. Their eyes met for a moment. Agree on one thing without a word. If Afra was alone, she would cry.

The sound of Bu Doctor's breathing sounded clearly in Afra's ear. "Do you say that yourself? Then you promise this!"

"Yes ma'am," Afra said quietly. She understands, Bu Doctor knows. She will not run to Bu Doctor, if something bad really happens to her.

"Later I call again, Afra." Without waiting for Afra's reply, the connection broke off. Afra closed her cell phone with her hand shaking. She took a long breath slowly, easing the confusion of the heart. By now Bu Doctor must be crying.

Her eyes closed. Know Doctor Andri’s family cries because of her, made her chest tightened.

Her eyes see the heavy traffic on the opposite path. She's really very lucky. Spend these last years, in a warm and very loving family. Afra wiped her eyes slowly. Tears accumulated at the end of her eyes, running out her index finger,

Her fingers again rubbed Hoshi's cell phone screen. She clenched her fists in anger. The news is about the background of Doctor Andri’s family. She massaged her painful temple.

Bandung Barat, Sabtu 17 Maret 2018

Warm Regards

Cici SW

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