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RE: A Book Review Made me Cry

in #fiction5 years ago

I'm not sure I've ever looked at reviews for books, but then again, I rarely have the money to buy full price "new" books, either! But apparently a lot of people put stock into reviews, not even necessarily what they say (exactly), but more for the "X amount of people read this book and gave it 4+ stars must mean it's good"

I don't know, I am a weirdo who judges a book on it's cover. Solely the front cover. I don't even read blurbs. This whole publishing/marketing thing has been like a brand new world to me!


Rest assured you have done well ❤️

Marketing is a odd thing, heard mentality plays a huge roll so your right x many reviews/stars means its worth reading for the majority 💪

Like you I tend to judge a book by its cover, particularly the back as what write up is displayed says a lot about the content inside... does it leave me wanting more and not want to put the book down is basically how I approach a new read.

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