Uncharted Expectations: Part 4 (Original Story-Romance/Fantasy)

in #fiction7 years ago (edited)

In part three, Hyakinthos formed a plan to pass Tanya and Alyssa off as princesses. But first, they need to look the part. Read on to find out what happens next!

Alyssa danced behind Hyakinthos. Tanya moved to the back of the group and sighed. She was glad to see Alyssa happy. It was a good feeling. Alyssa felt overjoyed. She gets to wear royal clothing. She gets to look fancy, like a real princess. Things keep getting better and better.

“Follow us, ladies.” Hyakinthos smiled. “Where are we going?” Alyssa asked. Laurus sighed. “He is going to annoy his sisters for clothes.” Hyakinthos rhythmically knocked on an ornate door. The door cracked open. Alyssa tried to get a peek at the person who opened the door, but she couldn’t see because of the tiny crack. Hyakinthos and his sister exchanged some words in their language. It sounded like a light argument. She then flung open the door and spoke to Hyakinthos in an angry tone. Hyakinthos said something and waved his hands over the two, Alyssa and Tanya. She then turned red from embarrassment. “Hello,” she said slowly. Hyakinthos smirked. “I’m sorry I had no idea of your rank.” She gave them a slight bow. “I am Chrysanthe. The eldest princess of this kingdom. You may use my garments as you please. I apologize for your problems arriving here. Please take your choice from the assortment.”

Chrysanthe's room with golden chairs table, fireplace, carpet, and wall decoration
Image by 455992 at Pixabay

Alyssa and Tanya walked into the spacious room filled with lace and sculptures. Follow me to the closet, please.” She said with a respectful tone. The closet was huge. Tanya whispered to Alyssa, “This is bigger than my entire apartment. Then, she began to look at everything in the room. Alyssa’s mouth gaped wide open. “God, what all do ya have in here? An elephant?” Chrysanthe giggled. “No, Princess Alyssa, I only have garments and accessories here.“ Hyakinthos smiled. “Laurus and I will step outside the room.” They quietly left.

“Now that the gentlemen are gone let me select something for you to wear.” She searched through several dresses mumbling, “No, that’s not quite right.” “Ah, this is it! Try on these dresses.” They placed the gowns against their bodies. Tanya realized the clothes wouldn’t fit her. Alyssa grinned like the Cheshire Cat because they fit her perfectly. “Are you sure it’s fine for us to wear this stuff?” Alyssa asked wide-eyed. Chrysanthe nodded and slightly winced. “This looks like some million dollar stuff. Ya sure we’re good enough for these things?” Alyssa smiled so wide it looked like her cheeks were going to split. “Be my guest, please wear them. I implore you to do so. “Alright!” Alyssa grinned! “I get to look like a real princess here!” Her comment shocked Tanya. “What is the meaning of your words? You are a princess, are you not?” Chrysanthe asked with a raised brow. Tanya smiled nervously. “She just meant she had never seen the dresses and garments here before, so she could feel like a princess in this country.” Tanya gave Alyssa a sharp look. “Isn’t that right, Alyssa?” “Yep, it’s just like she said. Ya can believe her.” “I see.” Chrysanthe said suspiciously. “My dressing rooms are this way. Alyssa changed clothes while Tanya carefully sat on an embroidered bench.

Alyssa showed her excitement in the mirror. She jumped up and down while giggling. She smiled at herself and was quite pleased. “That’s more like it!” Alyssa said. Tanya took a deep breath. She worried that Alyssa was exposing their secret. A knock on the door startled Tanya out of her deep thought. Hyakinthos entered the room and mentioned something in their language to Chrysanthe. “My my, you look immaculate in your gown, Princess Alyssa!” Chrysanthe handed Alyssa some dresses to wear later. “Now, what must we do for Princess Tanya?” Chrysanthe sighed. “Have you tried Nerine’s wardrobe? They are of similar build.” “Splendid idea! I shall do that now,” said a smiling Hyakinthos. Chrysanthe rolled her eyes. “Goodnight princesses,” Chrysanthe said with a bow. “Goodnight brother.” She dragged the last word like it was crawling out of her mouth. “Goodnight,” Tanya said with a bow. Alyssa waved, “Night night, Chrissie!” Chrysanthe took a deep breath from her nose. “Forgive me, Princess Alyssa. We are not on the terms for you to refer to me by anything other than my name. Do not forget this.” She said as she leaned toward Alyssa. “Why ya gotta be so uptight? Everybody’s like that here.” Tanya pulled Alyssa to the side and stared at her in the eyes. She quickly shook her head. “I apologize for my friend’s boldness. We’ll take our leave now.”

