in #fiction7 years ago

It was a beautiful Wednesday afternoon, the weather was just so cool, i had finished early from work and decided to go home.

I stopped by a supermarket just on my way back from the office, as i stepped down from my car, i sighted this tall, well-figured, dark charming beauty.

Her hair so attractive, her make-up was stunning, her gown was so sexy.

I couldn't help but to be lost looking at her, i walked fast and approached her.

Miss charming i called holding her hands , good afternoon baby, am Felix, I couldn't ignore such a captivating beauty, i guess you were created after God rested, I have never seen anyone posses such alluring beauty.

She replied "get your filty hands off me", i have never met you before and i don't appreciate such approach from young guys like you.

I was a little bit shocked, I thought she was going to be attracted to me because of my charming eyes.

I have never seen any lady look into my eyes and not fall in love with me immediately.

Her reaction got me more attracted to her.

Am sorry young lady, as i moved closer to her, i didn't mean to spoil your mood, and i don't see anything wrong appreciating what God has created, please give me a chance to explain myself to you.

Young man,I am not your type, if you are looking for young women to deceive, definitely not me, i have been through alot in my life, and i am not ready for you guys to keep deceiving me and taking advantage of my emotions, not even with your sweet words. She said as she went into the supermarket.

I was shocked, I didn't know what to feel, I felt like leaving but then i summoned up courage and went inside the supermarket to purchase my groceries and toiletries as all had finished in the house.

Am a doctor, I work from morning till night, and i never get time to take care of most of my personal needs.

I started picking the items on my list, i had issues selecting them as i didn't even know what was best for me, suddenly i heard a shout from one of the sales girls, "I must search this bag, or i call the security"

Her voice was so loud that i dropped my basket to find out what was happening as i was in another section of the supermarket.

Lo, and behold it was miss charming, i went closer and asked what happened, and the sales girl shouted, " I saw her put something in her hand bag, and she's denying it, i will call the security right away".

I begged her to calm down let's sort it out amicably.

I asked miss charming to please hand over the bag to her, let her search as she had nothing to loose since she said she didn't take anything.

Get out of my face, who invited you here, do I look like a thief, are thieves beautiful and classy?
She said as she worked out.

The sales girl ran out, and snatched the bag from her and opened it, then she saw one lotion of cream worth 20 thousand Naira that she had hid in her bag.

She called the security immediately and they came and arrested miss charming.

For the second time, i didn't know what to feel again, i was weak in my body, i didn't want to buy anything again, i just wanted to go home and thank God for delivering me.

I told the sales girl that i would come back next time to continue my shopping,as i stepped out of the supermarket, i realised my car was no longer where i packed it,just then I remember that i had left my key in the car when i was lost looking at miss charming.

Finally i knew what to feel, it was the end as i had my most valuable documents in that car.
There was a staff screening that day and i had to go to work with my documents. The best i could do was just to find somewhere at the supermarket entrance to ponder on my experience .

There was nothing more i could do than to keep wishing i never came to that supermarket.

I wish i went straight home after work.

Sitting on a seat i saw around the supermarket, i thought to myself what if i had i looked less and focused on what i came to do, what if i had overlooked this beauty that seemed like a renovated house. Beautiful in the outside but ugly on the inside, what if i had been more careful to get my keys out before approaching her.

All these regrets could lead me to nowhere. I learnt my lessons that day.

My wishes couldn't bring back my car immediately, finally i decided to go home and stop wishing.


This is a beautiful piece @cherylsonty.
Well scripted.

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