SHORT STORY--- IN THE ANIMALS JUNGLE (PART 1)steemCreated with Sketch.

in #fiction8 years ago (edited)


The Wise Dog and The Tortoise

This is a story that happened in the animals world between two abled men, Guto (Tortoise) and Duke (Dog) of the community…

According to the tradition, the person who must be the husband of the kings last daughter must have all the merit that is acceptable by the community and will be the most valued by the elders before marrying the last daughter of the king as she represent Ugo (kings bird). That faithful day reached and the elders gathered for the king to carry out the traditional rights and announce the future husband of his daughter. And once the king announced this the wedding will come up in next sixty market days.

Duke as widely known in the community was very popular, a lot of the people admired him including the elders and the king. To Duke he is the choosing one as he is going to be the husband of Ugo. He was happy and even already celebrating before the day. But his luck hit the wall as the king saw Guto walking majestically into the chamber when the king was about to announce his favourite inlaw and that of the elders.

Stop! Guto shouted because he was right, every where was calm and he said; i am the right person to be the husband of Ugo!!. Elders knows what Guto was saying was true but they refused, not that they hate Guto but he is the tortoise.

Guto and Duke were good friends before they had issue and became rivals. Because Guto is the tortoise, so everything about him is slow that's why they don't want to give him what he was entitled to. But as for Duke the dog, he is sharp, strong and capable.

Because of this, an idea set into the king's mind and then he said; i have an idea of who merit and who will merit to be my inlaw!. What could the idea be, Duke asked. His mind was that the king will ask them to wrestle but his thought failed.

The king ordered them to go to Nzam (a town seven miles away with track road from their community) starting next three days and collect an antelope horn from the king of Nzam. The first person to bring the antelope horn will become his inlaw. King did this because he knew that there was no way Guto will make it because he is very very slow. Duke and the elders was happy with the order of the king because Duke will win the match. But as the adage said--- who knows the mind of the person on the ground, Guto had a plan.

Guto having been a friend of Duke before knows his weakness, and having a tought that he might not make it against Duke, he came up with a plan. Immediately Guto left the chamber he went and met with jjado (the horse). He paid jjado and gave him instruction to go to Nzam, then on the way that he jjado should be dropping his faeces every pole along the road, inside bush but too close to the road. This is the weakness of Duke.

Three days have passed, Guto and Duke started their journey to Nzam. Immediately, Duke left Guto behind as he was very fast and capable. On the way to Nzam Duke perceived the smell of the first faeces dropped by jjado which Guto asked him to do. On perceiving the smell Duke ran into the bush and started eating the faeces. His mind was that since Guto is a slow animal, he Duke will win the race no matter what. As he was eating the faeces, Guto the tortoise came and passed.

At every pole Duke must stop and enter the bush as he was carried away by the sweetness of the faeces, Gutos plan is accomplishing. That's how the journey went till Guto first reached Nzam and collected the antelope horn. He knowing that Duke might fight him on the road and he doesn't have the strength, then followed another road and went home.

When Duke reached Nzam he was told that Guto had already gone with antelope horn. Duke was mad and decided to rush back following another road since he didn't see Guto going back home when coming, but unfortunate for Duke he missed the road Guto followed.

When reached home Guto presented the antelope horn to the king and elders. Everyone was mad and surprise and was asking themselves how could that happen. But it's too late for Duke, Guto became the favourite inlaw. THE END OF PART ONE **Watchout for part two**


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