It's For Love # 64

in #fiction7 years ago

“Sahabat aku Ma … orang yang selama ini selalu ada buat aku … sama seperti Mama … dia … lagi kena bencana.”

Hoshi akhirnya bicara dengan kepala menunduk.

Mama Hoshi berusaha mengingat semua teman-teman Hoshi yang dikenalnya. Tapi tidak ada satupun yang memiliki profil, seperti yang baru saja anaknya gambarkan.

“Pacar kamu?” tanya Mama Hoshi hati-hati.

Hoshi tersenyum sedih. Seandainya saja begitu keadaannya. “Bukan, Ma.”

“Kalau dia bukan pacar kamu, kenapa kamu bisa sampai seperti ini?”

“Kalau aku menikah nanti, dia wanita yang akan aku nikahi. Aku engga akan nikah, kalau engga sama dia.”

Alis Mama Hoshi naik sedikit. Dia menahan tawa yang mau keluar dari mulutnya. Sulung yang selalu menggandeng tangannya kalau sedang bepergian ini, bicara tentang pernikahan. “Kamu masih kecil untuk bicara pernikahan, Hosh.”

“Tentu saja, “ Hoshi cepat menyetujui. “Lagi pula aku belum pantes untuk dia … dia … ada di luar jangkauan aku sekarang, Ma.”

Dahi Mama Hoshi mengernyit. Memperhatikan wajah Hoshi yang terlihat sangat bersungguh-sungguh. Anaknya serius dengan ucapannya. Tapi … anaknya yang punya rasa percaya diri luar biasa, bicara seperti ini. Siapa anak perempuan itu?

“Dia kena musibah kenapa?”

“Aku engga bisa ngomong banyak sekarang … tapi waktu Mama bilang, sekarang aku berubah … itu karena dia.” Hoshi menoleh ke arah Mamanya.

Mama Hoshi mengangguk memberi dukungan. “Kalau selama ini, dia bantu kamu … giliran kamu bantu dia, saat dia susah.”

Hoshi menatap mata Mamanya. “Aku mau minta tolong Mama ….”

Mama Hoshi duduk tenang di hadapan Hoshi.

“Anak yang Mama tolong 11 tahun lalu itu Afra,” ujar Hoshi.

Mama Hoshi menarik nafas panjang. Firasatnya benar. Setelah mencocokkan berita yang beredar belakangan ini dunia maya, dia merasa Afra ada hubungannya dengan apa yang terjadi pada Hoshi.

“Aku sangat berterima kasih Mama mengabulkan permintaanku. Tidak menceritakannya pada Papa.”

Mama Hoshi menyandarkan tubuhnya. “Lalu apa yang akan kau lakukan sekarang?”

“Aku sedang memikirkannya, Ma.” Hoshi berjalan menuju meja kerjanya. Setelah duduk di kursi, tangannya membalik jam pasir di ujung mejanya. Satu per satu pasir melewati celah sempit dan menempati tempat baru.

“Kau tahu Malvin jatuh cinta padanya juga?”

Kepala Hoshi mengangguk perlahan. Matanya masih terfokus pada butiran-putiran pasir, yang bergerak mengikuti garis yang dibuat pemiliknya.

Mama Hoshi berjalan ke depan meja Hoshi. Tangannya sedikit memeluk dirinya sendiri. “Kalau Mama tidak datang tepat pada waktunya ….”

Ujung bibir Hoshi naik sedikit. Papanya kalap, ketika pengumuman SBMPTN keluar, dan dia masuk PTN yang dipilihnya. Papanya mengambil buku tabungannya, dan melihat saldo yang tersisa hanya saldo minimal.

“Kemana uang tabunganmu?” teriak Papa Hoshi dengan suara menggelegar.

Hoshi hanya menundukkan kepala.

“Hoshi! Dengar Papa! Bukannya waktu itu Papa bilang, kalau kamu mau ambil jurusan lain, kamu harus cari uang sendiri. Buku tabungan kamu Papa pegang !… kamu sudah mengambil semua tabunganmu?”

Pandangan Hoshi terus tertuju pada lantai yang dipijak Papanya. Tiba-tiba pipinya ditampar. Dia jatuh terjengkang. Dengan cepat dia berdiri lagi.

“Hoshi! Papa tanya sekali lagi! Mana uang tabungan kamu? Kamu mau, Papa engga nepatin omongan Papa sendiri?”

