It's For Love # 62 (Bilingual)

in #fiction7 years ago


Malvin mau tidak mau tersenyum. Menyelamati diri sendiri, karena menemukan wanita jenis ini. Dia bangun, membersihkan rumput dari celana panjangnya. Sempurna. Wanita kompeten tanpa emosi. Wanita seperti ini yang dibutuhkannya sebagai pendamping. Seorang wanita yang bright, smart, dan easy going. Dia tidak perlu repot membelikan bunga untuk Afra, seperti Papa membelikan Mama bunga.

“Judo. Dan berapa?” Malvin duduk di sebelah Afra. Samar-samar dia bisa mencium aroma tubuh Afra yang bercampur dengan parfum. Lembut. Menenangkan. Sama seperti aroma Mama. Dia menyukainya.

Afra tetap tidak mengalihkan pandangannya. “Setiap hari aku push up dan sit up 500 kali.”

“Kenapa suka panahan?”

Afra menoleh ke arah Malvin. Tersenyum lembut. “Tidak ada dalam laporanmu?”


Malvin terpana. Ya Allah. Ketakutannya menjadi kenyataan. Dia sudah menemukan wanita yang menjadi sosok Mama dalam hidup Papa. Dia menarik nafas panjang. Seandainya Kak Hoshi tidak mengejar wanita ini ....

Dari kejauhan, dia melihat Kakaknya berjalan menjauhi mereka, setelah membuang sesuatu ke dalam tong sampah.

Di mana dia bisa membeli kuncup mawar putih?


Hoshi meremas laporan yang tergenggam di tangannya. Dia baru saja tahu, Afra direkomendasikan liburan, sampai batas waktu yang tidak ditentukan. Afra pasti sangat tertekan. Dia tahu betapa senangnya Afra bisa melakukan operasi. Dia membuang laporan yang dibawanya.

Melihat senyum di wajah adiknya, dia tahu hati Malvin mendukung keputusan nalarnya. Hoshi membalikkan badan, menjauhi keduanya. Malvin juga punya hak berusaha mendekati Afra. Wanita itu belum jadi milik siapa pun. Ponsel Hoshi bergetar. Hoshi melihat layar ponselnya. Telpon dari Yo.

“Halo Yo … aku mau keluar rumah sakit sekarang juga … tidak perlu menjemputku … tolong kirimkan semua progress pertemuanmu minggu ini via email.” Tanpa menunggu jawaban Yo, Hoshi langsung menutup telponnya.

Dengan langkah lebar, ia berjalan keluar rumah sakit. Melambaikan tangan pada taksi pertama yang dilihatnya.

“Malam Pak.” Sopir taksi itu menyalakan argo. “Kemana Pak?”

“Kemana saja.”

“Kemana saja?” Suara supir taksi terdengar ragu.

Hoshi mengeluarkan beberapa lembar uang seratus ribuan. “Nanti kalau argonya lebih, saya bayar kekurangannya. Naik tol saja Pak. Sampai akhir jalan tol. Lalu kita kembali ke sini.”

Tangan supir taksi itu, mengambil uang yang disodorkan Hoshi. “Maaf Bapak punya kartu etoll?”

Hoshi mengeluarkan kartu etoll dari dalam dompetnya.

Menjelang dini hari Hoshi turun dari taksi. Tubuhnya menggigil kedinginan. Kepalanya mengangguk pada satpam yang membukakan pintu pagar otomatis untuknya. Matanya setengah terpejam memencet kode pintu rumahnya.

Langkahnya terhenti melihat sebuah bayangan duduk di kursi ruang tamu. Dia menjentikkan jari. Ruangan tiba-tiba menjadi terang berderang. “Mama?”

Mama Hoshi berjalan medekati Hoshi. “Ya Allah Hoshi, kamu dari mana aja? Kenapa engga bilang-bilang kalau mau keluar dari rumah sakit?”

“Maaf Ma. Mendadak ada urusan yang harus dikerjakan.” Hoshi berjalan terus melewati ruang tamu, menuju ruang kerjanya. Dia duduk di kursi pijat elektrik. Tak lama kemudian, tubuhnya yang tegang mulai rileks.



Malvin could not help smiling. Observe yourself, for being able to find this kind of woman. He wakes up, cleaned the grass from his trousers. Perfect. Competent woman without emotion. This kind of woman is what he needs as a companion. A bright, smart, and easy going woman. He didn’t have to bother to buy flowers for Afra, as father bought mother's flowers.

"Judo. What grade? " Malvin sat next to Afra. He could vaguely smell the scent of Afra's body mixed with perfume. Soft. Soothing. Just like mother's scent. He loves it.

Afra still did not look away. "Every day I push ups and sit ups 500 times."

"Why do you do archery?"

Afra turned to Malvin. Smile softly. "Is it not in your report?"


Malvin was stunned. Ya Allah. His fears come true. He had found the woman who became mother in father's life. He took a deep breath. If Kak Hoshi did not pursue this woman ....

From a distance, he saw his brother walk away from them, after throwing something into the trash. Where can he buy white rose buds?


Hoshi squeezed the report clasped in his hand. He just knew, Afra is recommended for the holidays, until an unspecified time limit. Afra must be very depressed.

He knows how happy Afra can perform the surgery. He threw away the report he was carrying. Seeing the smile on his younger brother's face, he knows, Malvin's heart supports his decision of reasoning.

He turned away, away from the two. Malvin also had the right to approach Afra. The woman has not belonged to anyone yet.

Hoshi's phone vibrates. Call from Yo. "Hello Yo ... I want to get out of the hospital right now ... no need to pick me up ... please send me all the progress of your meeting this week via email."

Without waiting for Yo's answer, Hoshi immediately hung up the phone. With a wide step, he walked out of the hospital. Waved at the first taxi he saw.

"Evening sir." The taxi driver turned on the argo. "Where to?"

"It's up to you."

"Anywhere?" The voice of the taxi driver hesitated.

Hoshi took out a few hundred thousand bills. "Later if the argon is more, I pay the shortcomings. Take a toll course sir. Until the end of the highway. Then we come back here. " Hand the taxi driver, take the money Hoshi offered.

"Excuse ... do you have an etoll card?"

Hoshi pulled an etoll card out of his wallet. Early in the morning Hoshi got out of the taxi. His body shivered with cold. His head nodded at the guard who opened the automatic gate for him.

With his eyes half closed. Hoshi inserted the door's code. His step stopped, seeing a shadow sitting in the living room chair. He snapped his fingers. The room suddenly becomes brightly assailed.


Hoshi’s mother goes to Hoshi.

"Ya Allah, Hoshi, where are you from? Why do not you tell me if you want to get out of the hospital?"

"Sorry mom. Suddenly there is a business to be done." Hoshi walked through the living room to his office. He sits in an electric massage chair. Soon, his tense body began to relax.

Bandung Barat, Jumat 9 Maret 2018

Warm Regards

Cici SW

Thank you for Curators @mariska.lubis, @aiqabrago, and @levycore, @jharyadi and all the novel lovers wherever you are.


Makin seru aja nih, ceritanya, Teh! Keren, euy!

Terimakasih teh @alaikaabdullah :)

Penasaran... Afra milih siapa ya. Kalau gak milih saya aja....hehehe


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