It's For Love # 51 (Bilingual)

in #fiction6 years ago

Bab Sepuluh

Afra baru saja memasuki ruang perawat bangsal bedah, setelah visit ke ruangan, ketika ponselnya bergetar. Seperti biasa ruangan itu ramai dan sibuk. Tak lama setelah dia membaca pesan, ponselnya berdering.


“Pagi Dokter Afra.”

“Pagi, Pak Malvin.”

“Malvin saja Dok … ada yang ingin saya diskusikan secara pribadi … penting, saya tidak bisa mengatakannya via telpon … kapan Dokter Afra ada waktu?”

“Kebetulan besok siang setelah praktek di rumah sakit, saya tidak ada jadwal operasi.”

“Punya rekomendasi tempat?“

“Saya punya tempat favorit di rumah sakit … tidak terlalu pribadi, tapi tidak seramai tempat lain di rumah sakit.”

“OK … saya akan temui Dokter Afra di sana … sampai besok Dokter Afra … selamat pagi.”


Afra baru saja akan menaruh ponselnya, ketika sebuah hand bouquet mawar putih muncul di depan matanya. Tanpa melihat siapa yang memberi, dia menerimanya. “Cantiknya! Rafka, baru kemarin kamu ngasih bunga. Katanya kemarin kamu mau keluar kota? Aku sudah bilang – “ kalimatnya terhenti, ketika melihat siapa yang memberikan hand bouquet itu.

“Rafka? Anak XII IPA 6?” tanya Hoshi dengan alis sedikit terangkat.

“Hoshi!” Pandangannya teralih bergantian pada Hoshi dan hand bouquet di tangannya.

“Apa yang kau lakukan di sini?” Afra memandang hand bouquet cantik itu lagi. Dia menyerah. Sambil tersenyum, dia mencium bunga itu. Entah kenapa, dia seperti tidak bisa menolak kuncup mawar putih.

“Bunga itu aku sendiri yang merangkai, setelah memetiknya langsung dari halaman rumahku … kamu suka?”

Afra memandang Hoshi dengan tatapan tidak percaya. “Tukang berantem seperti kamu, pelihara mawar?”

“Kamu suka?” Hoshi balik bertanya, seraya memperhatikan wajah Afra yang sangat cerah. Afra belum berubah. Dia tidak pernah bisa menyembunyikan kebahagiaan atau kegembiraannya. Berbeda dengan kesedihan. Dia selalu membungkusnya dengan kertas kado dan pita cantik.

Afra mengangguk. “Thank You … aku suka banget.”

Tangan Afra mengusap lembut kelopak besar yang belum mekar sempurna. Wajahnya tersenyum, dia mendongak, “… gimana kondisi kamu sekarang?”

Hoshi tersenyum puas, perhitungannya tidak meleset.

“Semakin baik … thanks ya sudah nolongin aku waktu itu.”

Senyum lebar menghias wajah cantik itu.

“Alhamdulillah pas ngeliat … kalau engga, belum tentu kita bisa ketemu ya Hosh.”

Hoshi menundukkan kepalanya. Matanya mencermati wajah Afra. “Kalau jodoh … kita pasti ditemuin lagi sama Allah.”

Afra tertegun mendengar jawaban Hoshi. Hoshi sekepala lebih tinggi darinya. Kepalanya menengadah. Pandangan matanya langsung ke mata Hoshi langsung. Hoshi serius dengan ucapannya.

Jantung Afra berdetak melebihi batas normal. Tiba-tiba waktu seperti berhenti. Suasana ramai ruang perawat lenyap. Menyisakan dirinya dan Hoshi. Yang terdengar hanya suara bariton laki-laki itu.

“Waktu itu kamu bilang ... kita masih kecil … Aku sudah punya pacar …. Sekarang … kita sudah besar … aku engga pacaran lagi sejak lulus SMA.”