Sebuah tinju melayang di pipinya. Hoshi mengusap darah yang keluar dari sudut bibirnya. Dia sama sekali tidak merasa sakit. Yang dirasakan Afra saat ini, pasti berkali-kali lipat dari yang dirasakannya saat ini.

“Mana kamera kamu?” tanya Papanya lagi, sembari mengobrak abrik kamar Hoshi.

Kamera kesayangannya, hadiah dari Kakeknya saat dia berumur 10 tahun, memang menjadi benda paling berharga untuknya. Dia marah besar, jika Malvin memegang kamera tersebut.


Lagi-lagi tinju Papanya melayang. Dia jatuh terjengkang membentur dinding ruangan. Kepalanya berkunang-kunang. Ketika mencoba bangkit, dia melihat Papanya berjalan mendekatinya dengan wajah merah padam.


"My friend ... the one who has always been there for me ... just like you ... she's ... in a big trouble." Hoshi finally spoke with his head down.

Hoshi’s mother tried to remember all of Hoshi's friends whom she knew. But no one has a profile, just like her child just described.

"Is she your girlfriend?" Hoshi’s mother asked cautiously.

Hoshi smiled sadly. If only that was the case. "No, mom."

"If she's not your girlfriend, why do you get this way?"

"If I marry, she's the woman I'm going to marry. I'm not going to get married, if not with her. "

Hoshi's mother eyebrows rose slightly. She held back the laughter that would come out of her mouth. The eldest who always took her hand when he was traveling, talking about marriage. "You're still a kid yet to talk about marriage, Hosh."

"Of course," Hoshi quickly agreed. "After all, I don’t deserve her ... she ... is out of my league now."

Hoshi's mother forehead frowned. Watching Hoshi's face look very earnest. Her son is serious about his words. But ... her son who has incredible confidence, speaks like this. Who is that girl?

"She got into an accident?"

"I can not talk much now ... but when you says, now I'm changing ... it's because of her." Hoshi turned to his mother. Hoshi’s mother nodded her support. "If she always helped you ... it was your turn to help her, when she was in need."

Hoshi looked into his mother's eyes. "I am asking for your help ..."

Hoshi’s mother sat quietly in front of Hoshi.

"The child you helped 11 years ago was Afra," Hoshi said.

Hoshi’s mother took a deep breath. Her hunch was right. After matched the news circulating lately cyberspace, she feels Afra has something to do with what happened to Hoshi.

"I'm very grateful you granted my request. Not telling Dad. "

Hoshi’s mother leaned back. "Then what are you going to do now?"

"I'm thinking about it." Hoshi walked over to his desk. After sitting in a chair, his hands turned the hourglass at the end of his desk. One by one the sand through a narrow gap and occupy a new place.

"Do you know that Malvin is in love with her, too?"

Head Hoshi nodded slowly. His eyes still focused on the grains of sand, which moved along the line made by the owner. Hoshi’s mother walked to the front of Hoshi's desk. Her hands hugged herself a little. "If I do not come just in time ...."

The tip of Hoshi's lips rose slightly. His father was crazy, when the SBMPTN announcement came out, and he entered the PTN he chose. His dad took his savingbook, and saw the remaining balance only the minimum balance.

"Where's your savings?" Hoshi’s father shouted in a thunderous voice.

Hoshi just bowed his head.

"Hoshi! Listen to me! I already said, if you want to take another majors, you have to find your own money. I will hold your saving! ... you have taken all your savings?"

Hoshi's gaze continued to focus on the floor his father's steep on. Suddenly his cheeks slapped. He fell backward. Quickly he stood up again.

"Hoshi! I asked again! Where's your savings money? You want me not keeping my word? "

A fist hovering over his cheek. Hoshi wiped the blood out of the corner of his lips. He did not feel pain at all. What Afra feels right now, must be many times more than she feels right now.

"Where's your camera?" Asked his father again, as he ransacked Hoshi's room.

His favorite camera, a gift from his grandfather when he was 10 years old, is indeed the most valuable thing for him. He was furious, if Malvin held the camera.


Again his father's fist flew. He fell backward against the wall of the room. His head is drooping. When he tried to get up, he saw his father walking toward him with a red face.

Bandung Barat, Senin 12 Maret 2018

Warm Regards

Cici SW


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