It's For Love # 56 (Bilingual)steemCreated with Sketch.

in #fiction7 years ago

Bab Sebelas
Relung Hati


Rafka bersandar dengan tangan terlipat di dada. Matanya tidak berkedip menatap layar laptop di hadapannya. Pandangannya beralih ke sudut lain meja pertemuan panjang itu. Dia memperhatikan dengan seksama, anggota tim yang sedang sibuk dengan laptop dan catatan masing-masing.

Perusahaannya dengan Afra di bidang sayuran hidroponik sudah menguasai 30 % pangsa pasar. Perusahaan pesaingnya ini, sebenarnya sebuah perusahaan yang sangat kuat dan stabil. Mereka menguasai 35 % pangsa pasar.

Pengembangan yang terlalu spekulatif dan tidak didukung sumber daya manusia yang memadai, membuat perusahaan pesaingnya seperti pesawat yang tiba-tiba mati mesin. Tanpa peringatan, terjun bebas menghantam tanah.

Tapi unit Business Support perusahaan mereka berdua yang diprakarsai Afra, melihat peluang yang bisa diperoleh, dari serpihan perusahaan itu. Jika hasil audit data sesuai dengan perkiraan, mereka akan mengakuisisi perusahaan itu. Mereka juga sudah mendapatkan investor baru.

Rafka berdiri di depan dinding kaca di bangunan yang menjadi kantor pusat perusahaan itu. Afra pasti suka tempat ini. Sayuran hidroponik dan tanaman buah bisa dipanen satu bulan ke depan.


Hawa sejuk menyentuh kulit Rafka. Matanya memperhatikan deretan rumah kaca berjejer rapi seperti Patung Prajurit Terakota. Dari unit penyemaian sampai unit kemasan terintegrasi di tempat ini.

“Kalian bisa lanjutkan sendiri?”

“Bisa Pak,” sahut salah satu anggota tim termuda, dari unit Business Support. Orang yang pertama kali memberitahunya, tentang perkembangan berita Afra. Kepala-kepala lain mengangguk dengan penuh percaya diri.

“OK. Sampai Senin depan,” Rafka berdiri dan langsung meninggalkan ruangan. Dia dan Afra memang melatih mereka, untuk kondisi darurat seperti ini. Rafka mengecek ponselnya. 10 miss call dari Mama. Tangannya memencet angka satu di ponselnya.

“Hai Ma, apa kabar?”

“Rafka, kamu masih di daerah?” Suara Mamanya terdengar cemas.

“Tenang, Ma. Aku mau balik sekarang. Bilang Papa ya, jangan banyak pikiran.”

“Alhamdulillah. Syukurlah … ya nanti Mama sampaikan … kasihan Afra sendirian di sana … Papa sama Mama belum bisa ke tempat Afra sekarang.”

“Engga apa-apa, Ma … tenang aja, kan ada Rafka,” sahut Rafka dengan senyum di bibirnya.

“Afra pasti sedih sekali sekarang … tapi dia tidak tahu bagaimana mengungkapkan perasaannya.”

“Ya Ma … Rafka ngerti.”

“Terimakasih ya Rafka … kamu satu-satunya orang terdekatnya 11 tahun terakhir ini … Hati-hati ya Raf di jalan … sampaikan salam sayang dari Mama untuk Afra.”

“Siap, Ma.”

Benarkah dia satu-satunya orang terdekat Afra saat ini? Dia membuka laptopnya. Foto-foto Afra bertebaran di internet. Tangannya memegang foto Afra yang diambil saat di resepsi sahabat Afra. Telunjuknya menelusuri wajah Afra yang terlihat sangat bahagia. Senyumnya sangat lepas. Dan tampaknya Hoshi tidak pernah jauh dari sisi Afra. Tubuhnya bersandar, ketika merasa ada yang luruh dalam hatinya.


Rafka menghela nafas. Sudah lama sekali dia tidak melihat Afra yang seperti ini. Afra benar-benar terlihat sangat cantik dengan pilihan gaunnya. Tanpa sadar Rafka tersenyum. Dia ingat, saat Afra mulai sibuk menjahit bahan pakaian itu.

“Aku engga tahu kenapa aku harus jahit gaun ini?” Alis Afra bertaut, ketika dia memperlihatkan rancangan pakaian itu padanya.



Rafka leaned back with his arms folded across his chest. His eyes didn’t blink at the laptop screen in front of his. His gaze turned to another corner of the long meeting table. He watched carefully the team members who were busy with their laptops and notes.

His company with Afra in the field of hydroponic vegetables already controls 30% market share. This rival company is actually a very strong and stable company. They control 35% market share. Development that is too speculative and unsupported with adequate human recources, makes this company like a plane that the engine die. Without a freefall warning hit the ground.

But their Business Support business unit, initiated by Afra, sees opportunities to be gained, from the company's fragments. If the results of the audit data are in accordance with the forecast, they will acquire the company. They have also gained new investors.

Rafka stood in front of the glass wall in the building that became the company's headquarters. Afra would love this place. Hydroponic vegetables and fruit crops can be harvested one month ahead. Cool air touched Rafka's skin. His eyes watched the rows of greenhouses lined up neatly like the Terracotta Warrior Statue. From the seeding unit to the integrated packaging unit in this place.


"Can you go on your own?"

"Yes sir," said one of the youngest team members, from the Business Support unit. The person who first told him about the progress of Afra news. The other heads nodded confidently.

"OK. Until next Monday, " Rafka got up and left the room. He and Afra did train them, for emergencies like this. Rafka checked his cell phone. 10 miss calls from Mama. His hand pressed the number one on his cell phone. "Hi Mom, how are you?"

"Rafka, are you still in the area?" His mother's voice sounded anxious.

"Calm down, Mom. I want to go back now. Tell Daddy, don’t mind a lot. "

"Alhamdulillah. Thank goodness ... I’ll tell to your father later ... poor Afra. She is alone there ... we can’t get to where Afra now. "

"It’s ok , Mom ... trust me, there is Rafka," Rafka replied with a smile on his lips.

"Afra must be very sad now ... but she doesn’t know how to express her feelings."

"I knew Mom ... Rafka understand."

"Thank you Rafka ... you're the only person closest the last 11 years ... Be careful ya Raf in the way ... say love from Mama to Afra."

"OK, Mom."

Is he really the only person nearest to Afra right now? He opened his laptop. Afra's photographs are scattered on the internet. His hand holds the photo of Afra taken at the Afra friend's reception. His finger traced the face of Afra, who looked very happy. Her smile is very delightful. And it seems that Hoshi is never far from Afra's side. His body rests, when he feels there is a thunder in his heart.


Rafka sighed. It's been a long time since he saw this kind of Afra. Afra really looks very beautiful with her choice of dress. Rafka grinned unconsciously. He remembered, when Afra was busy sewing the clothes.

"I don’t know why I have to sew this dress?" Afra's eyebrows twitched as she showed the design of the clothes to him.

Warm Regards

Cici SW

Terimakasih pada Kurator @mariska.lubis, @aiqabrago, dan @levycore, @jharyadi, serta Komunitas Steemit Indonesia atas dukungannya.


Hey @cicisw, great post! I enjoyed your content. Keep up the good work! It's always nice to see good content here on Steemit! Cheers :)

Thank you @exxodus.
I'll try to keep up the good work

Duh makin penasaran saja nih. Afra nikah sama siapa ya?

Banyak pilihan ya Bang @tusroni.
Kasihan Afra hehehe

Ditunggu kisah berikutnya. Sederhana, tapi dalam.

Terimakasih @lontuanisme sudah membaca dan menyukainya :)

Kembali kasih.

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