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RE: Chapter Six - Darth Shadie: Lady of the Force (Star Wars Fan-Fiction)

in #fiction6 years ago (edited)

Cool. I saw Star Wars for the first time at 4 years old, A New Hope, used to watch it every day. I was born in 82, so that must have been around 86. I have an old version on Beta cassette with that lost scene with Luke and Biggs on Tatooine.

From the Old Republic era, I really love Revan, and I'm glad that the people behind Star Wars are thinking of making him canon, maybe. So that's a hopeful thought. I own all the novels that come after The Return of the Jedi, starting with The Courtship of Princess Leia. I've read all of the novel series, and have come to grow attached to characters like Ben Skywalker, the Solo twins, Anakin Solo, Mara Jade, and a bunch of Jedi from Luke's academy. I even have theories about some characters like Vergere (I'm sure she was Sith all along, one of the Sith hopefuls who enver got a chance to be trained and who started off as a Jedi and when she found out Order 66 was going to happen she let herself be ""captured" by the Yuuzhan-Vong as part of her plan and agenda and turned them greatly against the Jedi). I really like the Horn family and Kyp Durron.

It's a shame that all those characters have been discarded on the most part. Ben Solo (Kylo Ren) is a mix of Jacen Solo who becomes Darth Caedus and Ben Skywalker, having traits from both. In the books, Luke becomes the most powerful Jedi in the galaxy and begins to train his son to take his place as Grand Master of the Jedi Order. It would have been interesting to see something from those later books, but the fact that they began a new timeline opens up plenty of possibility for fan-fiction and other time lines to fit in. So it can still work, we'll just enver see some of those characters on screen.

Yeah, so ultimately, I'm okay with the new universe, but I'm super attached to the old one.

There are some changes I find make no sense, like changing the home planet of the Sith from Korriban (which sounds super oomphy) to Morriband, but hey, it's not me making those decisions and it doesn't mean they can't bring back Korriban later, so it's ok.


I like the name Morriband over Korriban. Sounds nicer. I like the 2 Solo twins. But Kylo Ren also is a pretty cool character. I had VHS but not beta cassette like you. Born 85 but my brother born 82 like you and you go back beyond me a little.

Revan was interesting... and I am sad that ugly main boss guy was killed in Last Jedi and I guess Luke, spoiler alert, went into the force as well. I love that Darth Maul came back and fought and did a lot in the cartoons and Maul was one of my favorites. And I really love Ahsoka and hope for the best for her. Sad for people we lose in the old timeline. But happy for Ahsoka at least and others. I didn't want Han Solo to die.

heheh That's the whole point! Haha I'm fired up :p in a good way. You see Korriban sounds really dark, it's the place with the Valley of the Dark Lords, where the tombs of the most powerful still contain secrets and relics powerful in the dark side. When you say Korriban, it's like rawr, errr Korribannn. Morriband sounds too nice. It's not Sithy enough, it's not the pureness of the dark side.

The new series did win me over because of the acting and I do really like the character Kylo Ren too. He is a complex character and has a lot of depth to him.

I like Ahsoka too and many of the newer characters. I was also sad that Han died. In the books, it's Chewie who dies when a moon crashes into a planet, while he's saving a bunch of people during the war against hte Yuuzhan-Vong. Now THEY would be cool in a film. They don't exist within the Force.

Is Korriban more Sith or more light side of the force? Amazing that a moon fell on our favorite dog creature hehe. Didn't a Star Wars character visit Earth in a book?

Visit Earth? Not in any book from the Original Expanded Universe, no. I have a book on the systems and planet (most of them). New ones have been added in more recent books and in SWTOR obviously.

Korriban is the home world of the Sith, along with Ziost and Dromund Kaas. Korriban was the planet where the Sith Pure-Blood species lived. Dark Jedi mingled with them and because Sith in turn, just not Pure-Blood. Korriban housed teh Sith academy and it permates the dark side of the Force.

Tython is the home of the light side of the Force, where existed the first Jedi academies, before most Jedi moved to Coruscant to train their padawans.

Korriban was the origin planet for the Sith? Oh, I guess I forgot that. But what was that planet of the father, the son, and the daughter, the super Samurai Force Wielder gods? They were in Clone Wars and Rebels. I was thinking they were from Korriban but maybe they were somewhere else.

WHere was Luke in Last Jedi? It was not Tython. I am thinking it was an additional place for the Jedi that maybe came after Tython. Or maybe did they changed the name Tython for the new Star Wars canon?

Korriban and Tython are now considered part of the OEU and not part of the new one. The father, son and daughter were on the planet Mortis, which bears many reslemblances with Zonama Sekot, yet is still very different. Luke was on Ach To in the film.

I've not seen the "new" or replacement of Tython yet in the new EU.

Mortis was amazing. Hoe to see films on the Old Republic. Not too sure if I like the new young Solo.

Haven't seen the Solo film yet. It didn't get me hyped up the way I used to get hyped up. But I heard reviews and I heard that the acting wasn't the best.

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