Hyakinthos knocked gently on the door. He spoke to his younger sister. She nodded with every word. Nerine motioned for them to come inside.

Nerine's room with purple furniture, brightly colored walls and decoration
Image by Sharkgraphic at Pixabay

The room was cute, yet sophisticated with colorful furniture. “Wow! I have never met princesses from another kingdom! My name is Nerine. I am the youngest princess!” Tanya bowed as Alyssa walked up to her. “Hiya! You seem like a regular person!” Nerine giggled. “Well, as the youngest I do not have the responsibility of my siblings. I am much more relaxed.” Nerine said as she flopped on the couch. Hyakinthos giggled and patted her on the head. “Little Neri, could you find clothes for Princess Tanya?” “Yes, yes!” Nerine exclaimed as she shot up. “Follow me, please, Princess Tanya!” Tanya walked behind her and let out a soft chuckle.

Alyssa sat wagging her legs on the couch Nerine flopped on earlier. She wondered why Tanya kissed up to the folks here so much. Tanya does have a backbone, after all. Alyssa remembered that she was here to have fun. Becoming a princess was Alyssa's dream. Why does she have to listen to all these rules and stuff? It perplexed her. “We’re done!” Nerine yelled.

Tanya walked out of the dressing room in a brass colored gown that swept the floor over her shoes. Tanya thought she looked interesting in the gown. She ran her fingers over the seams and decor. “It’s gorgeous. I thank you from the bottom of my heart, Princess Nerine.” Tanya said with a bow. “Do not have to be so formal with me!” Nerine smiled. “We are all princesses, are we not?” Tanya smiled. “Yep, that’s right! I already like ya, Nerine.” Alyssa clasped Nerine's hands, and they both giggled. Tanya let out a sighed of relief.

“Come in, brother! Look at the results of my work!” Hyakinthos entered the room and smiled broadly. “You look elegant, Princess Tanya. An excellent job, Neri!” He patted her on the head and kissed her cheek as a reward. “Thank you, brother! I did my best.” Nerine provided Tanya with several more gowns to wear.

Hyakinthos led them to their rooms. “Good night, princesses. May your brief slumber be a restful one.”

Alyssa and Tanya went to their respective rooms.

Alyssa found a sleeping gown laid across the bed. “Wow!” She whispered to herself. “This is prettier than most dresses at the fashion shows!” She slid the sleeping gown over her body. It was a little big on her, but she didn’t mind. She twirled in it. “Oh dang, I gotta go to bed now,” she muttered. Alyssa belly-flopped onto the bed. The sheets and blankets were so soft. She hugged them for a little while. She went to sleep smiling. It was a long night. She wondered what good things tomorrow will bring. Of course, it should be even better than today was!

Tanya found a sleeping gown laid across the bed. She picked it up and held it up to get a better look at it. “Why would they be happy to give us these gowns?” Tanya inspected it. “This is too good for an average royal visit.” Tanya smelled it. “Why would it smell freshly laundered at this hour?” She figured the princesses' laundry is usually cleaned later in the day so they could sleep in fresh clothes. Tanya felt everyone seemed like they were too welcoming. She wondered why they didn’t even take into account their humanity. Why didn’t they react to that? "He only mentioned we were princesses. Not human princesses. Something is off here," she whispered to herself. Tanya sat on the side of the bed. She carefully put on the sleeping gown. It was silky. It felt so luxurious. She slipped into the bed. She could barely close her eyes because of the suspicion running in her mind.

Leaves Chapter Ending Graphic

Thank you for reading! Read the next part here!

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