It's For Love # 65 (Bilingual)

in #fiction7 years ago

“Papa!” terdengar teriakan histeris Mamanya. Mama berdiri membelakanginya, dengan tangan terentang. “Ya Allah, Pa … Istighfar … istighfar … Jangan! Apa yang terjadi?”

“Anak kamu, sudah mencuri!”

“Mencuri?” Mama Hoshi menoleh ke belakang. Darah membasahi wajah Hoshi. Tangannya terasa lemas. Lututnyaseperti tidak bertenaga. Dia jatuh terduduk di depan suaminya. “Mencuri apa?” tanyanya lemah.

Papa Hoshi mengacungkan buku tabungan Hoshi. “Lihat! Sama sekali tidak ada saldo di sini. Aku sudah bilang, kalau dia mau kuliah jurusan lain, dia harus menyerahkan buku tabungan dan isinya. Kameranya juga tidak ada … dia sudah tidak jujur … mengambil sesuatu yang belum jadi haknya.”

Perasaan Mama Hoshi menjadi sangat lega. Ketika dia mendongak, suaminya berjalan mendekati Hoshi dengan wajah marah. “Berhenti, Pa! Berhenti! Hoshi tidak mengambil uang itu.”


“Jangan kamu bela anak itu! Kamu mau anak kamu jadi begundal nanti, kalau sudah besar?”

“Pa! Hoshi tidak mengambil uang itu,” Mama Hoshi berdiri tegak di hadapan suaminya.

“Apa maksud kamu? ... tidak cukupkah selama ini kamu melindunginya seperti anak bayi?”

Wajah Mama Hoshi menegang. “Papa bilang aku engga bisa ngurus anak?” tanyanya dengan suara dingin.

Mendengar nada suara istrinya, air muka Papa Hoshi langsung berubah. “Bukan itu maksud aku! Jangan mengalihkan pembicaraan!”

“Kalau mau marah sama aku … jangan bawa-bawa anak! Langsung ngomong sama aku!”

Untuk pertama kali dalam seumur hidupnya, Hoshi melihat Mamanya berteriak pada Papanya. Keduanya bertengkar karena dirinya. Hoshi mengepalkan tangan sekuat-kuatnya, menahan rasa marah pada diri sendiri. Laki-laki macam apa aku? Hanya bisa dikasihani dan jadi beban orangtua.

Papa Hoshi terdiam. Dia memandang Hoshi dan istrinya bergantian. Dengan marah, buku tabungan Hoshi dibanting ke lantai, kemudian bergegas meninggalkan ruangan. “Minggir!” teriaknya pada Malvin yang berdiri dengan wajah bingung di ambang pintu.

“Kamu harus benar-benar punya alasan bagus, buat Mama nunggu penjelasan kamu 11 tahun lagi,” ucap Mama Hoshi seraya membantu anak sulungnya berdiri.

“Malvin, tolong ambil kotak obat!” Mama Hoshi membimbing anaknya masuk ke kamar.

“Kamu engga bisa bilang itu Afra, karena kondisi keluarganya sangat kompleks?” suara Mama Hoshi menariknya kembali ke saat ini.

“Benar, Ma.” “Semua cerita di internet tentang Afra benar?”

“Kecuali dia ambil hak waris ayahnya … Ayahnya tahu, kalau sesuatu terjadi padanya … anaknya pasti tidak akan diberikan bagiannya dari harta yang dimilikinya saat bersama Laila … Ayahnya sudah mengantisipasi itu. Dan berita tentang adiknya.”

“Kenapa adiknya?” “Anak itu bukan adik kandungnya.” “Kau tahu itu sejak belasan tahun lalu?”

Hoshi menggelengkan kepala. “Tidak … begitu aku terbiasa mencari jejak dan informasi saat menulis novel, aku mulai melacak kebenaran berita tentang Afra.”

Dahi Mama Hoshi sedikit berkerut. “Kau tidak menemukan Afra?”

“Salah satu hal yang tidak kulakukan adalah mencari keberadaan Afra … aku harus fokus terus menguatkan diriku … kalau tidak … pasti Afra akan selalu membantuku. Aku mau dilihat sebagai laki-laki Ma, sama Afra … bukan teman SMA yang harus terus dilindunginya.”

Mama Hoshi menghela nafas. “Lalu kenapa kau merahasiakan ini pada Mama dan Papa?” **ENGLISH VERSION**

"Honey!" Came screaming hysterically Hoshi’s mother. She stands in front of him, with her arms outstretched. "Ya Allah! ... Istighfar ... istighfar ... Don’t do that! What happened?"

"Your son is stealing!"

"Steal?" She looked back. Blood soaked Hoshi's face. Her hands felt weak. Her knees are not powered. She fell down in front of her husband. "Steal what?" She asked weakly.

Hoshi’s father held up Hoshi's savings book. "See! There is absolutely no balance here. I told him, if he wants lecturing in other majors, he has to hand over his saving book and its contents. His camera is also not there ... he is not honest ... take something that has not been his right."

Hoshi's mother feelings became very relieved. As she looked up, her husband walked toward Hoshi with an angry face. "Stop! Stop! Hoshi did not take the money."


"Do not you defend the child! Do you want your son to be a jerunder later on, when he's big?"

"Honey! Hoshi did not take the money, "Hoshi’s mother stood upright in front of her husband.

"What do you mean? ... is not it enough that you have been protecting him like a baby child?"

Hoshi's mother face tightened. "You said I can not take care of children?" She asked in a cold voice.

Hearing the tone of her voice, Hoshi's father expression changed immediately. "I don’t mean that! Don’t change the subject!"

"If you want to be angry with me ... do not take the child! Just talk to me! "

For the first time in his lifetime, Hoshi sees his mother shouting at his father. Both were fighting over him. Hoshi clenched his fist, holding back the anger to himself. What kind of man am I? Only being pitied and burden.

Hoshi’s father fell silent. He looked at Hoshi and his wife in turn. Angered, Hoshi's savings book slammed to the floor, then hurried out of the room. "Move!" He cried to Malvin, who stood staring at the doorway.

"You have to really have a good reason, make me wait for your explanation 11 years," said Mama Hoshi while helping her eldest son stand.

"Malvin, please take the medicine box," while guiding his son into the room.

"You can not say it's Afra, because the family's condition is so complex?" Hoshi's mother voice pulled him back to this moment.

"Right, mom."

"All the stories on the internet about Afra right?"

"Unless he took his father's inheritance ... Her father knew, if anything happened to him ... his daughter would not be given his share of the treasure he had with Laila ... Her father had anticipated it. And her little brother. "

"What about her little brother?"

"It's not her sibling."

"You know that since a dozen years ago?"

Hoshi shook his head. "No ... once I get used to finding traces and information while writing a novel, I start tracking the truth about Afra."

Hoshi's mother forehead slightly wrinkled. "You did not find her?"

"One of the things I'm not doing is looking for Afra's presence ... I have to focus on strengthening myself ... otherwise Afra will always help me. I want to be seen as a man, ... not a high school friend who has to be protected by her."

Hoshi’s mother sighed. "Then why are you keeping this from us?"

Bandung Barat, Selasa 13 Maret 2018

Warm Regards

Cici SW

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