It's For Love # 57 (Bilingual)steemCreated with Sketch.

in #fiction7 years ago

Rafka memperhatikan sketsa rancangan Afra. “Bagus, Ra.”

“Iya aku tahu … tapi kapan bisa dipakai?” tukas Afra. “Terlalu berlebihan, kalau dipakai hanya untuk makan malam.”

Rafka menahan senyum di hati. Dia memasang wajah serius. “Ya sudah, kalau begitu jangan dijahit.”

“Tapi aku kepikiran terus,” Wajah Afra ditekuk saat duduk di sampingnya.

Alis Rafka terangkat tinggi. “Kamu maunya dilarang apa didukung? Rese kamu, ya! … buat simple Ra! … kalau suka kerjain, kalau engga suka tinggal.”

Wajah Afra langsung terlihat berseri-seri. “Bener, juga ya. Aku engga kepikiran sampai ke sana … aku seneng rancangan ini, kenapa aku engga jahit aja … masalah dipakai atau engga, biar Allah yang ngurus, hehehehe … Rafka, kamu tuh kadang-kadang jadi malaikat penyelamat aku.”

“Kadang-kadang?” sahut Rafka dengan alis terangkat tinggi.

Afra tertawa lepas. “Ayo! Aku traktir seafood. Sudah lama kan, kamu engga makan seafood di langganan kita.”

Rafka menekan angka tiga. Masih tidak tersambung. Sudah berkali-kali dia menelpon Afra. Dia memencet nomor empat.

“Pagi, Pak Rafka.” Suara lembut asisten pribadi Afra terdengar dari seberang.

“Pagi … Bu Afra ada?”

“Sejak bangun tidur … Bu Afra langsung ke green house, sebentar saya sampaikan ke Bu—“


“Jangan,” potong Rafka lega. Green House menandakan emosi Afra masih terkendali.

Afra selalu bilang, saat kita berhubungan dengan tanah, energi negatif kita akan terserap sampai habis. Dan bumi akan memberi kita energi positif sebagai gantinya.

Dia tidak percaya kata-kata Afra. Tapi saat ini, dia benar-benar berharap, tanah akan menyedot habis semua energi negatif yang mengelilingi dan berada di dalam diri Afra.

Rafka melihat arlojinya, dia akan sampai rumah Afra pas jam makan siang.

“Tidak lama lagi saya sampai … bisa tolong siapkan rawon special untuk makan siang?”

“Baik, Pak. Selamat Pagi.”
Suara di ujung memutuskan hubungan telpon. Setelah bertanya apakah ada hal lain yang bisa dibantu. Dan dia menjawab tidak.


Afra pasti menerima telponnya. Tapi dia sendiri belum siap. Selama ini Afra selalu menganggapnya sebagai saudara, sahabat, partner bisnis. Bagaimana membuat Afra mulai berpikir tentang hubungan mereka, seperti dia selalu melihatnya?

Rafka menggaruk alisnya yang tidak gatal. Dia berencana akan menyatakan perasaannya pada Afra. Sepulang dari perjalanan bisnis ini. Tapi kondisi Afra sekarang, tidak memungkinkannya untuk bicara. Kapan waktu yang pas untuk menyatakan perasaannya? Sudah belasan tahun dia mencari waktu yang pas.

Afra menoleh ketika pintu green house terbuka. Senyumnya mengembang. “Katanya dua minggu?”

“Mereka bisa ngerjain tanpa aku … itu kan tujuan kita selama ini ngelatih mereka?” Rafka mengepalkan tangan dan meletakkannya di jantung. Lambang slogan rahasia perusahaan mereka berdua.

Afra tertawa kecil. Mengingat slogan mereka berdua.

‘Kalau Anda kerja. Saya libur. Kalau Anda libur. Saya liburan’.

“Bu Afra, makan siangnya sudah siap,” ujar Asisten Pribadi Afra.

“Hebat banget pengaturan waktu kamu,” ujar Afra pada Rafka. Dia melepaskan sarung tangan karet.



Rafka noticed the design sketch of Afra. "It’s good, Ra."

"Yeah I know ... but when can be used?" Afra said. "It's too much for dinner."

Rafka smothered a smile at heart. He put on a serious face. "Well, then don’t be stitched."

"But I kept thinking," Afra's face was bent as she sat next to him.

Rafka's eyebrows held high. "Do you want to be banned or supported? You are weird! ... make it simple, Ra! ... if you like, work on it, if you don’t like, stay. "

Afra's face instantly beamed. "Right, well, yes. I don’t think to get there ... I like this design, why I don't sew ... problems used or not, let Allah take care, hehehehe ... Rafka, sometimes you become my angel rescue."

"Sometimes?" Rafka said with raised eyebrows.

Afra laughed freely. "Let me treat seafood. It's been a long time, you don’t eat seafood in our subscriptions. "

Rafka pressed the number three. Still not connected. He called Afra many times. He dialed number four.

"Mr Rafka, good morning." The soft voice of Afra's personal assistant was heard from across the street.

"Morning ... is there Miss Afra?"

"Since waking up ... Miss Afra went straight to the green house, I briefly told her -"


"No," Rafka interrupted with relief.

Green House indicates Afra's emotions are still under control. Afra always says, when we connect with the soil, our negative energy will be absorbed until it runs out. And the earth will give us positive energy instead.

He doesn’t believe Afra's words. But right now, he really hopes, the ground will suck up all the negative energy that surrounds and resides within Afra.

Rafka looked at his watch, he would arrive at Afra's house for lunch.

"Soon I'll be there ... can you please prepare special rawon for lunch?"

"OK, Sir. Good day, " The voice at the end disconnected the phone. After asking if there is anything else that can be helped. And he said no.


Afra must have received the call. But he himself isn’t ready yet. During this time Afra always considered him as a brother, friend, business partner. How to make Afra start thinking about their relationship, like he always see it?

Rafka scratched his non-itchy eyebrows. He was going to tell Afra her feelings, coming home from this business trip. But Afra's current condition doesn’t allow him to talk. When is the right time to express his feelings? He has been looking for the right time for a dozen years.

Afra turned her head as the green house door opened. Her smile widened. "Did you say two weeks?"

"They can do that without me ... it's our goal for training them right?" Rafka clenched his hands and put it in the heart.

The symbol of their company's secret slogan.

Afra chuckled. Given their slogan. 'If you work. I'm off. If you're on holiday. I’am on vacation '.

"Miss Afra, lunch is ready," said Afra Personal Assistant.

"What a great time you have," Afra told Rafka. She removed the rubber gloves.


Bandung Barat, 2 Maret 2018

Warm Regards

Cici SW

Thank you for Curators @mariska.lubis, @aiqabrago, and @levycore, @jharyadi and all the novel lovers wherever you are


mantap cerpen nya..

Terimakasih @rikaz87 :)

Duh gimana nasib Hoshi kalau Rafka nembak Afra...hehehe

Hehehehe :)

Ilustrasi terakhir bikin lapar 😅

Bikin langsing Pak @ayahkasih hehehehe

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