Melihat Afra hanya terpana memandangnya, Hoshi melanjutkan. “Aku pikir … 11 tahun waktu yang cukup untuk mengeksplorasi passion dan mengejar mimpi pribadi kita … aku engga mau buang waktu lagi … aku yakin, sekarang aku bisa membuatmu merasa nyaman dan bahagia.”

Afra mengatupkan mulutnya yang terbuka karena kaget. Keyakinan Hoshi memenuhi seluruh ruang kosong di antara mereka. Menghujam hatinya. Jantung Afra berdenyut lebih cepat. “Hoshi apa—“


Afra had just entered the nurse's surgical nursing room, after a visit to the room, her cell phone shook. As usual the room was crowded and busy. Shortly after she read the message, her cell phone rang.


"Morning Doctor Afra."

"Mr. Malvin, Morning."

"Just Malvin Doc ... there's something I want to discuss personally ... important, I can’t tell by phone ... Do you have any time?"

"Apparantly tomorrow afternoon after practice in the hospital, I have no surgery schedule."

"Got a place recommendation?"

"I have a favorite place in the hospital ... not very private, but not as busy as anywhere else in the hospital."

"OK ... I'll see you there ... until tomorrow Dr. Afra ... good morning."


Afra was just about to put her cell phone, when a white rose bouquet hand appeared to her eyes. Without seeing who gave, she accepted it.

"Beautiful! Rafka, just yesterday you give flowers. You said yesterday, you want to get out of town? I told you - "the sentence stuck, when she saw who gave the hand bouquet.

"Rafka? Child XII Science 6? "Hoshi asked with a slightly raised eyebrow.

"Hoshi!" Her look alternated on Hoshi and the hand bouquet in her hand.

"What are you doing here?" Afra looked at the gorgeous hand bouquet again. She gave up. Smiling, smelling the flower. For some reason, she seemed unable to resist the white rose buds.

"The flower was myself strapping, after picking it straight from my yard ... do you like it?"

Afra looked at Hoshi with an unbelieving look. "A fightman like you, keep the roses?"

"Do you like it?" Hoshi asked, watching Afra's very bright face.

Afra hasn’t changed. She can never hide her happiness or joy. Unlike the sadness. She always wraps it with wrapping paper and beautiful ribbons.

Afra nodded. "Thank you ... I love it."

Afra's hand gently rubs the large petals that have not blossomed perfectly yet. Her face was smiling, she looked up, "... How's your condition now?"

Hoshi smiled smugly, his calculations did not slip.

"Better ... thanks for helping me at that time."

Wide smile decorate the beautiful face.

"Alhamdulillah I was there ... if I wasn't, we will never meet Hosh."

Hoshi bowed his head. His eyes looked at Afra's face. "If we are a mate ... we must be found again with Allah."

Afra was stunned to hear Hoshi's answer. Hoshi's head was higher than her. Her head looked up. Her eyes looked directly into Hoshi's eyes. Hoshi is serious with his words.

Her heart beat beyond normal limits. Suddenly time seemed to stop. The mood of the nurses' room vanished. Leaving herself and Hoshi. The only sound of that baritone's voice.

"At that time you said ... we just a kid ... I already have a girlfriend .... Now ... we're adult ... I've been not dating since graduated high school. "


Seeing Afra just staring at him, Hoshi continued. "I think ... 11 years is enough time to explore passion and pursue our personal dreams ... I don’t want to waste any more time ... I'm sure I can make you feel good and happy."

Afra closed her open mouth in surprise. Hoshi's conviction filled all the empty space between them. Stab her heart. Afra's heart beat faster. "Hoshi what-"

Warm Regards

Cici SW

Terimakasih pada Kurator @mariska.lubis, @aiqabrago, dan @levycore, serta Komunitas Steemit Indonesia atas dukungannya.


Aduuuh Afra mau ditembak sama Hoshi. Siap-siap jadi cemburu berat nih saya...hahaha

Kasian Bang @tusroni, Afra sudah kelamaan sendirian hehehehe

Saya menyimpan dulu untuk dibaca nanti.

Siap Bang @apilopoly
Terimakasih sudah berkunjung ke blog saya :)

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