Confessions of an Unknown Worker #4

in #fiction6 years ago

Vol. 1, 2, 3

I think everyone has had that fantacy of just wacking the shit up and leaving for good, leaving no rope enact to the other side. Throw the tax machine (who even uses that in today?) out the window, fuck the shredder up with a baseball bat, take the phone call: "fuck you, I'm leaving now, hahhahaha", give a warm farewell by giving cards with your scanned ass in the shape of heart...

"I send you my hugs and asses for every moment I've spent here <3 — [Unknown Worker]".

But no.

We are adults, we have families to feed, we have responsibilites and we know we can't get away with little "tantrums" like we did as a child. We are supposed to be able to control ourselves. Our frontal cortex should be developed by now to handle impulses of sudden temptations by the reptilian brain.


Not a lot of things are as they should be. Ideals are not met. Promises will be broken. Our minds will snap when given enough pressure, it's just a matter of where the line is with every single individual.

Why are videos of someone announcing the termination of their employing contract through speakers to the whole mall so popular? What does it tell? That we are a generation of entitled ungrateful lazy slugs? Or that there truly is something we're not doing right, that there are actually choices other than to tolerate.

Yet most of the times we hide it, hide our claws and drag the way of existence with our claws folded. I am afraid that if I never show them, it'll be too late to unleash them ever again. I will begin to doubt myself, question my memory whether they even were there in the first place. And the longer I wait, the bigger the shadow above me grows until I fully drift into the dark with my vision getting obstructed, coming to a conclusion that "there's no way out". The last bit of fire extinguished. You let yourself go this far beyond the point of no return. No one else, but you.

* * *

Maybe I should've made them a nice soul crushing poem on the card. Shame I thought of it only now after dropping the cards to their lockers. Oh right: the part of my fantacy about the cards was actually true – I escaped my own farewell party at my, now recent, work place and am never seeing them again.

And it brings a big smile on my face.


Congratulations on breaking free. It seems the more we have invested in the system the more we fight for it. It may explain high tuition fees to some degree. Creating highly indebted future order followers.

I don't know if you realized but this is fiction, a lot of real life inspiration there though so no wonder. But thanks for the comment regardless :D

Hehe yeah I know mate. I'm using my real life inspiration too. Partly serious point about the tuition fees though. It will have an impact :)

Ah, I see. In Finland we don't have tuition costs though, but of course it's funded with tax money then.

It's a funny old game. I guess we're just the same rats running around in slightly different mazes.

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